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  1. Halister Marner

    (Player News) New Improvements at the Repertory Library

    4 months after the successful opening of the Athenaeum Annex, we are pleased to announce significant improvements to both Repertory buildings. We have painstakingly gone through every book, correcting corrupted text, duplicate text, and formatting problems. We have re-arranged each and every...
  2. BrianFreud

    Does the city in the abyss have a name?

    Ok, all you lore-masters... I've been digging, but can't actually find a name for that ruined gargoyle city where the slasher of veils lives. I'm pretty sure it's the city Tyball lived in before it sunk into the Abyss, and where the Chamber of the Codex/Chamber of Virtues was... but I can't...
  3. W

    Selling Armor Mark of Trav Taming, 45m ATL

    ICQ 351646631 !!! good deals looking for fast sale!
  4. Hannes Erich

    Over 200 Britannian Years Since 1997; How Old Is The Average Britannian?

    So, I'm bad at math, but I think well over 200 years have passed in Britannia since Ultima Online's launch in 1997*; and over 500 years since Mondain's defeat. 24 Britannian hours every 2 hours = 12 Britannian days every 24 hours = 84 Britannian days every week = 4,368 Britannian days every...
  5. Hannes Erich

    Where best to catch up on official lore? [ANSWERED]

    Calling all lore hounds! I realize the past several stories leading up to Time of Legends can easily be found on UO.com. And I realize the event moderator pages (like this one) keep a record of shard-specific fiction events. Just to get that out of the way. But I've been out of the loop...