Its kinda funny, I wrote this a few hours ago before that 'forced' mail from stratics, but figured I wouldn't post it as it was long and basically I had a bit of a wave of depression run over me and got to thinking 'why bother?' I guess. However seeing your post I agree with the gold part but not the items, if you can buy every 'nice' item in game, why bother even playing? Anyways, this is what I was gonna post, so anyone who wants into the debate feel free, I doubt I have much more to say on the subject as sometimes I do wonder if there is any hope for UO when so many people seem bent on destroying it.
Each time you buy gold or items for real life cash....... you are effectively supporting scripters, dupers, cheaters.... you are the problem.
I know this statment is probably going to get me flamed, so be it, however consider this:
Before I go on I should qualify that statment with "I am not talking about sellers with once only, one off, transactions, but those broker houses and players that have websites that do nothing but 'sell' pixels for real life cash on a year round basis" I am sure sometimes one mate sells another mate something for $10 bucks if the seller doesn't really 'need' the uogold (this isn't the issue and these types of transactions are not a problem if it is only of mutual benefit at the time for seller and buyer and not run as a permanent money generator).
Why do we have so much organised scripting, duping, cheating? I seriously doubt it is because some players want to have 500 million locked down checks in their houses, it is because they 'sell' this gold for real life cash to make real life profit. Not only that they are making that profit by selling you something that doesn't technically 'exist', 'that they don't even own' and costs them nothing other than time to set up their scripting and duping programs.
I doubt a single person can argue with that fact.
Ask yourself, would you go and buy 'nothing but personal enjoyment' for 10 dollars? Because that in effect is what you are doing when you buy uogold for real life cash. You may say well I don't have 'time' to get the gold and by buying that gold it 'frees' you up to 'enjoy' your game more and I have enough real life money that I don't mind 'paying' for my enjoyment, not do the 'grind', not 'wait' for normal gameplay to 'earn' me the gold to buy what I want etc etc. Well they are an arguments I hear all the time, yet the same people then state that dupers, scripters, cheaters are wrecking the game, "I don't dupe, script, or cheat, I just buy gold which 'isn't illegal' is it?" That is true, it isn't 'illegal' however those you buy off are doing the 'illegal' things so that you don't have to, so while you are buying your enjoyment, you have to ask yourself at what cost? Because the cost is not your $10 it is your $10 dollars and a deteriorating product that in order for you to get your gold or item means someone else is cheating, duping, scripting and inflating the economy and making it harder and harder for new players to compete unless they get into the same cycle of 'paying out' real life cash for gold and items to 'equal' you.
Now consider this, if a broker sells a conservative 50 million gold a week for $50.00 real life cash that is $2600 per annum tax free. (@$1.00 per mil) We know that over the past year or so the price of uogold has sold for on avg between $1.50 & $2.00 per mil and prior to that more. Given that to sell 50 million gold in a week is probably 1/10th or less of what is actually being sold over all the various broker houses, even at that low sale rate and quantity it equates to 2,600,000,000 per annum (I personally know 3 people on my shard who for varying reasons purchased 160 mil between them in one week, and my shard has one of the lowest populations by far in comparison to a US or european shard mulitply this over all the shards so take a guestimate of what the amount of uogold sold in a week could be.).
Do you believe in any serious way that 2.6 billion gold can be generated by one broker or person per annum playing 'legally'? Even assuming that it is a 'group' of players, at 10hrs a day fighting pvm monsters dropping 2k loot each, one after the other, every day of the year would only net around 300 mil per yr and you would need a group of 8 players to generate this amount. So that $50 per week 'income' would be $6.25 ea per week. No player is going to put in 70 hours a week making 'legal' uo gold for a piddly $6.25.
So ok, you don't buy gold, you buy a 'real' or 'duped' item, say a val hammer for 20mil. Now that broker doesn't want your 20 mil uogold to lock down in their house do they? No they put it on the gold market to sell for real life cash, or buy items to sell for real life cash. It all comes down to turning 'pixels' into cash.
Anyone who buys gold or items off anyone other than EA is the problem. It doesn't matter if you don't have time to put in the hours to 'earn' your gold to get your buying power, it doesn't matter if you just want to enjoy the game and don't want to have to 'compete' with power gamers because you don't have the 'time', it doesn't matter that you are a vet and have 'been there done that' and don't want to 'do it again' as you have 'done your time' so 'buying' your game gold and items is ok. At the end of the day if you pay ANY BROKER real life cash for any pixel item in UO you are the reason they 'exist' so don't complain about 'others' wrecking the game, cheating, duping whatever. You need to understand that without YOU THE BUYER they don't exist. As the BUYER you are the one who perpetuates the problem and the reason why people even 'bother' to do it in the first place.
Now any who knows me knows that I have plenty of time to play UO, and so don't have 'issues' with being able to achieve what I want without cheating to do so. I have played legally for just over 5 yrs and have amassed a lot of assets and gold in this time, but I spend on avg about 6-10 hrs a day playing. I have never 'left' my home shard or partaken in xshard transfers etc, I don't generally do champ spawns, although I used to do some a few yrs back, I do spend hours doing any event or playing any scenario put up by ea to maximize any new 'rewards' on offer and I do parttake in holiday gift swapping. I do run a large vendor mall in Luna on Oceania, but ONLY sell those items I personally craft, loot, enhance or 'earn' myself. I do minimal buying and reselling, but only on items that I know I am 99% positive are not duped or illegal and only off other vendors who do not allow the 'known' dupers access etc. (however after this weeks banning excercise I doubt I will touch anything off another vendor now lol)
I am not saying that I have no understanding of why others feel the need to 'buy' gold or items, especially the casual gamer etc, I do. I have the time to play but I know 'others' don't. I do not think you are a cheat or that the reasons you buy pixels for real life cash is any reflection on you as a player or person or even wrong to do so. Or for that matter that it is any of my business in what you elect to do with your money, to each their own. However, I do believe by doing this you create the problem that is killing our game.
So what is the point of this post?
Well I guess I am going to suggest something radical and something most gamers will throw their hands up in the air and say 'taboo taboo' etc etc, it is just NOT done, blah blah, stone the woman, it is blashphemous!
So here goes, lol:
Can we take it as a 'given' the following points:
1. Dupers and cheaters have been in UO since the games inception and for every 'fix' there will be another dupe or cheat hot on its heals. YES/NO
2. Introducing real life cash into the gaming world for pixel items is the basic reason why people script and cheat, purely for profit in real life. YES/NO (other than skill gaining etc which is another issue all together and not part of this topic).
3. You cannot 'stop' people wanting to get 'ahead' by 'paying' in real life cash for pixel items and gold that they cannot earn themselves due to whatever reason, time constraints, etc etc, so there will always be those willing to fork over dollars for pixels.YES/NO
4. For the above reasons, all this 'real life' cash is going to those who are slowly eroding the whole integrity of the game, by using these cheats, dupes, dud game codes, dud anything they can 'dud' YES/NO
5. The devs and programmers spend a lot of time that could be spent on development trying to chase down these cheaters and dupers which takes time away from fixing 'gameplay bugs', events, new content etc.YES/NO
6. The current level of player morale in UO is pretty dismal due mainly to the effect the cheats and dupes have on the economy, and the time taken to get these issues 'fixed'. YES/NO
If you said YES to points 1-6 above then what is the solution?
This is where I am going to get 'radical' lol
Firstly, lets value a million UOgold into a 'cash' value. For this exercise say 1 uomillion = 85c (USD) (this could be $1, 50c 70c whatever was seen as reasonable by ea but hopefully would be at a point or two below the lowest value the uogold piece has been at so far).
If you wish to buy UOgold for your gameplay, you go to the eagamestore and purchase eg 10 million uogold for $8.50 or 20 million for $17.00 or 50 million for $42.50 and you get a token that converts to 10/20/50 million in checks into your bankbox in game. (remember people who are prepared to buy gamegold for 'cash' are already 'buying gold' off brokers so basically the effect is that the money goes to EA instead of to some individual's pocket).
This then 'legitimises' those buying gold and they know that the gold they 'buy' is 'legal' and not obtained by scripters, dupers etc. EA gets the revenue from gold sales which makes UO more profitable for them.
While the 'brokers' may then drop the price of 'their' gold to 50c a mil or whatever, I do believe that the majority of players are honest, and those who do have the money to spend on 'pixels' would rather pay for gold when they know the money is going to EA rather than some cheater who is ripping us all off for their own gain. Given the choice of buying gold off EA or off a broker I believe that 85% or more would purchase it off EA just because they do not wish to support those wrecking their game but at the present time have no choice. At some point the value of the uomillion doesn't become 'viable' for scripters as effort/time/risk v profit to them means that they are better off to go and script in some other game. By doing this 85% of the current market for gold will disappear.
How will this effect duped items?
Well at present, the dupers dupe items to get uogold which they then 'sell' for cash. But if noone is 'buying' their cash what is the point of 'duping'? 5 billion uogold checks sitting in their bank accounts is worth 0 to them. It only becomes a valuable commodity when converted to 'real life cash'. If they have duped 500 barbed runic kits and are trying to 'sell' them for 2mil uogold each if there is noone to 'buy' their 1,000,000,000 gold for cash because people 'buy' their gold off ea what do they intend to do with it? Use it as deco?
What about if they just dupe the items and sell them for cash rather than for uogold in game?
eg, dupe a rare and try and sell it for real life cash?
Well the same thing will happen that happens now, EA will need to investigate it and delete the dupe, ban the duper, ban the buyer. Basically if you are 'buying' items off anyone for real life cash, you need to be 100% certain of their authenticity or take the risk of having your account deleted if it is found not to be the case. If you are prepared to 'buy' items for cash off 'unknown' sources then it is your own fault if you get caught out.
Anyways flame away, or come up with your own 'solutions'. All I know is the duping and scripting has not decreased one bit in the last few years, it has just got worse and worse, and now the overall feeling of the general player is 'don't buy anything', 'don't trust anyone', 'don't do well and store gold legally as who knows you may be banned for being rich unless you can 'justify' every penny, assuming you ever get the chance to 'justify' anything and log in one day to find you can't and have been hung, drawn, quartered and buried before you even knew you were on trial.