The biggest problem is that you do not need to do any part of the quest AT ALL to get the 25k reward points, in the rescuing of Casca. You only need to log a character in, go to spirit gate, *you can die at any time on your way and just stay as a ghost* even before entering the fortress, head inside, run through to the end using the passwords, which you can speak while you're DEAD, say 'help' when you get to the end, also while you're DEAD, get your note/scroll, help out, get rezzed and go to Ulrich.
I did the whole quest from start to finish with a few friends helping, and it took hours to figure it all out, then I marked a runebook for my runelibrary I run and an instruction book to help those not able to spend the hours doing it from scratch, however, having done it ONCE that way, and finding out that you didn't need to bother doing any of it to get the reward, then my other chars did it the easy way. I already had enough points from hand ins for the stuff I wanted, so these extra points were just a bonus.
The problem is an event design fault, if the devs set it up this way then I don't believe you can criticize players for using it. Casca should of required an item to be given to him, and no part of the quest should have been 'doable' unless the parts before it were completed, as per a quest chain in heartwood etc. You should not be able to pass forward through passworded doors when you are dead, or not be able to 'speak' when DEAD to action them to be able to pass. Nor should you be able to get the reward while DEAD.
Maybe they didn't realise the fault, but that is what it is ....... a design fault.
As for the Melissa part of the quest, you still need to do damage, and get in there, so at least you need to do 'something' to earn your cloak and points.
I donated well over 5 mil points worth of my 'items' prior to this quest, and since the event began have been out daily killing things to earn points, fishing, doing quests etc etc, now those who decide to create 'new unpaid for dummy accounts' to get points basically get a free ride to get points. I guess that is the biggest let down, that they need to donate zip or even have a paid up account to earn 175,000 points on this part of the quest and an additional 175,000 points if they run them through Melissa as well. However, I don't blame people for taking advantage of something if it is set up to be abused like it was, people will always take advantage.
I often wonder if the devs think about 'ok how will this be exploited' if we run it like this? They know that if anything is available to be had for no effort, that it will happen, surely they could see this would be the outcome. It took less than a day before I was told by someone the 'easy' way.
It was a great quest to do, good story, and lots of fun figuring it out, with just a few 'checks' in place, like not being able to progress a step til the one before was done, and requiring an item (with a timer attached like the poison sacs) to be passed on each time to 'action' the next bit would have solved a lot of this.
However, I am still having fun with it, still getting points killing things, so that I can have a forest of yukkas !!! And the Melissa part is good being able to pick up some peerless regs, and the chance of a crimson, or other arti, even after the cloak and points have been awarded on your first 'kill' per char.
With a bit of 'tweaking' by the Devs next time with a bit of thought as to how people will 'use' the system, maybe one day we will have an event without the abuse. Still, given the lack of anything different we've had for ages, this whole spring cleaning has been a refreshing change of pace, and all in all has been fun.