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Selling Pet #1: Purple "a rabbit" | #2: a Cu Sidhe, Chiv/AI, Regular Colored


New Player Protector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Need some free stable slots, selling the following two (2) pets on Europa (I can't and won't transfer them anywhere else, so you'll have to come pick them up!)

Feel free to ask questions if you have any.

Edit 07/03:
- Prices added per available pet
- Untrained Bane Dragon sold, thank you for the very smooth transaction Marlboro_78rus!

#1: Purple "a rabbit", 1 slot, Valentine event 2008 - 50m
#2: a trained Cu Sidhe with Chivalry / Armor Ignore, regular colored, 5 slot, no training points left - 10m
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