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Buying Jewelry 0/3, 15 HCI, 15 DCI, 15 SDI, 25 EP, 10 SSI -450m

Tier 5 Dog

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Any Shard. 450m.

Ring or brace.
15 HCI,
15 DCI
15 SDI
25 EP
0/3 FC/FCR
10 SSI

Can also be:.(Which may be easier to find).
20 DCI
15 SDI
25 EP
0/3 FC/FCR
10 SSI


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So close....

Could always get a 50% ep ring to wear with that bracelet.

Tier 5 Dog

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Both very close indeed. Will keep them in mind if I can find a suitable ring/ change the suit.

Ideally would need exactly as the mods are listed, as I have every other piece of the suit ready.