Felucca is empty, BY CHOICE. Trammel is populated, BY CHOICE.
Yes lets have these wars in the Luna Bank, the Britain Bank. Lets ... FORCE them to be spectators at the TRASH TALKING POINTLESS (to the Trammel player) PvP. So we can show what BAD A$$es we are and what BABIES THEY ARE.
Look partner, I strongly agree with many of your "effect," "consequence" and "end state" observations. I also strongly disagree with your "approach," which is judgmental, condemning, lacks compromise and fails to appreciate that others may want to play in a manner different from yourself. Nothing should be more important to Mythic than enabling all players to enjoy the game, and empowering them to do so. Once a player infringes on someone who does not wish to be infringed upon, an issue arises as the latter is no longer enjoying the game. But "trash talking" 1) already exists and 2) doesn't quite hold the same level of "infringement" as nonconsentual PvP.
PvP people want access to the greater group that has REJECTED that play style.
Everyone, unless there actually exists an account holder who hasn't a single blue character, already has access.
To FORCE that greater group to actively or passively PARTICIPATE in a Play Style THEY HAVE ALREADY CHOSEN TO REJECT and continue to CHOSE TO REJECT, else they would be in Felucca and it WOULD NOT BE EMPTY.
There certainly would be no "active" requirement to participate in Order/ Chaos PvP. Passive "participation" is debatable, observing an act simply isn't "really" participating.
Does it even occur to you that, perhaps the majority of that group finds being SUBJECTED TO / FORCED to be a spectator to what they consider offensive (gratuitous profanity), trash talking, name calling, racial sluring, sexist jerks IS NOT FUN?
Profanity, name calling, racial and/ or sexist slurs carry penalty, from suspension to banning. Personally, I report the latter two, and have seen Mythic take action. It is our responsibility to make the system work, but again, it does work. So on this one, I don't see the issue.
I mean get honest here, it is NOT like any of these Battles will EVER be fought in an Empty Field with NO TRAMMIE SPECTATORS is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure they will.
Get real here, none of this is about MAKING FELUCCA better, more Viable. It is 100% about FORCING Trammel to be the Felucca Rule Set. Giving the Felucca Play Style 100% Free Access to Trammel to do what every they want there.
To me, this thread isn't about Felucca or the Fel rule set. Nobody is "forced" to do anything, all that is offered is an additional methodology to enable PvP interaction for those who chose to participate. And it certainly isn't a "free access" proposal, red characters would still be forced to reside in Fel.
In the end, it would be one more NAIL DRIVEN INTO FELUCCA's (the rule set) COFFIN.
I thought you'd consider that a good thing? I wouldn't, but do believe that a successful order/ chaos system may be well suited to the upcoming SA expansion, almost certainly more so than allowing red character access. Where you and I do agree is that a) playing a red character is a player choice, b) it is an antisocial choice, c) it adversely effects subscriptions and the population as a whole and d) should carry severe penalty and restriction.
I posted this comment earlier:
Very good idea, it would open up Tram based lands a bit more. Put in very good shields, that get even better by providing benefits when engaged with opposition members. Seems best for no other "benefits," so as not to infringe on factions. Please don't make it guild based, having crafters along for the ride, or forcing guild "splits," both would be bad ideas! Allow individual character choices, and render order/chaos as solely the ability for PvP outside the Fel rules set.
Let me elaborate/ modify a couple things.
A) As an incentive to participate, add very nice shields that can’t be fortified or repaired . Try something like HCI 15, DCI 15, SC, FC 1, HPR 3 and 5 in each resist. Lower requirements by say 50% and set durability around 150. There’s no reason to delete any existing shield. Enable these shields to be equipped only by participants, and preferably a unique hue. Clicking the throne at either castle would provide a new shield.
B) Clicking either throne allows a character to join either alignment. Guilds are not affected. Factions are not affected.
C) Keep it simple.