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07/07 - Special Meet & Greet at 9pm EST

EM Adris

Stratics Veteran
Join us at the EM Hall in Britain tomorrow July 7th at 9pm EST for a special Meet & Greet.

Don't be late!


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sorry to be a pain 9.00pm est would make it 02.00 bst..uk is 5 hour ahead of the state?...dont wnna be late, because this is gonna mean an alarm call....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you Adris and Mesanna it was a blast once the line started moving! We should all be able to cast gates that long!


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its a shame the greeeedy sellers spoil it by running to the front to ''get in quick'' so they can run another char or two in so they can claim several....i was quite happy with one go..and had to wait patiently 90 minutes..and i know some waited much longer..shame on them....and iam sorry for messana because it pissed her off big time.....why they cant just wait in line and have one go like 95% OF THE REST OF US IS BEYOND ME.

Again sorry to Messana and the Cats EM too...lets hope this will not put her off doing the remaining shards...would be a great shame that again a few spoil it for the masses.

EM Adris

Stratics Veteran
If anyone missed the event the two reward items are on the bottom floor of the Rewards Hall for your viewing pleasure.

They're rather neat!