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This may be it

Lucy of Kenton

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
nobody wants cheats banned more than i do.
i wish jeremy to come on here so that the truth be heard to waylay any fears people have such as above as you can only make a judgement based on facts


Ultima Online is a game that has been going for 10+ years. Whilst Europa has been going for a bit less than that, any dedicated player can legitimately earn significantly more than Lucy had in her keep, through trading, event item selling or just doing peerless bosses. Gold is worth considerably less these days than it once was and I dont see it getting any more valueable.

As I said above, Hemisphere (if you havent played long, he was a very profitable trader) once had a bag of cheques which was in excess of what Lucy lost and that was from a vendor selling artifacts. Ok so that isnt the best example - but I have known many people who have owned more than Lucy has, even on one occasion having to get somebody else to store the gold for them for various reasons.

I can only assume that a bunch of people were possible suspects as dupers/cheats and instead of investigating them properly, they relied on the assumption that they probably all were dupers. Although why anybody would think of Lucy as one is beyond me. Shes too blonde to even know how to!


Listen - i dont know you from a hole in the ground but...

I used to be the head conflict admin of a large UK gaming site. As such, i delt primarily with cheating accusations and reports. I can tell you that the dangers involved with making wrongful bans meant that we couldnt ban anyone unless with were 200% positive that the person was cheating WHICH, if the player has half-a-brain, is near impossible to be. Because of this, many cheaters went unpunish although we were 99% certain they were hacks. Punishing ONE innocent player is much WORSE than letting 5 cheaters continue to cheat (they eventually slipped up and gave us the evidence we needed anyway).

Im certain that this is the same with EA/Mythic here. They are accused of being "slow to act" because they indeed have to be. Then when they do act, of course no one stops to think that they might be right. Now suddenly they are over-zealous power hungry lazy bastards. They really cant win.

Next point is - pretty much 100% of the people i banned went straight to the public forums with their professions of innocence. Forums are not courtrooms, there is no judge, there is no evidence. The Jury (us), for the most part are blatantly anti-establishment and so we take the side of the player. Again, they cant win.

Should Jeremy come here and enter a public debate with this person? NOOOO! That would be a disaster and mean that in the future forum members would expect that Jeremy had to explain EVERY decision they make. And you now what? You can talk until ur blue in the face and certain vocal people will NEVER believe you. Guess what? they cant win.

Basically, if it smells like ****, tastes like ****, looks like ****, ITS XXXXXXX ****. A keep full of checks - gimme a break.

I feel sorry for Jeremy and everyone she works with tbh and this reminds me of why i quit professional gaming.


I say ban them all and let God sort them out.
NO, U LISTEN M8. Your last line there sort of ruined any point you may have had - what you're saying in essence is that you don't really care whether she is innocent or not, but that if in doubt its better to get banned than not.

Maybe it's possible that there has been a big mistake here, and not that everybody is anti-EA?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Listen - i dont know you from a hole in the ground but...

I used to be the head conflict admin of a large UK gaming site. As such, i delt primarily with cheating accusations and reports. I can tell you that the dangers involved with making wrongful bans meant that we couldnt ban anyone unless with were 200% positive that the person was cheating WHICH, if the player has half-a-brain, is near impossible to be. Because of this, many cheaters went unpunish although we were 99% certain they were hacks. Punishing ONE innocent player is much WORSE than letting 5 cheaters continue to cheat (they eventually slipped up and gave us the evidence we needed anyway).

Im certain that this is the same with EA/Mythic here. They are accused of being "slow to act" because they indeed have to be. Then when they do act, of course no one stops to think that they might be right. Now suddenly they are over-zealous power hungry lazy bastards. They really cant win.

Next point is - pretty much 100% of the people i banned went straight to the public forums with their professions of innocence. Forums are not courtrooms, there is no judge, there is no evidence. The Jury (us), for the most part are blatantly anti-establishment and so we take the side of the player. Again, they cant win.

Should Jeremy come here and enter a public debate with this person? NOOOO! That would be a disaster and mean that in the future forum members would expect that Jeremy had to explain EVERY decision they make. And you now what? You can talk until ur blue in the face and certain vocal people will NEVER believe you. Guess what? they cant win.

Basically, if it smells like ****, tastes like ****, looks like ****, ITS XXXXXXX ****. A keep full of checks - gimme a break.

I feel sorry for Jeremy and everyone she works with tbh and this reminds me of why i quit professional gaming.


I say ban them all and let God sort them out.
All valid points my friend, thing is Lucy from the very start has asked for some reasonable explaintion of the actions taken. I'm sure she would be happy with an answer via an email concerning this matter. It's getting to the point if you make a mistake for example buying a rare for your museum and it turns out to be duped 9 or 10 years of playing could go up in smoke over night.
Why don't we just wipe all the shards and start the game over, make it pre gen and no shard trasnfers, reduce it back down to maybe 5 shards and let go of half the EA staff :bowdown:


Alright i admit to posting while waking up - never a good idea!

Let me highlight the points i wanted to make.

First - Due to the pressures of keeping a community happy "Punishing ONE innocent player is much WORSE than letting 5 cheaters continue to cheat."

Because of this fact, and, not knowing lucy, i have to believe that the people who banned her are indeed positive of her guilt.

Second - Banned players almost always go directly to the forums WHERE they are bound to receive preferential treatment from a player base which is afraid of being accidentally banned.

Third - Forum debates are biased towards the players as: EA/Mythic representatives are unwilling/unable to disclose evidence or the methods used to convict the person. The accused is never asked to submit evidence that they didnt cheat, unlike the accuser. The person simply comes on the forums, cries a bit, his or her biased friends post attestations to her character and then simply we are to believe there has been a terrible mistake. Lets not forget than any cheater would have no problems getting many friends (many of whom may have been cheating as well) to back her up.

Last - No organisation can afford to let the players feel that they run things. If you did, the fact that there are so many different players with so many different views and so many different agendas would mean that you would run in circles trying to please everyone and everything you did would be wasted because A) they people you were trying to please would never think it was enough B) people with opposing views would be incredibly pissed and in short no one would ever be happy again. Morale: You cant lead by looking backwards at the followers.

Remember i clearly said that I dont know anything about Lucy or her firends etc. I DO know many people who have made a lot of money in this game through legitimate means.

All i am really saying is: Thank God im not Jeremy and dont work for EA/Mythic trying to keep you lot happy.

PS if u are going to revert the shard because of this you had better figure out a way for me to keep the orny i got in doom last night...


...Although why anybody would think of Lucy as one is beyond me. Shes too blonde to even know how to!
She allegedly reported how to.

It sounds like she was trading with people who were very obviously cheating. Big money deals put your account at high risk. If you're making deals with people for ridiculous amounts of gold, you need to realize that the gold probably came from somewhere bad. You can't say how you're super virtuous and then support exactly what you say you hate. What do you need with that much gold anyway?


Seasoned Veteran
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Dealing with known stolen goods or laundered money IRL is a crime. I don't see why it should be any different in the game.

That being said none of us really know the facts of this matter. If the banning was a mistake I hope they revert it.


I think this entire situation should server as a lesson to everyone. We can't demand that EA ban cheaters and not alos ban people who make big money deals with cheaters.

If we try to say "well she's not a cheater... she just made a big money deal with a cheater" then we make it absolutely impossible to enforce any rules against cheating. I mean if we don't follow the money, we allow dupers to launder their money easily. If a duper is making $100k+ off duped gold, why would they care if they have to open 3 or 4 accounts to launder the money?

Common sense should tell you that you don't want to do any big money deals when there's an obvious dupe in play.

The common sense of the situation should effectively double if you're one of the players that reported the dupe in the first place. A smart duper would report the dupe to EA on an account they're trying to launder money with, because it then looks like they are an innocent victim.


New Player Protector
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Stratics Legend
If you're making deals with people for ridiculous amounts of gold, you need to realize that the gold probably came from somewhere bad. You can't say how you're super virtuous and then support exactly what you say you hate. What do you need with that much gold anyway?
So if I wake up one day, go to the Twisted Weald and find and tame a blaze cu, I'll never be safe in selling it because massive ammounts of gold can never be obtained legally? How about stuff I sell on a vendor, small ammounts at a time, but I could never find out if the buyer is buying my goods with legally obtained cash. How about if I manage to place a castle and wish to sell it?...

With the cheating which we've had over the years, I'm sure that if we were able to track every single goldpiece individually in this game, everyone, even the legit players, would show they'd have duped gold in their banks...

Cheating caused gold inflation, gold inflation caused ridiculous prices for everyday goods, ridiculous prices causes huge transactions, and from comments I've read so far, huge transactions is a liability for a ban...

I don't even want to state how much of a treat that is for everyone playing...

I'm in the same guild as Lucy. I do not know her that well on a personal level, but with the standards we uphold as a guild and as people that play this game, I'd like to say that I believe in her innocence. We're all adults and we all detest cheating. I never cheat either, I'd quit if I caught myself not upholding the standard of fair play. It's how I was raised...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To Sarphus (#56):
Those of us who have played for many years will have amassed a whole heap of stuff, including gold. There's no need to cheat, or to trade with cheats, just play-over-time takes care of it. Selling bods and recipes on auction brought me a lot of gold, fast. It really mounts up when you don't spend it!

To Erekose (#57):
I take what you say about none of us knowing ALL the facts - but a lot of us, as you will gather from the posters here - know one VITAL fact - that Lucy is a long-time player with such excellent rep. that I have never heard anyone speak anything but good of her. She is a decent player, always helpful, and NOT greedy.

Angel of Sonoma

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here's a thought....how do you know you weren't hacked?

it doesn't sound normal for EA to "drop" your keep. don't they usually take ownership of a house while investigating? and to give the account owner a chance to petition for reconsideration?

what does seem plausible to me is that you have a keep full of checks & some greedy person hacked you, took your gold, dropped your keep & duped/exploited to their hearts content (at your expense)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Lucy, this is from the KB.... just want to be sure that you have followed *their* steps to get this resolved

627 of 3084 people found this answer helpful.
Where should I go for information about my banned or suspended account?


If you believe your EA account has been suspended or banned, visit our Customer Support site. You will be presented with a form which must then be filled out in its entirety. Submit the form once you have filled it out and our Account Services team will review the details of the account. Each account is reviewed on a case by case basis. Though we make every effort to address these inquiries in less than 24 hours, we ask that you please be patient as it may take some additional time to do a full investigation.

If your account appears as Disabled and you need more information, please click the Contact Us link to contact our Customer Support department for more information on getting your account re-activated.


Always Present
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iVE HEARD of at least one more who was banned on europa...another keep just vanished....

Luna [MoD]

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry for little bad English at first :)

This is no hack or anything like this.
This is true reality.
On Drachenfels goes in the Night 3 Luna Houses , Some Castles , Keeps and whatever Down.
Gms delete them completely.
At Europa some Houses going down too (in luna include)
Looks to me that they go from shard to shard.
Yesterday Night Europa and Drachenfels and today and tomorrow the American Shards.
I heared from Drachenfels that someone loose a keep to but he never do anything.
He only got a email and all was deleted.
Its hard to talk for others but im sure too that he never exploit in UO.

At the end i can say that hope that Osi (yes i call them Osi since 10 years ;) ) checked exactly what the have to delete and what not.
You remeber the old bannings where they check the accs first?
All Houses goes owned by Osi first.
Im think that they are 100% sure now when they delete it instantly.
To Lucy i cant say anything because i know here only from seeing but the others from my Homeshard (Drachenfels) are 100% the right People who get hit.


Why don't we just wipe all the shards and start the game over, make it pre gen and no shard trasnfers, reduce it back down to maybe 5 shards and let go of half the EA staff
That would be a half a person if they let go half of their staff :lick:

Something doesnt sound right with all of this situation. I have been playing for almost 9 years and usually they send out an email stating your account has been banned with an explanation. Lucy, did you get an email from EA?
How much gold/checks were in your house? If it were billions then thats not something normal.
Usually when EA catches cheaters they either lock up the house and put a sign on it "OSI owned" Two of my neighbors houses were taken over by OSI two weeks ago. They are locked up and the vendors are just sitting there with nothing on them. Or they burn them.

From what I am reading and if you did not receive an email, my guess is that you were hacked and someone cleaned out your house and dropped it and did something illegal to get you banned and stop you from getting your things back.

I know for a fact that some of the old duped checks are back in circulation. One of the guys that got busted has a friend that has been buying up huge amounts of houses and high end arties. Paying more than they are worth. And selling gold for .40-.50 per million. If you buy 100 million he gives you 20 million free. When you see this everyone has to know this is not legit gold.
Did you buy or sale anything lately for a huge amount of gold?

Lucy of Kenton

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
no no recent purchases since the antique plate.
starting to shut down accts now but will leave the museum and lucys place till last


I thought I would quit after being hacked and losing everything i worked for. The fact is once you become well known and good at the game nothing can keep you down for very long.

I was given a single CC to help restart my account I sold the CC cheap for 14m bought the items needed for a mage suit and went to doom until I had my first ever orny and a pile of other goodies to sell off. One by one I bought back everything that was lost except the 5 or 6 CCs I lost when hacked still pulling those because I don't want to pay for them.

I immediately replaced the CC that was given to me to help get me back on my feet it was the first one I pulled on a peerless and I was happy to repay the help I received. Since then I have pulled 2 or 3 more.

Where does my account stand now? 10 times better than before I was hacked. I was hacked during the magincia invasion. It only took me about 3 to 5 weeks to get my suits back in order and replace everything lost I also had an orny among other great things that I did not have before being hacked.

So yeah you can do it honestly and you can do it fast. Why quit because you lost things in UO? Hell the object of the game is nothing more than building your account up to the point you were at.

I learned something a long time ago about this game. Once you hit the top your done. You pay for a finished account you will never log in on to do anything on because you already have it all. By being forced to start over you have a reason to continue playing and you will actually experience more fun than you think each time.
what a nerd

and to Lucy, what do you expect from a sub par company as EA?

A company that endorses cheating/hacking/exploiting by its non-acting clause

Luna [MoD]

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Day 2

Another Castles , 1 Luna Plot and some other Houses are this day down at Drachenfels.
I cant believe that this is all ok what Osi do here because Drachenfels is a mini shard.

I hope the do the same on the Dupershard atlantic.
When they dont do there anything i think its better to close my 4 accs and leave this Game because i lost then all my hope in the Devteam.
What i dont understand is why they start the char transfer before they clean the duper items.
Now we have the crap an any shard and some people get banned for buying them.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
yes Luna Mod liker i saud b4 there was definate no hack involved here...

i still feel lucy is a innocent party caught up in some bigtime ****e!! and it stinks there was no email or warning....

i think the devs are onto something and like Luna Mod said others have been deleted on both europa and drachs too .....no idea on the U.S.Shards as yet... but they are near a day behind us !!!!...

look out for the smoke!!! on atlantic!!! especailly!!!


Maybe they close down UO the slow way by deleting one house after the other?

Or a rogue or even worse bored GM?

*Imagines a deep cover GM sneaking on shards deleting things and snickering insanely*

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BTW, those whom did have hammers on vendors on Atlantic were aware of what came this morning before it happened. I wish someone at EA could answer for that one!
They did know ahead of time, and I'd be curious as to how that information was relayed as well.

Minerva Foxglove

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I know Lucy quite well and this could not have strucked any more honest, generous, caring person than her. Im sure this is a misstake and in my 8+ years here I never heard anything this dissapointing and chocking.
I think she doesnt care much for the money but to be accused for something illegal ..that must hurt her more than anything else.
If this could happen to her noone is safe.


My god how cruel...just dropping your keep to the ground.

Have they emailed you with a detailed explination about the ban?

I plea for a roll back on Europa so Lucy has her keep back.

If all fails...there's still option 2 : large protest at the next town hall meeting.

Kith Kanan

I hope the banning go something like this.
TO be safe.
Hmm 20 or more valorite hammers... banned

Hmm 30 or more verite hammers... banned.

I suppose a duper could split his stash up in to 100 accounts of 20 hammers but that be a bit much.

Or EA gets in game footage of you doing the dupe 5 or more times.

I think that pretty much work out fine.

Sorry to say but thats not the numbers they are going by , me I had 8-10 verite and 4 valorite hammers...

sorry to hear you got hit to Lucy , loads of decent peopel getting hammered , peopel who would never cheat.....

guesse I should not have spend my time yesterday helping newbe's in Haven on my crafter , instead I should have been making trial accounts and hidden THA FAT LOOT ...... God this shid makes me wanna slap someone....


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember u having a 'doggy' duped Glacial spellbook on ur character for all to see.I wonder what else u had?


Take note that the current spate of bans are outright brutal lol. There is no trial period where a house gets locked up. Accounts are being banned and houses are deleted with all contents. There is no 2nd chance here. Once they decide you gone you are GONE!!

Take a walk around some of the bigger shards like Atlantic. There are a ton of big house plots opening up.

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Take note that the current spate of bans are outright brutal lol. There is no trial period where a house gets locked up. Accounts are being banned and houses are deleted with all contents. There is no 2nd chance here. Once they decide you gone you are GONE!!

Take a walk around some of the bigger shards like Atlantic. There are a ton of big house plots opening up.
Unfortunately none of the major offenders in Luna, those houses and accounts are still there. :(


Take note that the current spate of bans are outright brutal lol. There is no trial period where a house gets locked up. Accounts are being banned and houses are deleted with all contents. There is no 2nd chance here. Once they decide you gone you are GONE!!

Take a walk around some of the bigger shards like Atlantic. There are a ton of big house plots opening up.
LOL why on earth would anyone still want to pay EA 16 dollars a month per account , after being screwed over like that.

Kith Kanan

Yep , I collapsed 2 18x18 today , not counting the one EA collapsed for me.....

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Something's just not adding up here though... here, in this thread alone, we have two people who have had their account banned. And yet they still have accounts to log into game with.

I happen to know that EA knows which accounts are paid for using the same payment information. Which leads to the question of the day: Why did EA ban only ONE of your accounts?

Something isn't adding up here. If EA banned you, they should have banned ALL of your accounts with the same payment information. If you have the same payment information on all accounts, I'm very confused as to why EA wouldn't have banned them all.

If you DON'T have the same payment information across all accounts, then the obvious question becomes: "What, exactly, are you hiding?"

Not trying to point fingers, but when something doesn't add up, I don't make up the answers. I look for them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Something's just not adding up here though... here, in this thread alone, we have two people who have had their account banned. And yet they still have accounts to log into game with.

I happen to know that EA knows which accounts are paid for using the same payment information. Which leads to the question of the day: Why did EA ban only ONE of your accounts?

Something isn't adding up here. If EA banned you, they should have banned ALL of your accounts with the same payment information. If you have the same payment information on all accounts, I'm very confused as to why EA wouldn't have banned them all.

If you DON'T have the same payment information across all accounts, then the obvious question becomes: "What, exactly, are you hiding?"

Not trying to point fingers, but when something doesn't add up, I don't make up the answers. I look for them.
I am confused too. What is the point of banning just one token account, not ALL their accounts?

Kith Kanan

Something's just not adding up here though... here, in this thread alone, we have two people who have had their account banned. And yet they still have accounts to log into game with.

I happen to know that EA knows which accounts are paid for using the same payment information. Which leads to the question of the day: Why did EA ban only ONE of your accounts?

Something isn't adding up here. If EA banned you, they should have banned ALL of your accounts with the same payment information. If you have the same payment information on all accounts, I'm very confused as to why EA wouldn't have banned them all.

If you DON'T have the same payment information across all accounts, then the obvious question becomes: "What, exactly, are you hiding?"

Not trying to point fingers, but when something doesn't add up, I don't make up the answers. I look for them.

Same CC on all my accounts


people do pay to have family/friends play. on the same cc.
its good sense to ban only the account that was 'bad'.

Kith Kanan

i hope so because I also pay for a few friends accounts who does not have a CC , I used to pay for my little sisters , and I've even bought gametime for guild friends .....


Maybe they are low enough on subs they just decide to ban the accounts and not all?

Once upon a time they banned all accounts on the same credit card.

But then who knows how ea works these days.


i always thought i would leave only when they switched uo off. seems thats not the case. im not gone yet as waiting for a reply from jeremy but im sure that wont come
Exactly the same here!
But i dont think that EA is willing and able to revert this chaos.

Personally (and this is a suggestion to everybody else) i would only return of they return
  • chars
  • home
  • items

*gets of to get drunk just because EA-hotline says "no agent available"*

Update: Interested in my case? I will keep u all updated in the europa-forum when/if i get replies from es.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lucy, you're one of the few people I'd believe could be innocent in something like this, as I know you're completely against cheating. I'm truly sorry this has happened to you *hugs*. I think EA have seen your reported exploit or the keep full of checks and thought you were somehow connected to this. Or is it possible you bought anything which could have been a dupe, without realising it? Either way, I think you should try asking for an appeal. I've heard of less honourable sorts being unbanned, so I would think you have a good case.

I know you probably want to pack up, but please don't do anything you might regret later. You know we'll help you out on Europa - we stick together with stuff like this. If you need anything just let us know and your boardie friends will help out. I'm not super rich but I have spare vet accounts, with trained chars (at least tamers ;)) which may be of use.

If you don't want to face UO for now, maybe just take a few months out. I've had a few moments where events and people have made me think "that's it" and truly meant it, but friends pull me back. I'm sure you'll be the same, I certainly hope so. Enough players have quit in disgust at cheating, we don't need to lose one because of an unfair ban too :(

Take care Lucy,



i'm rather disgusted by the customer help we're getting.

Every person who is perma banned should get an email from EA explaining into detail why...and what..

If it's the checks in her house...or did she rent out a vendor to a shady person , did she buy something that was duped?

Right now people are left guessing what the reasons might be...wich is sort of annoying.

Lucy of Kenton

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
again im sticking to the rules by going thru the correct channels that say they will reply within 24 hours, guess that isnt true either as nothing yet.
my fel house will now fall but tbh its not worth camping as doesnt have alot in it of any value
3 accts left to go

Lucy of Kenton

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
perhaps one of the worst things is the cloud of suspicion this will have for some people. embarassed to log on!i cannot condemn them for their thoughts and yes i too have seen people i have known to be guilty arguing their cases on stratics. i would like the full story from ea to be posted on here as i have nothing to hide. coincidentally nails has a friend banned who reported a bug as i have also done recently, but even then the gm wouldnt say the bug was illegal. hell i even asked if there was a reward for reporting it! guess i now know what the reward is!


You have an innocent sounding username! I think you should stay just for that. Too bad I have nothing to do with decision making at UO.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
again im sticking to the rules by going thru the correct channels that say they will reply within 24 hours, guess that isnt true either as nothing yet.
my fel house will now fall but tbh its not worth camping as doesnt have alot in it of any value
3 accts left to go
hey there ,

Just wondering , you said your keep you used to stash all of your checks was deleted..... those checks did you earn them or buy them of a Gold seller?

if you did buy them , maybe thats where the trouble is ...that they where duped checks?
Again just guessing...

Lucy of Kenton

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
ive wracked my brains over this one. and i havent ever bought checks as i feel that is part of the uo problem. if the cheaters couldnt sell stuff for rl cash they would leave uo alone and attack another game.
never bought runics of any sort
last big deal i did was for the antique plate and as its been in hemispheres collection for a long time im pretty sure it wasnt involved in the latest dupes.
i guess this is part of the feeling of betrayal i feel. even the bug i pointed out to them wasnt one that could earn lots of cash

Minerva Foxglove

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You dont need to hide Lucy! You have a big bunch of adult friends and a very good reputation. All I have spoken to say the same thing. Lucy doesnt cheat. Lucy work against cheating . Someting has gone wrong and its ironic it hits someone like her. If she isnt safe, noone is. We can all get banned for no reason.


You dont need to hide Lucy! You have a big bunch of adult friends and a very good reputation. All I have spoken to say the same thing. Lucy doesnt cheat. Lucy work against cheating . Someting has gone wrong and its ironic it hits someone like her. If she isnt safe, noone is. We can all get banned for no reason.
Well i noticed it's usualy rich people who get banned.

So that means my account is pretty safe. LOL


You sure have my sympathy dear Lucy.. as I been screwed myself. but I had one account. so thats plainly over for me.

starting over to get banned prolly some day?
no way...

I didnt heard horrors history like this about others mmmorpg.
EA lost my trust. =(