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How do i report this Japanese EM to Mesanna ?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When i was afk next to Luna moongate in Yamato ,
EM Asiantam summon a red name Gargoyle ( Crimsom Dragon) , and that thing just killed me
i lost everything un-insured in my bag (Including the legendary i bought ), my corpse already gone when came back and res .

There's no upcoming event showing on town crier , so it could be the EM doing this **** .

Is there any way to get my items back?


*I died at the Cheif Swampy spot .

Afer all , i was trying to talk with this EM in English(I am not Japanese) , he just no response and gone.
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Means who ever sitting at the bank I can page them if they no response ?
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That ridiculous,so I have to take it as my own lost because I afk in safe area of this game ?

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Fantasy worlds are dangerous. We all are very fortunate that there are various means available to protect our stuff. Where you are in that screencap is not 100 steps from a bank (to drop off stuff) and an inn (for quick logouts). There's also insurance. There's also playing on a shard where you understand the language and have a better chance to understand what's going on.

I understand your argument -- you were in a guard zone, within a city that only-rarely attracts hostile attention, and likely felt a lot safer than you actually were. But: We are very, very blessed with a pretty good amount of safety in this current version of the game -- though perhaps those of us who played before Trammel have better perspective on this. You are very, very safe in most towns most of the time. But yes the safety, in a fantasy world, is not total, and we need to be aware of that, and use the means available to us to protect ourselves, our friends, and our phat lewtz.

To try to lodge a complaint in these circumstances would seem a shame.

-John's player


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yea you probably will say that because you didn’t lost anything that spent a lot of time to collect or farm. So the game allows an EM doing this whenever he want ?
What if this happens in Atlantic, lots of player transfered their goods and ready to sell , some of item can’t insured , suddenly a EM just pop a boss or something that start to kill everyone in Luna without notice , And break everyone’s antique jewel or splintering weapons. Nice game ?


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
This reminds me of a similar story from a few years back [ASKING] About Japan EM, there's ways of getting this to Mesanna directly ([email protected]) and should also post this on the official forums if you haven't already done so. She will definitely want to get both sides of story before replying especially with your opening statement "As title , When i was afking next to Luna moongate in Yamato" but who knows the outcome and I wish you the best.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Looking at your picture, it references a character from the arc, Forskis. He is first mentioned in the Treasure Island story. It seems the EM was doing content related to the current storyline. EM monster attacks in Luna have caused problems in the past on other shards because apparently the most public place in UO is where everyone goes AFK. If you want my advice, there is very little benefit to turning this into an angry crusade. You are better off sending a quick note to the EM in question and explaining your thoughts on the matter in a constructive way.


isnt luna the spot to go afk now because of the great banksitter slaughter duing some event at west brit a while back? i'd be pissed too and its worth shooting out an email over, but i wouldnt really expect it to go anywhere.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was the OP afk-macroing or just afk bank sitting? The original post is not really clear on what he was doing, although it would be quite funny if someone came to complain about dying while afk-macroing. If he was just bank sitting then yes he has every right to be angry, I know I would be.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is my understanding that being unable to respond to a GM (being afk) anywhere in the game is a technical violation of the TOS.

That said, the outright and blatant disregard for enforcing this rule leads to a de facto state of it being acceptable. Who is right and who is wrong in this situation is very much in the grey area. Unless you are logged out you must realize that you are not 100% safe, even in your house or in town. It would also seem that an EM deliberately spawning a creature in a typically safe area unannounced and for the sole purpose of killing players who have stepped away from their keyboards is in poor taste. Perhaps if players did not so regularly abuse going afk in Luna this would be less tempting.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
*hands out tissues*

We will forever mourn the loss of your useless items that you forgot to insure. We all know that this is anyone else's fault but your own. If only the bank had been one screen closer.

Oh well.... I'm gonna have a slice of pie! Pie anyone?

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When i was afking next to Luna moongate in Yamato ,
EM Asiantam summon a red name Gargoyle ( Crimsom Dragon) , and that thing just killed me
i lost everything un-insured in my bag (Including the legendary i bought ), my corpse already gone when came back and res .

There's no upcoming event showing on town crier , so it could be the EM doing this **** .

Is there any way to get my items back?
Is this a joke? Or are you being serious?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I usually have 70 to 90 items on me. From what I hear, Luna is off limits to EMs for events or memorials.

I would not be happy either. I did not know being AFK in Luna is against the rules. Where is that stated? @Petra Fyde
It's not, she jumped the gun to bring zero to the discussion except finger pointing.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is my understanding that being unable to respond to a GM (being afk) anywhere in the game is a technical violation of the TOS.

That said, the outright and blatant disregard for enforcing this rule leads to a de facto state of it being acceptable. Who is right and who is wrong in this situation is very much in the grey area. Unless you are logged out you must realize that you are not 100% safe, even in your house or in town. It would also seem that an EM deliberately spawning a creature in a typically safe area unannounced and for the sole purpose of killing players who have stepped away from their keyboards is in poor taste. Perhaps if players did not so regularly abuse going afk in Luna this would be less tempting.
Yeah right, Avatar continues to script log in to every shard and advertise his websight which, if anyone has been there, is clearly Ok'd by BS or they would have shut the sight down long ago. Oh but lets all make sure we quote invisible rules about walking away from your keyboard for a while. Because let's face it, we're all law abiding citizens and each one of us recalls/gates home and logs out before we go to the bathroom, don't we ? #givemeabreakalready

While I'm not a big fan of this particular EM and his/her transcripts from M&Gs are always painful and cringeworth to read, the bottom line here is, did Mesanna give them the power that day to create the CD, maybe I'm ignorant and every EM has that power all of the time ? I thought her approval was needed for each instance, but maybe I"m wrong. If this were an event, then judging from the screenshot, participation is at an alltime low there, and why do they have an EM then ?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Darko ,

First, I am very sorry that the EM summoned a mob at the bank. I am sure it was not her intention to kill people afk. I will speak to her and all the other EM’s on staff about not doing this again. As far what you lost, I am sorry to say I can not replace what I can’t prove. I know this does not make you feel better. But I would personally like to tell you I am sorry for your loses.

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

Broadsword Online Games

Ultima Online Producer


Mesanna replys me very soon ,it seems I couldn’t get my items back .
Need to move on

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We all know you should have insured the important stuff, life sucks sometimes.....ownership is the difference between who is to blame and who blames.


Stratics Veteran
The Siege EM (who is/was great imo) had an event a few years ago where uber ninja orcs would stealth attack you in town, follow you through portals, then camp your corpse. Mildly infuriating considering how difficult it can be to reclaim your suit when naked in that scenario.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Greetings Darko ,

First, I am very sorry that the EM summoned a mob at the bank. I am sure it was not her intention to kill people afk. I will speak to her and all the other EM’s on staff about not doing this again. As far what you lost, I am sorry to say I can not replace what I can’t prove. I know this does not make you feel better. But I would personally like to tell you I am sorry for your loses.

I'm going to have some pie. Does anyone else want pie?

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

Broadsword Online Games

Ultima Online Producer


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like the games producer knows that people afk in Luna.

She did not say it was the player's fault.
This is a very important topic.
I know few people that just gpt a 24 hours ban for been afk at their house or luna gate (not training).
As we know, every person that pass by near your body, will refresh your client, therefore you will not time out, anyway, few people recently got a 24 hour ban, bc they were afk, amazes me that people page on others just to cause this type of situation. But if is against their rules to he afk, even thi you Not doing anything to harm anyones game, so why all those luna bank sitters are not getting banned?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
This is a very important topic.
I know few people that just gpt a 24 hours ban for been afk at their house or luna gate (not training).
As we know, every person that pass by near your body, will refresh your client, therefore you will not time out, anyway, few people recently got a 24 hour ban, bc they were afk, amazes me that people page on others just to cause this type of situation. But if is against their rules to he afk, even thi you Not doing anything to harm anyones game, so why all those luna bank sitters are not getting banned?

If you got a ban, they had to have been able to prove that you were doing some action... such as hitting a spider with a 100% poison weapon.

Just standing there, they cant prove anything.

Crap, half of uo would have been banned already for just standing there.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a very important topic.
I know few people that just gpt a 24 hours ban for been afk at their house or luna gate (not training).
As we know, every person that pass by near your body, will refresh your client, therefore you will not time out, anyway, few people recently got a 24 hour ban, bc they were afk, amazes me that people page on others just to cause this type of situation. But if is against their rules to he afk, even thi you Not doing anything to harm anyones game, so why all those luna bank sitters are not getting banned?
Anybody that says they got banned for just being AFK is full of crap.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a very important topic.
I know few people that just gpt a 24 hours ban for been afk at their house or luna gate (not training).
As we know, every person that pass by near your body, will refresh your client, therefore you will not time out, anyway, few people recently got a 24 hour ban, bc they were afk, amazes me that people page on others just to cause this type of situation. But if is against their rules to he afk, even thi you Not doing anything to harm anyones game, so why all those luna bank sitters are not getting banned?
This is simply not true, I've timed out before standing in Luna Atl on my gold transfer guy and lost connection many times. Journal entries do NOT keep you logged in, characters coming and going do NOT keep you logged in.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Yea you probably will say that because you didn’t lost anything that spent a lot of time to collect or farm. So the game allows an EM doing this whenever he want ?
What if this happens in Atlantic, lots of player transfered their goods and ready to sell , some of item can’t insured , suddenly a EM just pop a boss or something that start to kill everyone in Luna without notice , And break everyone’s antique jewel or splintering weapons. Nice game ?
This does happen on Atlantic. A former Atlantic EM used to like spawning boss monsters in the middle of Luna bank often, but he would program them to only do 0 or 1 damage to players to avoid insta-killing the entire bank. I see in your screenshot that all the damage being dealt is only 1 point at a time, so it appears to be the same thing happening here. Yes they are allowed to do it, although that EM did mention that Mesanna frowns upon them doing it in Luna.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is simply not true, I've timed out before standing in Luna Atl on my gold transfer guy and lost connection many times. Journal entries do NOT keep you logged in, characters coming and going do NOT keep you logged in.
Put a toon at your house then leave him alone. Bring another toon to the house every 5 mins and the first toon will stay logged in. I do that a lot when decoing. I will put my Bard with a guildie somewhere away from Mobs. If they talk every few minutes the Bard will stay on. If they don't talk the Bard will time out. They have learned to talk to the afk Bard if they want their pet to stay discorded while I'm playing somewhere else.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is simply not true, I've timed out before standing in Luna Atl on my gold transfer guy and lost connection many times. Journal entries do NOT keep you logged in, characters coming and going do NOT keep you logged in.
While I don't believe that someone got banned for simply being afk, I disagree with this. Any time I need to go afk and don't want to log out, I'll sit at the bank with my journal open and I stay logged in. I can't say for sure if it's people coming/going or speech, but it does work.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While I don't believe that someone got banned for simply being afk, I disagree with this. Any time I need to go afk and don't want to log out, I'll sit at the bank with my journal open and I stay logged in. I can't say for sure if it's people coming/going or speech, but it does work.
I don't open my journal and stay logged on in Luna. There may be some Lunas with fewer NPCs. I will log out if I leave a guy in the circle at Brit.

I do not know of a time limit for being logged into UO per day. I see no reason I should time out anywhere.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't open my journal and stay logged on in Luna. There may be some Lunas with fewer NPCs. I will log out if I leave a guy in the circle at Brit.

I do not know of a time limit for being logged into UO per day. I see no reason I should time out anywhere.
The “action” that keeps you logged in is when you “see” an incoming name. It is reflected in your journal as “You see:” So you need to have that option enabled. It works for players and NPCs.


Crazed Zealot
When i was afking next to Luna moongate in Yamato ,
EM Asiantam summon a red name Gargoyle ( Crimsom Dragon) , and that thing just killed me
i lost everything un-insured in my bag (Including the legendary i bought ), my corpse already gone when came back and res .

There's no upcoming event showing on town crier , so it could be the EM doing this **** .

Is there any way to get my items back?

View attachment 100520

*I died at the Cheif Swampy spot .

Afer all , i was trying to talk with this EM in English(I am not Japanese) , he just no response and gone.
This really really sucks rotten tomatoes..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since when has being afk been illegal?

Sure Afk Macroing, Afk and 'doing anything, crafing or training' I understand ya gotta be able to speak ..................
but AFK sitting and doing nothing has never been illegal as far as I know all the way back to wbb when ppl would sit and wait out counts. What happens if you lose connection while sitting at luna and can't log back in? LMAO.

Funny thing is it is ok to multibox, sure thing!, run scripts that interfere/interact with the game code, all good!, logging in and spamming your illegal store is fine!, as long as you can say HI when your GM alarm goes off, it is all ticketyboo!. That is all just fine and dandy.
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Crazed Zealot
Did the OP offend or PK someone connected to the GM? This still stinks anyway you look at it. It is possible that the GM was looking for an excuse to "punish" the OP, and so actually participate in a game dispute, indirectly something GM's cannot do for "personal" reasons. This smells of "Divine Intervention", and the reason for that action was "just because". It is not right. If it is right, then the GM's need to nook everyone Tram Banksitting anywhere, displaying their Blaze Cus, and "Leet" gear etc. for more than 20 minutes. This all is not very funny, it is a downgrade for UO, and this kind of crap happens in the "free shards" where corruption is the name of the game. My 10 cents.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you in a guild?
How do you die from something that only does 1 point damage to you?
Why are you afk at the moongate?
How did your pet die from taking 1 pt damage when pets will run away when their hit points get to low?
I am sorry but thing just don't smell right with your statements.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you in a guild?
How do you die from something that only does 1 point damage to you?
Why are you afk at the moongate?
How did your pet die from taking 1 pt damage when pets will run away when their hit points get to low?
I am sorry but thing just don't smell right with your statements.
You did not read the reply from Mesanna? If there was no EM Mob she would have said so and not apologized.

He probably wanted to lose the items he paid millions for.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
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Dread Lord
  • You may not leave an active character or pet in game while unattended. If your character is performing a skill, text or action, you must be able to respond to a Game Master when one attempts to speak to you.
Seems pretty clear to me.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
AFK and AFKing is obviously different. You must have been asking, marcoing or scripting which h is illegal,To run a macro you must be attended, seeing as you weren't as your body decayed before you returned means you were away for, how long 15 mins?, not telling how long before you were killed you were away. Been doing this for months/years I suspect. So you got what you deserve. Actually not yet, please email Mesanna and get the ban you deserve. CHEAT

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you got a ban, they had to have been able to prove that you were doing some action... such as hitting a spider with a 100% poison weapon.

Just standing there, they cant prove anything.

Crap, half of uo would have been banned already for just standing there.
They will view the journal. If you are AFK marcoing or scripting they will know
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Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You did not read the reply from Mesanna? If there was no EM Mob she would have said so and not apologized.

He probably wanted to lose the items he paid millions for.
And that still doesn't answer the questions of how you can die to a mob doing 1 point damage or a pet that runs away when HP gets to low now does it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And that still doesn't answer the questions of how you can die to a mob doing 1 point damage or a pet that runs away when HP gets to low now does it.
My shopping toons do not wear armor and have only crafting skills so they can participate in the Artisan festivals. Mine would die and have died to things that spawn near houses. One wears a death robe because I had no idea where he was and could not find a healer in time to get to the body.

I was not there when the OP died. Were you?

The 1 point damages are not coming from the OPs toon. Why is he seeing other players damage ticks? How do you know there was not more damage being given out earlier and the EM adjusted it after he saw that he was killing afk players.

AFK and AFKing is obviously different. You must have been asking, marcoing or scripting which h is illegal,To run a macro you must be attended, seeing as you weren't as your body decayed before you returned means you were away for, how long 15 mins?, not telling how long before you were killed you were away. Been doing this for months/years I suspect. So you got what you deserve. Actually not yet, please email Mesanna and get the ban you deserve. CHEAT
Ill be AFK at luna bank on LS from now till midnight central or so. Come page on me since I am also cheating. If you are not around today, Ill be there every day like I have been for years. Pick any of them or all 3.


jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My shopping toons do not wear armor and have only crafting skills so they can participate in the Artisan festivals. Mine would die and have died to things that spawn near houses. One wears a death robe because I had no idea where he was and could not find a healer in time to get to the body.

I was not there when the OP died. Were you?

The 1 point damages are not coming from the OPs toon. Why is he seeing other players damage ticks? How do you know there was not more damage being given out earlier and the EM adjusted it after he saw that he was killing afk players.

Ill be AFK at luna bank on LS from now till midnight central or so. Come page on me since I am also cheating. If you are not around today, Ill be there every day like I have been for years. Pick any of them or all 3.

View attachment 100559
AFK is not AFKing


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL A player returned from a few months break and said this!


Sometimes I do attended AFKing.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Ill be there every day like I have been for years"

I log them all in and decide what I want to do. Sometimes I use one at a time sometimes I take two or three to do something. Then I may go watch TV or go out. They are waiting for me when I return. I am sure a lot of players log in toons and go back and forth between RL and UO.