On some distant day lost to the unknown history of the internet and the UHall (then in it's original threaded, non-date-clip, daily archiving version on UOSS), a poster asked at that time for ideas for people to spend their excess moneys on (mind you by "excess money" it was meant anyone with a mill plus in gold... before checks and before tens of millions were standard amounts).
Having spent a couple of times perusing Inside UO and generally wishing to change the floors of my large patio, I threw out the idea of NPCs selling the various floortiles found in the graphics files. NPCs in different towns would sell a differing selection of tiles based on the town in question (i.e. Yew would sell wood based tiles, Minoc stone, Magincia fancy marble, and so on) each at a decently high price. The buyer would then take their tiles to their house, double click and place them where the tile would behave like an addon and "lock" down in place, then they could use an axe to remove the tiles and change them as desired.
When UODR's Ideas Den was opened, the idea was fleshed out and posted for voting. The idea was bantered around a few times in The HoC chats to varying degrees of acceptance and non-acceptance.
In 2001, for a brief time, the idea came to life on Test Center and was shelved due to as later explained "exploit issues".
When AOS came out, bringing fully customizable houses, I figured the idea was basically fulfilled.
Fast forward to this year and the SA Expansion and Custom Carpets. Seems that the current team happened to find the old Floortile NPCs and coding buried, asked themselves "why not" and threw it in with Carpets.
So it took 10 years, (kind of like stackable potions), but they actually put in a player's idea from waaay back when.
Why make a big deal of this? Because after seeing this and being quite surprised, I showed Draconi a few images form the Test Center run as well as the HoC chat blurbs (unfortunately, the Ideas Den has been lost to the annals of history) and in a very generous gesture, he tweaked the system just a little bit.
So a public "thank you, that is too cool!" to Draconi and the Team for the inclusion of an OLD idea and the recognition of it! I'm happy, surprised and humbled to see it in the game and even more so for being a part of it and a part of ingame UO (I'll let everyone figure that last bit out for themselves).
On some distant day lost to the unknown history of the internet and the UHall (then in it's original threaded, non-date-clip, daily archiving version on UOSS), a poster asked at that time for ideas for people to spend their excess moneys on (mind you by "excess money" it was meant anyone with a mill plus in gold... before checks and before tens of millions were standard amounts).
Having spent a couple of times perusing Inside UO and generally wishing to change the floors of my large patio, I threw out the idea of NPCs selling the various floortiles found in the graphics files. NPCs in different towns would sell a differing selection of tiles based on the town in question (i.e. Yew would sell wood based tiles, Minoc stone, Magincia fancy marble, and so on) each at a decently high price. The buyer would then take their tiles to their house, double click and place them where the tile would behave like an addon and "lock" down in place, then they could use an axe to remove the tiles and change them as desired.
When UODR's Ideas Den was opened, the idea was fleshed out and posted for voting. The idea was bantered around a few times in The HoC chats to varying degrees of acceptance and non-acceptance.
In 2001, for a brief time, the idea came to life on Test Center and was shelved due to as later explained "exploit issues".
When AOS came out, bringing fully customizable houses, I figured the idea was basically fulfilled.
Fast forward to this year and the SA Expansion and Custom Carpets. Seems that the current team happened to find the old Floortile NPCs and coding buried, asked themselves "why not" and threw it in with Carpets.
So it took 10 years, (kind of like stackable potions), but they actually put in a player's idea from waaay back when.
Why make a big deal of this? Because after seeing this and being quite surprised, I showed Draconi a few images form the Test Center run as well as the HoC chat blurbs (unfortunately, the Ideas Den has been lost to the annals of history) and in a very generous gesture, he tweaked the system just a little bit.
So a public "thank you, that is too cool!" to Draconi and the Team for the inclusion of an OLD idea and the recognition of it! I'm happy, surprised and humbled to see it in the game and even more so for being a part of it and a part of ingame UO (I'll let everyone figure that last bit out for themselves).