No, because I raised those skills, I have earned the right to try and take those items. There are so many factors at play, it's hard to list them all. To think a thief gets away all the time is a flawed
I'll list some of them...
If there was no insurance this is how a thief would need to be built to be able to sneak up on people, steal and escape on Prodo Shards, this is minimum.
100 Stealing --> Duh
100 Hiding --> once again Duh
75 Stealth --> bare minimum to pass checks while stealthing 100%
110 Ninjitsu --> See Notes Below
100 Snooping --> So you don't reveal on a failed snoop
60 Chiv or Magery --> Transport and minor healing ability
545 Skill points dedicated to mobility, stealth, and stealing, leaving 175 points left. Most I know would put the remainder in Resisting Spells to avoid para ganking (175-120 = 55) Tell me how big a threat 55 points in a weapon skill is?
Ninjitsu is a necessity on a modern thief on a prodo Shard. On Siege you don't really need it but it's nice. But on standard Shards you have to contend with passive Reveal, I have another character besides my Thief with 120 stealth and 100 hiding, Passive Reveal effects him as much as on my Thief who's got 100 hiding 75 Stealth. There is only one means to get around Passive Reveal and that's Shadow Jump. Ninjitsu is the life blood of modern day Fel prodo shard Thieves. It's the only means to insure we can even get close enough to Snoop your pack without being detected. If you know we're there are you going to stand around and let us Steal?
If we're stealthing Push Through someone we get revealed, if we stealth past certain NPC's we get a portion of the time. Elves have a higher % to Passive Reveal us than Humans.
Players can make Packs 100% thief proof. Just because there is something to steal doesn't mean we can get to it to steal it.
Stealing engages a timer the same as Flagging by attacking a player. For a period even if we don't flag criminal we can't recall or make use of Moongates, nor can we enter houses.
After Stealing we can't hide right away unless we use Invis pots and those have a delay. Hiding via the skill can't be done until the skill timer from stealing wear ticks off, giving you ample time to chase us down.
You can't go from Running to Hidden to Stealth without slowing down. If your Chasing us we have to pause or begin walking before, or as we hide then start walking off, yes I can run half the number of steps I can walk between checks while stealthing but not off the first or last movement.