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Devs Please Fix this Oversight Pets Gone Wild!


Crazed Zealot
We assume the Pets Going Wild (PGW) and pets disobedience thing was installed PURPOSEFULLY years ago to curb unattended farming by tamers. More than 10 years ago. Pets then were replaceable easily, and all the tamer lost was just a pet and the time put to train it.
However as of the Pet Revamp the pets have changed. The new pets now require investment of 300 M - 500 M for top notch upgrade for purchasing Pet, Power Scrolls, and massive amount of time to Skill the pet to its optimal state. They are NOT easily replaceable by any stretch.
Many of us have lost pets in spawns, EM events, and now with the NEW events that are in uneven terrain, due to LOS and other factors some of these other factors could be just glitches occurring randomly.
Though the years a number of us have pointed this problem of Pets Gone Wild to you. This is not imaginary. It just happened to one of us during this current event. The player is part of this forum and is one of the most trusted individuals here, has been with us for many years so we believe him.
This is what we propose:
When the pet goes disobedient, MAKE THE PET INACTIVE. The pet stops fighting, and just sits there, there is an auto-"all stop" command by the code. It will just sit there, it may or may not die, and if someone is farming there they will die to the spawn. But not lose the pet.
Pets Going Wild SHOULD NEVER OCCUR now days, under any circumstances unless the tamer purposefully releases the pet. There is no reason for pet to go wild, esp after the Pet Revamp.
If you insist NOT to correct this, then realize that Pets are the tamer's primary weapon, and no longer just a toy, and have massive personal resources vested on them. Then please provide us with your rationale for not correcting this. As mentioned, there are safer ways to combat the unattended farming issue MAKE PET INACTIVE INSTEAD. Easily done without any new coding, just a little check mark on your database of pets.
No other weapon in the game is subjected to this sudden, unexpected loss. Usually most OTHER weapons have a certain durability or lifespan left over, EASILY visible, and easily monitored so we can fix the damage.
Also realize that because you are trying to curb what few dishonest players do, you are punishing thousands of other honest players unfairly.
We kindly request that you look at this matter seriously, once again, and let us know your thoughts about it.


I don't know if they are unable to fix this or if they don't care. Either way, unfortunately, I don't expect it to get fixed as it's been a problem for years. I'm not trying to be negative; I'm just being honest. A good corollary in my opinion is a 50% SDI book that might just disappear permanently at any point. Shell out a couple hundred million for one, and you might lose it. Fully-scrolled pets are easily that expensive.


Crazed Zealot
Agree. But has a book or any weapon or item disappeared just for no reason? I would guess it is possible, but unlikely.
On the other hand, a number of people have lost pets some scrolled and fully developed with the new taming due to LOS or maybe lack of food. I know of at least 3 cases, one player I do not know, the other two are major posters here, one has written the book about the Pet Revamp both are highly respected. Seems to happen unexpectedly, and usually with LOS and uneven terrain, with well-fed pets. One just happened with the newest event.
I doubt they need to do any new coding. Pet properties as for other items in the game are in an editable database as usually. The pets getting wild is by design, and not by accident in other words it "Works as Intended" 10-15 years ago, to discourage AFK farming that some tamers did then, and sadly some probably still do.
The proposal is to disable the "Wild" or unbonded part, and put in its place the Inactive Pet instead, that would just allow the spawn kill the AFKer tamer, who would then lose all the stuff he is farming since they would drop on the ground after a while.
With the present state of taming, there is no good rationale to allow any pet to go wild for any reason. If there is some reason, we would like to know what the reason is, for peace of mind.
They should spend a little time figuring this out. I suspect it maybe something as simple as unchecking a checkmark on a database, and/or relatively minor coding changes. I doubt it would be a major coding project

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had recently found an older thread in which MalagAste reported losing a beloved pet that simply went wild. Then a few days later, I myself had a pet go wild just for "all follow me." Luckily I was in a house to retame what wasn't a scrolled pet anyway, but it was damned ridiculous.


Celticus, I'm not saying I think that has happened - but I realize it sounded that way. I think they would fix a bug where 200 million gold 50 SDI spellbooks were disappearing - but they won't/can't fix a bug where 200 million gold pets are going wild and dying. It's extremely frustrating.


Crazed Zealot
Celticus, I'm not saying I think that has happened - but I realize it sounded that way. I think they would fix a bug where 200 million gold 50 SDI spellbooks were disappearing - but they won't/can't fix a bug where 200 million gold pets are going wild and dying. It's extremely frustrating.
I think they can easily fix it.
In their minds they probably look at events like back 9-10 years ago when people farmed Tokuno arties with unattended afk farming, and they had to ban a bunch of folks then. They are afraid what this banning might do to paying subs and of course their pockets therefore. But there were other types of unattended farmers there also, one that I saw was a fighter afk, crappy armor with just a good insured weapon with AoE that killed the spawn as soon as it approached. I think he got banned also. So it was not only tamers.
Did they alter the AoE power on his weapon? No, it still exists today.
There are other farmers as bots today, with complex scripts, digging ore and getting resources. Did they nerf their digging tools? No.

But they made pets go wild if not fed, or LOS.
But these are different times, and they need to put a little more diligence into this issue. They need to disable any going wild for any pet, and at the same time a pet that would otherwise go wild, write code that will simply make the pet inactive. Equivalent to the "All Stop" command or something like it. That would kill the farmer to any spawn he is afk farming, whether its just skellies in Tokuno or other. The stuff he has accumulated in backpack would simply drop on the ground with his decaying corpse, they wound vanish, and he would lose them. He would also be in danger of being banned which is bad enough. The pet also would be likely to die but not disappear or poof or permanently die. So farmers would not want to do afk farming, so if the Devs do this, that should be good enough deterrent.
They are still punishing all of us including future players because of that. They should devote effort to fix this. No pet should go wild for any reason at all. Just make pet inactive, that ought to work. lnactive meaning it would just be sitting there not fighting and getting damaged, probably eventually dying also and getting skill loss.
This is kind of an important issue not ever discussed in meets and greets anymore, and some other useless bologna crap is discussed usually.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I've lost 2 pets to this bug and it really takes the "Fun" out of the game when you work really hard on a pet especially the much-beloved pink Hiryu that went wild seconds out of the stable after being fed... I gave it the food... told it to follow and guard... recalled to an event ... gave the all kill command... it was RIGHT next to me... and INSTANTLY went wild... And since it was an event there were no less than 10 EV's and RC's there to quickly demolish my pet... Needless to say I recalled home and logged... Since then I honestly don't feel like playing my tamers which is really a large portion of my characters... kinda was a nail in the coffin for me... and really haven't given two ****s about the game since...

Tired of trying to get them to fix what's broken... The ONLY way I've seen to get their attention and get some sort of response is to SHAME them into doing something ... but that can backfire...

I don't bother with the stupid meet and greets anymore either as that's a waste of time... the answer is 99.9% of the time completely irksome... either No, send me and email (which gets you nothing)... it's a feature, not a bug... they don't understand the question 90% of the time... or they just poopoo you off with a non-answer... Gotta love the "We can't reproduce it" ... Well, funny we can a 100 times over... in minutes... but take the time to get in-game and come with one of us so we can reproduce it for them... and NOPE...

I got Bleak to come in-game once and look at where my first pet vanished while I was training with the mage... but nothing ever came of that. I got Kyronix to try to look into the looting issues with the EC... and while doing so had "Ghost" images on my screen which I screenshotted to him... but nothing has ever been fixed from that either... So I've given up on them ever fixing any real issues with UO.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've lost 2 pets to this bug and it really takes the "Fun" out of the game when you work really hard on a pet especially the much-beloved pink Hiryu that went wild seconds out of the stable after being fed... I gave it the food... told it to follow and guard... recalled to an event ... gave the all kill command... it was RIGHT next to me... and INSTANTLY went wild... And since it was an event there were no less than 10 EV's and RC's there to quickly demolish my pet... Needless to say I recalled home and logged... Since then I honestly don't feel like playing my tamers which is really a large portion of my characters... kinda was a nail in the coffin for me... and really haven't given two ****s about the game since...

Tired of trying to get them to fix what's broken... The ONLY way I've seen to get their attention and get some sort of response is to SHAME them into doing something ... but that can backfire...

I don't bother with the stupid meet and greets anymore either as that's a waste of time... the answer is 99.9% of the time completely irksome... either No, send me and email (which gets you nothing)... it's a feature, not a bug... they don't understand the question 90% of the time... or they just poopoo you off with a non-answer... Gotta love the "We can't reproduce it" ... Well, funny we can a 100 times over... in minutes... but take the time to get in-game and come with one of us so we can reproduce it for them... and NOPE...

I got Bleak to come in-game once and look at where my first pet vanished while I was training with the mage... but nothing ever came of that. I got Kyronix to try to look into the looting issues with the EC... and while doing so had "Ghost" images on my screen which I screenshotted to him... but nothing has ever been fixed from that either... So I've given up on them ever fixing any real issues with UO.
Yet I bet you keep paying those idiots lol. And they know.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Actually been paying them less and less... I've dropped some accounts... and plan to keep dropping them... Recently let go of another house and plan to continue... So yeah...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do the devs still come here? Have not seen any in over a year

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
I don’t think tamers should be given permanent pets.
if they made pets never unbond, they should introduce pet durability.

warriors and mages have ephemeral Armor and Weaps, why should tamers be exempt?
First came pet bonding so you don’t lose them on death, then they reduced the skill loss on pet death from 1%, to 0.2% if ressed by a third party, now it’s just 0.1% across the board plus you don’t even have your pet die when you die as you just log out.
Shall we just rename the game to Ultamer Online?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don’t think tamers should be given permanent pets.
if they made pets never unbond, they should introduce pet durability.

warriors and mages have ephemeral Armor and Weaps, why should tamers be exempt?
First came pet bonding so you don’t lose them on death, then they reduced the skill loss on pet death from 1%, to 0.2% if ressed by a third party, now it’s just 0.1% across the board plus you don’t even have your pet die when you die as you just log out.
Shall we just rename the game to Ultamer Online?
How much do you spend on power scrolls for your weapon?


Crazed Zealot
THIS ^^. Plus:
There are indeed weapons and armor pieces that are immortal, such as no negative, and "prized". You can POF them forever to their state.
Even crummy antiques still last a relatively long time.
Making pets or at least SOME pets not unbondable unless released would not bring any imbalance to the game.
Leaving it as it is with pets randomly unbonding for no reason, with possibilities including the wrong packet of data being fed to the sever IS.
Also, ALL if not most weapons and gear that cost upwards from 500 M to 1+ Plat each are "clean" and re-POFable.
It is unfair for any player to lose a weapon that that they invested massive resources to just get lost for no reason, and causes a lot of negative feeling towards the game.
Go ahead and present a valid argument why pets should be allowed to go wild, given the randomness and unpredictability of this, and to happen with no warning.
There are other ways to prevent afk farming, better ones that do not p*ss and punish the entire player base, and virtually thousands of tamers.
This unbonding "ability" of pets is based on antiquated thinking of how things were 10+ years ago, and should not be allowed to continue today.

DreadLord Lestat

Forum Moderator
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How much do you spend on power scrolls for your weapon?

Not only that, but they don't have to spend hours upon hours of training the weapon up. Since they want to compare looted weapons to pets, maybe we should be able to insure pets. Since these pets were tirelessly farmed to find the perfect one, then wait 7 days or spend cash on a pet bonding potion, then spend countless hours and hundreds of millions of gold to scroll it up compared to loot weapon, POF, and start using it on high end things immediately.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don’t think tamers should be given permanent pets.
if they made pets never unbond, they should introduce pet durability.

warriors and mages have ephemeral Armor and Weaps, why should tamers be exempt?
First came pet bonding so you don’t lose them on death, then they reduced the skill loss on pet death from 1%, to 0.2% if ressed by a third party, now it’s just 0.1% across the board plus you don’t even have your pet die when you die as you just log out.
Shall we just rename the game to Ultamer Online?
You should probably start running now...

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
You cannot PoF jewellery, even Prized.
Powerscroll prices are set by players.
If I spend 300mill on my suit, should that then last forever no durability?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You cannot PoF jewellery, even Prized.
Powerscroll prices are set by players.
If I spend 300mill on my suit, should that then last forever no durability?
Who keeps a suit for a long time. You always are upgrading and selling the pieces you don't need. Try buying an untrained Bane for 300M.
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Crazed Zealot
You cannot PoF jewellery, even Prized.
Powerscroll prices are set by players.
If I spend 300mill on my suit, should that then last forever no durability?
Also let me see you "Train and Skill" your suit for months on end. So as others pointed out, comparing high end suits/weappns with high end pets, there is a massive expense just to get a high end pet, in the order of 1 plat now days for banes/dreads for instance, untrained. High end deco pet Cusidhe sells for at least 4-5 Plats, IF you can get to buy one. Or regular pets with high end stats, also very time consuming to just get one and tame it, after spawnig these for very long time, including the rare color ones, years some times (like the pink Hiryu or the rare color Cus). Then, the PS for "high end" all 120s now days will cost you at the least 300 M. Then to train them and skill them, you are looking at additional very long time to do that, meaning months mostly, to max the pet out. So it is very easy co compare apples with oranges, but conceptually incorrect. There is no real rationale or justification for any pets going wild for any reason, and should simply get corrected. Fixing this will not create any sort of imbalance in the game. If you think it will, let us know how it will do so.
Losing pets upredictably, no warning whatsoever and no reason for it cannot be anything "working as intended".
Simply it is an oversight, and poor overall planning and poor concept of game evolution with the changes implemented by the Devs.


Crazed Zealot
You cannot PoF jewellery, even Prized.
Powerscroll prices are set by players.
If I spend 300mill on my suit, should that then last forever no durability?
Well really high end suits and weapons can be POFed so they do last. Sadly it is not the same thing.


Crazed Zealot
You should probably start running now...
No its just the Devs that just do not want to see reality. We are just stating the facts as they are, fair and square. If there are some other facts that we are not taking into account, it is good to hear them out, before presenting this to the Devs for the Xth time already..


...so, if it is a line of sight problem, then what happens if the tamer gets killed in battle? Will the pet then go wild and wander off?

DreadLord Lestat

Forum Moderator
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Deco pet... people are paying 4-5 plat for deco so devs need to change the game code....
cuckooo cuckooo
Not going to get into the deco pet thing but I can 120 a fighting skill in less than 2 days, including the secondary skills at the same time like anat, tactics and patty. Even with a mythical character token, it can take months to 120 taming, lore, and vet. So the time invested into the skills is way more than a weapon skill. Then trying to go out and find a solid pet worth sinking 300-500 mil into power scrolls can be very long and tedious. Once you have the pet, you have to start the training grind and make sure you don't screw up the template. Night and Day between the set of skills. I personally would love to see you have to invest the same amount of time into skilling up, then finding the weapon you want, then training the weapon, then scrolling the weapon and continuing to train it only to have it disappear randomly. You are either being dense or trolling so this will be my last reply to you.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
pets are easy to skill up, at 120 lore and taming you have the equivelent of free scrolls of alacrity for pets on all skills with "whispering"
The majority of pet training is done afk as there is no durability on pets so you can say all kill or guard and come back a few hours later.

I am not saying that you should have your tamer deleted when a pet goes wild, where did i say that???
Not going to get into the deco pet thing but I can 120 a fighting skill in less than 2 days, including the secondary skills at the same time like anat, tactics and patty. Even with a mythical character token, it can take months to 120 taming, lore, and vet.You are either being dense or trolling so this will be my last reply to you.
When your pet goes wild and dies, you do not lose the 120 animal taming and lore and vet that you have trained. This is a fact.

How dare you accuse me of trolling.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don’t think tamers should be given permanent pets.
if they made pets never unbond, they should introduce pet durability.

warriors and mages have ephemeral Armor and Weaps, why should tamers be exempt?
First came pet bonding so you don’t lose them on death, then they reduced the skill loss on pet death from 1%, to 0.2% if ressed by a third party, now it’s just 0.1% across the board plus you don’t even have your pet die when you die as you just log out.
Shall we just rename the game to Ultamer Online?
This! ^^^


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also let me see you "Train and Skill" your suit for months on end. So as others pointed out, comparing high end suits/weappns with high end pets, there is a massive expense just to get a high end pet, in the order of 1 plat now days for banes/dreads for instance, untrained. High end deco pet Cusidhe sells for at least 4-5 Plats, IF you can get to buy one. Or regular pets with high end stats, also very time consuming to just get one and tame it, after spawnig these for very long time, including the rare color ones, years some times (like the pink Hiryu or the rare color Cus). Then, the PS for "high end" all 120s now days will cost you at the least 300 M. Then to train them and skill them, you are looking at additional very long time to do that, meaning months mostly, to max the pet out. So it is very easy co compare apples with oranges, but conceptually incorrect. There is no real rationale or justification for any pets going wild for any reason, and should simply get corrected. Fixing this will not create any sort of imbalance in the game. If you think it will, let us know how it will do so.
Losing pets upredictably, no warning whatsoever and no reason for it cannot be anything "working as intended".
Simply it is an oversight, and poor overall planning and poor concept of game evolution with the changes implemented by the Devs.
Nobody is forced to train anything for even 5 minutes. Anyone can pay for any type of fully trained pet so please spare us all the time invested whine. Pvpers pay up to 1 plat for just one jewel on some occasions and multiple plat for high end suits. Gold is gold and it is easily obtained. Nobody is forced to spend it to play/compete. They simply choose to do so.
Bottom line is that its not cool if a pet randomly goes wild or gets lost due to a bug but it also happens to other items/gear so deal with it.
Tamers have always had more than their share of dev/UO love.


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
I don’t think tamers should be given permanent pets.
if they made pets never unbond, they should introduce pet durability.

warriors and mages have ephemeral Armor and Weaps, why should tamers be exempt?
First came pet bonding so you don’t lose them on death, then they reduced the skill loss on pet death from 1%, to 0.2% if ressed by a third party, now it’s just 0.1% across the board plus you don’t even have your pet die when you die as you just log out.
Shall we just rename the game to Ultamer Online?
Pets should not be compared to armor or jewelry. Pets would be akin to a warrior's weapon or mage's spellbook at best. So, we will focus on that. Besides, tamers require armor and jewelry the same as all other classes.

All of the mage classes have spellbooks that are blessed and suffer no durability loss. So, end of the discussion there as far as not having a "permanent weapon."

Warriors are perfectly capable of acquiring top end weapons with the "Prized" tag, making them permanent weapons thorugh the use of PoF and repairs.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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Tell us why pets should wear out like armor then. Players have pets that are 23 years old.

Moronic better?
I´ll try again. Why were those the only two options?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I´ll try again. Why were those the only two options?
Because that is a moronic comparison. Tamers need armor also. Our armor wears out just like warriors armor does. And some tamers use dex armor just as warriors do. Now tell me why should our pets not be permanent until we decide to get rid of them?

We have our own scrolls and pet scrolls to buy. If pets had no scrolls and started at max stats like your weapons do then who cares if they go wild. But, they don't start at max like your weapons do.

Lord Telchar

pets are easy to skill up, at 120 lore and taming you have the equivelent of free scrolls of alacrity for pets on all skills with "whispering"
The majority of pet training is done afk as there is no durability on pets so you can say all kill or guard and come back a few hours later.
it’s not exactly about skill training but getting the colour you want and the stats you want AND if you want both at the same time. Also while your sampire only need 1 set of power scrolls tamers need multiple set of power scrolls with more skills to train up different pets same as your sampire has different weapons for different bosses. Your sampire suit doesn’t last forever on paper but it does in reality. I made a new bladed staff for the deceit event for my sampire and i was repairing it every other 2 days as i was playing daily. At the end of the event it still has 22x max durability. i don’t even need to mention about armour as there are 8-9 pieces sharing the durability loss so they lose durability way more slowly. I share the pain if my pet went wild and died during an event as if my sampire suit poof and gone without any reason and trace.
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The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
This is pretty much a non issue anyway due to how rarely it happens. I have 20 skilled pets all with 120 scrolls and only once one went wild but that was kinda my fault, I left it attacking tons of creatures on a ledge and went offscreen - but I retamed it.
(I did witness 2 bane dragons go wild by 2 different guild mates in the last 2 months but that was due to a new player-reskilling bug with skill on jewellery that drops your taming/lore lower and lower) but this bug is I think fel only and you don’t care about those players.
How about they fix actual reproducible bugs rather than fictional ones - Malagaste’s loss of her hiryu has been attributed to a feature of the crimson dragon at an EM event.
I suspect there are logical user error explanations to other pet losses that have incorrectly been attributed to “bugs”
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Lord Telchar

This is pretty much a non issue anyway due to how rarely it happens. I have 20 skilled pets all with 120 scrolls and only once one went wild but that was kinda my fault, I left it attacking tons of creatures on a ledge and went offscreen - but I retamed it.
(I did witness 2 bane dragons go wild by 2 different guild mates in the last 2 months but that was due to a new player-reskilling bug with skill on jewellery that drops your taming/lore lower and lower) but this bug is I think fel only and you don’t care about those players.
How about they fix actual reproducible bugs rather than fictional ones - Malagaste’s loss of her hiryu has been attributed to a feature of the crimson dragon at an EM event.
I suspect there are logical user error explanations to other pet losses that have incorrectly been attributed to “bugs”
If you have been to the current event with your tamer I'm sure you must have experienced a situation where you ask your pet to kill a mob but your pet is refusing to, even you are "very close" to the mob. And this is caused by uneven terrain and therefore losing LOS even it's perfect in your eyes which caused the pet refuse to take the command (and don't forget losing LOS between you and your pet alone will lose loyalty level already) If you keep trying for a few more times it's not surprised that the pet will indeed go wild. OP has already identified this is one of the situation which causes the pet goes wild so this is not a fictional issue but a replicable one and not as rare as you said.

And OP is not asking to fix the uneven terrain, but proposing another solution which not only covers this uneven terrain issue but other situation which may cause the pet goes wild, which is very reasonable.
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Crazed Zealot
This is pretty much a non issue anyway due to how rarely it happens. I have 20 skilled pets all with 120 scrolls and only once one went wild but that was kinda my fault, I left it attacking tons of creatures on a ledge and went offscreen - but I retamed it.
(I did witness 2 bane dragons go wild by 2 different guild mates in the last 2 months but that was due to a new player-reskilling bug with skill on jewellery that drops your taming/lore lower and lower) but this bug is I think fel only and you don’t care about those players.
How about they fix actual reproducible bugs rather than fictional ones - Malagaste’s loss of her hiryu has been attributed to a feature of the crimson dragon at an EM event.
I suspect there are logical user error explanations to other pet losses that have incorrectly been attributed to “bugs”
I appreciate that you are admitting that you also had a pet go wild, and even seen two banes go wild from guildmates. I wonder how many others have had pets unbond, and they are just assuming that it is due to normal game mechanics and do not talk about it. Lots of people do not use stratics or the "other" board.
I suspect that this will become more of a problem with the new mini-events that they are doing at different places.
As you may have witnessed a bane going wild would need an entire team of sampires to beat it down to 10% life and not kill it accidentally, trying for long time to do that, so that the tamer would then try to tame it. As for this happening in Fel, lots of us do content in Fel daily, and I play there regularly. So what happens there affects lots of us.
I think that it is a good idea to present our thoughts about this here, looking especially forward and also in sight of the changes due to the pet revamp. The main point being what benefit to the game is there for pets going wild at all for any reason, esp due to the high price-tag both in terms of time and gold investment for the present pets.
I also have a fighter and he has a paroxy that he will not use due to another problem, that remains unfixed, that is statuette produced pets "poof" under some circumstances. This also has been going on for years, as unrelated item.
About pets going wild issue the Devs likely will not want to put any effort or consideration to it anyways, but if we disagree on this point, then definitely there is no chance at all for them to fix it.
By the way another easy way to "fix" it is make it so instead of going wild, auto-STABLE the pet. There is already an auto-stable function in the game such as when you go to Blackthorn's castle riding on a pet, the code auto stables your pet. Anything like that is far better than a Bane or other pet going wild. The code is there already for that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
statuette produced pets "poof"
Ohmigosh, that would include tritons, right? So scrolling up a triton is a 'uge risk, right? Ohmigosh!
@Bleak please look into and fix. A good fix would be to make statuette pets exactly like other pets once claimed, i.e. don't poof, and are able to put on vendors.


We just had a player on LS lose a Cu Sidhe in the new spawn area. It had been tamed the max number of times, and was lost. He was able to change races to Elf and re-tame it; no one else could as it had been tamed the maximum number of times. A number of us kept it away from hostiles while he did this, and he was able to safely recover it. It was a gift from Donovan, and he was very upset about. Thankfully it ended up ok, although the pet lost all its skills except - oddly - Chivalry.

I think the uneven ground is creating some weird sight-line issues. I would be very careful going there as a tamer with a pet that is dear to you.
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Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
This is pretty much a non issue anyway due to how rarely it happens. I have 20 skilled pets all with 120 scrolls and only once one went wild but that was kinda my fault, I left it attacking tons of creatures on a ledge and went offscreen - but I retamed it.
(I did witness 2 bane dragons go wild by 2 different guild mates in the last 2 months but that was due to a new player-reskilling bug with skill on jewellery that drops your taming/lore lower and lower) but this bug is I think fel only and you don’t care about those players.
How about they fix actual reproducible bugs rather than fictional ones - Malagaste’s loss of her hiryu has been attributed to a feature of the crimson dragon at an EM event.
I suspect there are logical user error explanations to other pet losses that have incorrectly been attributed to “bugs”
Lost your "pets shouldn't be permanent" argument, so now it's just not a big deal and probably operator error, huh?

Obvious troll is obvious.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
Okay it was unlikely to be a feature of the monster then if it was a PEC event,

  • Monsters – PECs are different from EMs and cannot spawn ANY boss monsters that you find in game. They can however make a “simple” monster into a boss monster. Monsters can have custom names, hues (within reason), and be slightly bumped up for a challenge. Monsters that are available are some of your more common one such as orcs, skeletons, zombies, brigands, for an example. They are limited to 30 monsters total and a small “boss-like” mob group of 2-4 monsters. Spawners are NOT available at this time.
then i cannot explain Malagaste's pet going wild.

I done some testing at the ridge at this temporary champ spawn, i was unable to reproduce any issue with pet loyalty and line of sight after giving multiple commands from multiple locations.

Could not get pet to drop below Extremely Happy
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Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
Okay it was unlikely to be a feature of the monster then if it was a PEC event,

  • Monsters – PECs are different from EMs and cannot spawn ANY boss monsters that you find in game. They can however make a “simple” monster into a boss monster. Monsters can have custom names, hues (within reason), and be slightly bumped up for a challenge. Monsters that are available are some of your more common one such as orcs, skeletons, zombies, brigands, for an example. They are limited to 30 monsters total and a small “boss-like” mob group of 2-4 monsters. Spawners are NOT available at this time.
then i cannot explain Malagaste's pet going wild.

I done some testing at the ridge at this temporary champ spawn, i was unable to reproduce any issue with pet loyalty and line of sight after giving multiple commands from multiple locations.

Could not get pet to drop below Extremely Happy
Nobody cares about your ten minutes of testing using a lesser hiryu along the outskirts of the champ spawn. The phenomenon has been reported by multiple players across multiple shards over the course of multiple months. I personally know of at least four different players that had to deal with it. Your "testing" means nothing.

I bet your preferred method of fishing is dragging a line with bait behind a boat slowly.

I bet you think the Three Billy Goats Gruff story is a biography about a relative of yours.

I bet your favorite song is "For Whom the Bell Trolls" (A reach... but I needed a third and it's the best I could come up with on short notice).

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
Nobody cares about your ten minutes of testing using a lesser hiryu along the outskirts of the champ spawn. The phenomenon has been reported by multiple players across multiple shards over the course of multiple months. I personally know of at least four different players that had to deal with it. Your "testing" means nothing.
Would you then please get them to post here the exact details of the occurrence. As at the moment it’s all just hearsay.
I know a guy who’s cousins brother this and that does not assist with finding the (non) issue.


This isn't a new issue. It's not due to lack of feeding, or insufficient skill. It's either a bug they can't/won't fix, or a design feature. But it's not new, and it's not due to player error. Experienced tamers have been having pets suddenly go wild on them for years.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
Did you read what I actually wrote?
My pet went wild due to my error of leaving it attacking multiple targets while I was not present.
The 2 banes went wild due to a 100% new reproducible bug from wearing taming/lore skill jewellery and being reskilled by a player, that is not a problem unique to taming, it’s a bug in fel that can drop any skill all the way to 0 until you relog. It was introduced in publish 108 when they added a delay to skilled jewellery taking effect during combat.
yes this specific issue should definitely be fixed. But I see no reason to add even more safety nets to tamers.


Crazed Zealot
Did you read what I actually wrote?
My pet went wild due to my error of leaving it attacking multiple targets while I was not present.
The 2 banes went wild due to a 100% new reproducible bug from wearing taming/lore skill jewellery and being reskilled by a player, that is not a problem unique to taming, it’s a bug in fel that can drop any skill all the way to 0 until you relog. It was introduced in publish 108 when they added a delay to skilled jewellery taking effect during combat.
yes this specific issue should definitely be fixed. But I see no reason to add even more safety nets to tamers.
It is difficult to believe that your statements are credible. You state that you "have 20 pets all skilled with 120 scrolls", so you should know the massive effort and price put on this task, lots of grindy mind numbing grind and huge cost. So you supposedly know all that is involved. Then you state that you and several others actually had pets unbond, "due to player's faults" whatever they may have been. Then you are confronted with statements from 100% reliable other players that have been in this forum for decades that they ALSO have had pets unbond, through no fault or mistake, with well-fed etc pets. Then as a "tamer" yourself you drop this statement: "But I see no reason to add even more safety nets to tamers."
IF you are indeed a tamer, thats a pretty self-destructive statement.
Your arguments are not supportable imo.
The real gist of the question was :
"What is the benefit to the game or tamers or any player with pets of ANY value to have an unbond property for any pets for ANY reason?"
We are not hearing a good answer for this, but instead we are hearing side arguments, and the punch line: "But I see no reason to add even more safety nets to tamers."
As mentioned before, things like need to feed pets were installed long ago to add "reality" to pet owning, when pets were pretty much worthless and just a toy. Also things like loyalty loss unbonding due to LOS were installed as a device to discourage afk farming. Since the Revamp for pets, pets are now no longer toys, are used in lots of content, and they are pretty painstaking to first of all get the right pet, then train, then scroll, then skill. They are no longer toys, or worthless. All we are saying is that the re is no good rationale for pets to unbond any longer, for any reason.
IF you really are a tamer, what harm to taming or the game, or the game balance would happen if instead of unbonding for the pet to do something else, EITHER AUTO-STABLE that would be deadly enough for the tamer who may die if farming or not feeding, or just "AUTO ALL STOP" that would stop the pet, kill the afk farmer and likely the pet, unless the pet is fed etc?
I think THIS is what you need to answer and present your opinion on, and not "But I see no reason to add even more safety nets to tamers."
This game has evolved so did the taming. Time for new ideas esp. to try to protect players time and effort, and fix some of the most frustrating things in game, and this is one of them. Just for a moment, open your eyes to reality and new ideas, that may benefit many players and the game as a whole.
I personally believe that AUTO-STABLING the pet may be the best and easiest to implement change, and the code is already there, and uncheck on the pet database the "wild part". These thoughts should be presented to the Devs, and have them answer the key question posted by someone who is particularly polite and present it tactfully. But we should have some agreement among ourselves, or they will NOT take us seriously and as usually, NOTHING will ever happen.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I did some thread clean up here.

As a reminder, please do not engage in trolling, baiting, name-calling or other general harassment. This is a thread that was posted to address the serious issue of pets going wild. Any further off-topic posts will either be removed or result in individual thread bans.

Further, general discussion of Unleashed related topics and posts should remain on the Unleashed sub-forum.

As a reminder, the Stratics Rules of Conduct can be found here: Rules of Conduct


Crazed Zealot
This isn't a new issue. It's not due to lack of feeding, or insufficient skill. It's either a bug they can't/won't fix, or a design feature. But it's not new, and it's not due to player error. Experienced tamers have been having pets suddenly go wild on them for years.
I agree. The only way to fix this problem, most likely will be to just disable the "wild" part completely, and pehaps add the short code needed to either inactivate the pet or just simply completely remove the pet from the location and stable it along with a message of some sort stating the pet was stabled etc..Thank you kindly for your input. I hope that some time we may be able to present this to the Devs in a decent way that they understand that we are not looking to create an imbalance or harm to the game, but benefit the game.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
If I was guaranteed to not lose my pet if I put consume damage on then went AFK (or just used a triton/lion/cu sidhe/sabre tooth/triceratops with healing), I personally would be a lot more likely to farm/train AFK. So this additional unnecessary safety net would be encouraging AFK play.