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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I could try to explain u 10 reasons why u need a t chest in pvp but if u say in advance that they are broken there is no bridge of communication. Sorry
List the 10 reasons. I'll wait...teach me! I never suggested to remove trap boxes, but you do remember why trapped boxes became a thing right? They upped the damage in the explosion pouches, to have people not use them w/o consequence.

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Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Omen para , sync, dead bye ciao
2. Omen para , X efielded, sync, dead bye ciao ( dexer version)
3. Omen para, x efielded, weaken spammed, sync, dead bye ciao
4. Nerve striked , sync dead ciao
5. Para shotted , sync dead ciao
6. Para shotted dmounted, sync dead ciao
7. Para fields , good luck, gg , dead bye ciao
8. Shield bashed , sync dead bye ciao
9. Omened + any other dmg output... U get extra dmg but since u not smart enough u prolly do not know always to box the omen so they don't get extra dmg on u ( learn mechanics)
10. U wanna place something in a house in a difficult spot. Use a t chest and chop it, the item will be there looking good. Ahhhh t chest great also to decorate!!

Owned. Next


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And the 10 reasons why you need a trapped box in pvp are? C'mon Blazing. It's a 10 item list, not rocket science.
I'll list the only reason for him.

-it's essential to his main Characters. It's to avoid Resist on many templates.

Now I actually like the idea of trapped boxes as it does offer versatility with a bit of consequence. Mana Vamp, Sleep, chain Para, poison spam. However..the ability to chain it non stop, not so much. I'd rather things be balanced not destroyed and ruined. Changing boxes could potentially hurt my deathstriker. I would personally like them tweaked to not be a complete crutch. The damage they do is fine. A 3 second timer after 2 consecutive uses wouldn't be a game breaker, it would force some tactics, not mind numbing running a macro that starts with an if 'paralyzed' 'self'..let skill prosper.

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Stratics Veteran
Trapped Boxes are a non-issue. Who was complaining about them? Why change something if it isn't broken?

Charges on the trapped box? Stupid. People will just spam omen para till you run out of charges. Anti-paralysis potion? They will spam omen para till you run out of those as well.

And for the people wanting to punish people for having no Resist Spells, that's also gonna be a non-issue after the next update. With the Tactics change, many people will be picking up Resist


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Omen para , sync, dead bye ciao
2. Omen para , X efielded, sync, dead bye ciao ( dexer version)
3. Omen para, x efielded, weaken spammed, sync, dead bye ciao
4. Nerve striked , sync dead ciao
5. Para shotted , sync dead ciao
6. Para shotted dmounted, sync dead ciao
7. Para fields , good luck, gg , dead bye ciao
8. Shield bashed , sync dead bye ciao
9. Omened + any other dmg output... U get extra dmg but since u not smart enough u prolly do not know always to box the omen so they don't get extra dmg on u ( learn mechanics)
10. U wanna place something in a house in a difficult spot. Use a t chest and chop it, the item will be there looking good. Ahhhh t chest great also to decorate!!

Owned. Next
So basically you are campaigning on the fact your being ganked and suck at survival without a crutch that's actually a bug. Learn game "mechanics" most have a very easy solution. There are other ways of damaging out of a para other then a box. There used to be days where the way out of omen was harm. I don't understand the mind set of the newer era pvpers. Not all have had such easy buttons.

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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trapped Boxes are a non-issue. Who was complaining about them? Why change something if it isn't broken?

Charges on the trapped box? Stupid. People will just spam omen para till you run out of charges. Anti-paralysis potion? They will spam omen para till you run out of those as well.

And for the people wanting to punish people for having no Resist Spells, that's also gonna be a non-issue after the next update. With the Tactics change, many people will be picking up Resist
Not to be an ass or whatever, but if you get stuck in more then one omen para..the box being the issue...isn't the issue.

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Omen para , sync, dead bye ciao
2. Omen para , X efielded, sync, dead bye ciao ( dexer version)
3. Omen para, x efielded, weaken spammed, sync, dead bye ciao
4. Nerve striked , sync dead ciao
5. Para shotted , sync dead ciao
6. Para shotted dmounted, sync dead ciao
7. Para fields , good luck, gg , dead bye ciao
8. Shield bashed , sync dead bye ciao
9. Omened + any other dmg output... U get extra dmg but since u not smart enough u prolly do not know always to box the omen so they don't get extra dmg on u ( learn mechanics)
10. U wanna place something in a house in a difficult spot. Use a t chest and chop it, the item will be there looking good. Ahhhh t chest great also to decorate!!

Owned. Next
So you're basing it on a group? I mean, if that happens in a group, of course you're going to die. Can you apply that list to a 1v1 situation? (Answer: no, you can't.)

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually We were using pouches trapped with the spell and used to carry many of them. U clearly lack Uo pvp culture. Since u both never pvp u clearly dunno what will happen vs proper players I was killing people xfielded with omen para when the two of u were playing with Barbies....


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm still confused how the hell you die to a nerve strike sync without a box

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually We were using pouches trapped with the spell and used to carry many of them. U clearly lack Uo pvp culture. Since u both never pvp u clearly dunno what will happen vs proper players I was killing people xfielded with omen para when the two of u were playing with Barbies....
Again: It's a simple question, not rocket science. Can you answer it without resorting to insults?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Nerfing boxes is definitely a bad idea. Calling people noobs cause they can't survive without a box is ridiculous and does make you sound like you don't actually PVP. You have to at least have a fighting chance for survival against a gank.


Stratics Veteran
Actually We were using pouches trapped with the spell and used to carry many of them. U clearly lack Uo pvp culture. Since u both never pvp u clearly dunno what will happen vs proper players I was killing people xfielded with omen para when the two of u were playing with Barbies....
Trapped pouches were balanced though. Having to recast after use people snooping them setting them off.
It has no similarities to an infinite use trapped box.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So you're basing it on a group? I mean, if that happens in a group, of course you're going to die. Can you apply that list to a 1v1 situation? (Answer: no, you can't.)
U clearly never pvp. This is the last time I demolish u again:

1. 1vs1 no t chest? If u fight a competent pvper ( dexer) he will para u and foot u , kill your mount and kill u easier

2. If u fight a necro based dexer and u do not t chest the omen u gonna get pwned. Ai do 43 dmg not 35 and the two spells but specially omen concussion does 90+ dmg if u have low mana

3. If u fight on a dexer vs a necro he will omen para u , e field u and put a poison field too. U die

4. If u fight a competent mage and u go in a para field ( for ex in a dungeon) he can trap u behind and u only can walk towards the paras and u will get rekt


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nerfing boxes is definitely a bad idea. Calling people noobs cause they can't survive without a box is ridiculous and does make you sound like you don't actually PVP. You have to at least have a fighting chance for survival against a gank.
I mean I do pvp, I do use boxes, I use novas, I use potions, I have templates varying on all NA shards from focused pure mages, Parry mages, deathstrikers, Necro Axers, archers I have box makers on every shard, so doing anything to boxes would in fact hurt ALL of my templates, even break some. Which is why I didn't say nerf or remove them. I simply said to make them not an infinite source of para breaks. That's like saying apples shouldn't have a timer.

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
U clearly never pvp. This is the last time I demolish u again:

1. 1vs1 no t chest? If u fight a competent pvper ( dexer) he will para u and foot u , kill your mount and kill u easier

2. If u fight a necro based dexer and u do not t chest the omen u gonna get pwned. Ai do 43 dmg not 35 and the two spells but specially omen concussion does 90+ dmg if u have low mana

3. If u fight on a dexer vs a necro he will omen para u , e field u and put a poison field too. U die

4. If u fight a competent mage and u go in a para field ( for ex in a dungeon) he can trap u behind and u only can walk towards the paras and u will get rekt
1 and 3) I guess teleporting doesn't exist now? Not sure when it got removed from the game. Perhaps you're playing a different game though.
2) Incorrect. 43 damage AI isn't that big a deal, and I believe omen/conc needs corpse skin/fire or poison weapon to do that much damage?
4) A Mage can't use Dispel Field? A dexer can't use scrolls to teleport over the fields?

Next non-argument, please.


Crazed Zealot
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Then use a potion. Breaking a paralyze should be a choice between whether or not doing so saves your life which outweighs the cost of consuming a potion not just an instant reaction because breaking said paralyze has no consequence.

Your not answering the question on why one item should have unlimited uses though. Not to mention you just destroyed a 2 spell combo with 1 infinite use item.

Just Saying..

I've answered your question twice. You will be para spammed unless you carry 50 of those things. If your saying the only difference to break a para is dependent on whether or not someone carries pots or not is just ridiculous and would be like changing something "just cuz".

This doesn't even account for the fact it is a VVV consumeable and screws everyone outside of that system.

Do you think all my PVP chars are in VVV?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
I've answered your question twice. You will be para spammed unless you carry 50 of those things. If your saying the only difference whether the break a para is whether or not someone carries pots or not is just ridiculous and would be like changing something "just cuz".

This doesn't even account for the fact it is a VVV consumeable and screws everyone outside of that system.

Do you think all my PVP chars are in VVV?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?
Probably the only way he can get a kill is through omen/para

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
remember, some have auto trapped box some don't. can be big advantage. there's nothing worse than getting para spammed lol. I always thought para should have diminishing effectiveness. I also hate having to carry trap box even with 120 resist. some shards do not even sell trapped boxes. some have a large advantage over others, like some get blocked by stuff some and some don't. I just want pvp to be fair. I feel some of these changes will cause some to quit. if u think trammies don't have much of a chance now, some of these changes will make it worse. the best pvp I had was when there was no factions and before the new loot came out. it was the most fair I've seen this game. nearly everyone I know that has quit the game did not leave because of the art, content ect. they left cause of unfair game mechanics/practices, illegal/cheat programs or disparity between cc and ec/pincos. these are just my opinions.
ps, I'm tired of redoing suits lol


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've answered your question twice. You will be para spammed unless you carry 50 of those things. If your saying the only difference to break a para is dependent on whether or not someone carries pots or not is just ridiculous and would be like changing something "just cuz".

This doesn't even account for the fact it is a VVV consumeable and screws everyone outside of that system.

Do you think all my PVP chars are in VVV?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?
I think you guys are going too deep into this trap-box thing.

he never said he wanted to remove trap-boxes. in-fact, he said there still needs to be a way to break paralysis...

It just shouldn't be taken for granted like it is now, trap-boxes are heavily scripted because the damage they deal is very easily recovered via HPR (takes about 3 seconds to heal 100% of the damage back with HPR alone)

It's a problem, though a very small problem compared to what else is being discussed. -either way, stop being so dense and read the whole suggestion.

(it's in the Items compensating skill category) I just don't feel like talking about it atm... as there are more important things. (IMO) :D


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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I think you guys are going too deep into this trap-box thing.

he never said he wanted to remove trap-boxes. in-fact, he said there still needs to be a way to break paralysis...

It just shouldn't be taken for granted like it is now, trap-boxes are heavily scripted because the damage they deal is very easily recovered via HPR (takes about 3 seconds to heal 100% of the damage back with HPR alone)

It's a problem, though a very small problem compared to what else is being discussed. -either way, stop being so dense and read the whole suggestion.

(it's in the Items compensating skill category) I just don't feel like talking about it atm... as there are more important things. (IMO) :D
He suggests to limit trapped boxes (a useless and pointless change) and make it where you use anti paralysis pots. That is his platform.

If you nerf trapped boxes you will be para spammed. (EO or not)

Again not everyone is in VVV so why should they have to join because some dude likes to try and get para spamming to be an option?


Stratics Veteran
He suggests to limit trapped boxes (a useless and pointless change) and make it where you use anti paralysis pots. That is his platform.

If you nerf trapped boxes you will be para spammed. (EO or not)

Again not everyone is in VVV so why should they have to join because some dude likes to try and get para spamming to be an option?
I've stated that I would be fine with any type of option being added to trap boxes such as a delay, set number of charges, a cooldown and possibly higher damage done.
Also in my first post I addressed the VvV potion by requesting it be made into a craftable.
Again @Bleak and @Mesanna added that potion into the game for the specific purpose of breaking paralyze so obviously they did not realize how exploited trap boxes are. I am just bringing it to their attention because no one has successfully argued how a trapped box in it's current state is not broken.

The only thing I will give you is that Evil Omen + Paralyze is strong and maybe that alone should be looked into instead of having one item completely nullify people's invested skill points endlessly at a click of a button. This includes the Paralyze spell and special moves. Not even getting into the other things using a box breaks as stated by some random guy in this very thread.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've stated that I would be fine with any type of option being added to trap boxes such as a delay, set number of charges, a cooldown and possibly higher damage done.
Also in my first post I addressed the VvV potion by requesting it be made into a craftable.
Again @Bleak and @Mesanna added that potion into the game for the specific purpose of breaking paralyze so obviously they did not realize how exploited trap boxes are. I am just bringing it to their attention because no one has successfully argued how a trapped box in it's current state is not broken.

The only thing I will give you is that Evil Omen + Paralyze is strong and maybe that alone should be looked into instead of having one item completely nullify people's invested skill points endlessly at a click of a button. This includes the Paralyze spell and special moves. Not even getting into the other things using a box breaks as stated by some random guy in this very thread.
Omen should just be fixed to not effect paralyze and that option is erased

Be it a strike from a sword or the sting of a spell, the next bad thing that happens to the receiver of this curse will be worse. The player affected by this spell:
Will receive a +25% increase from the next source of damage.
Will receive a +1 boost to the level of poison the next time they are poisoned.
Will only have 50% of their Resisting Spells skill the next time they try to resist a spell.

Easy no? I don't know strikeout the Resist part..I don't know why I can't get strike through to work at least on phone

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Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
I've stated that I would be fine with any type of option being added to trap boxes such as a delay, set number of charges, a cooldown and possibly higher damage done.
Also in my first post I addressed the VvV potion by requesting it be made into a craftable.
Again @Bleak and @Mesanna added that potion into the game for the specific purpose of breaking paralyze so obviously they did not realize how exploited trap boxes are. I am just bringing it to their attention because no one has successfully argued how a trapped box in it's current state is not broken.

The only thing I will give you is that Evil Omen + Paralyze is strong and maybe that alone should be looked into instead of having one item completely nullify people's invested skill points endlessly at a click of a button. This includes the Paralyze spell and special moves. Not even getting into the other things using a box breaks as stated by some random guy in this very thread.
You have not given the reason why this should be changed other than stating the function of the trapped boxes.

What do you expect to gain by fixing something that isn't broken?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have not given the reason why this should be changed other than stating the function of the trapped boxes.

What do you expect to gain by fixing something that isn't broken?
I don't agree it's not broken. I highly doubt it was intended we can ask for verification. I willing to bet honestly the reason they haven't fixed yet is because of the way they are created. They really shouldn't be an infinite para break. I don't want them to have charges blah blah because well..that's just another item for me to have to stockpile. I'd rather they just increase the cooldown time. Trapped Boxes are literally only used for a work around for Player discovered game mechanics. They also probably left it because well..they borked Trapped pouches after AOS and figured oh well, and have been turning a blind eye. Remove Omen working with paralyze, set the use delay to 3.75 seconds on boxes, and it won't feel as abused. Or get Resist, use teleport scrolls for fields..ya kno. Like you used to!

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Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
I don't agree it's not broken. I highly doubt it was intended we can ask for verification. I willing to bet honestly the reason they haven't fixed yet is because of the way they are created. They really shouldn't be an infinite para break. I don't want them to have charges blah blah because well..that's just another item for me to have to stockpile. I'd rather they just increase the cooldown time. Trapped Boxes are literally only used for a work around for Player discovered game mechanics. They also probably left it because well..they borked Trapped pouches after AOS and figured oh well, and have been turning a blind eye. Remove Omen working with paralyze, set the use delay to 3.75 seconds on boxes, and it won't feel as abused. Or get Resist, use teleport scrolls for fields..ya kno. Like you used to!

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I disagree, but really the point is why should we change this, and what are consequences.

Any changes will not likely be adequate to prevent a constant para spam.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I disagree, but really the point is why should we change this, and what are consequences.

Any changes will not likely be adequate to prevent a constant para spam.
If you remove omen/para it's simple. If you don't have Resist the consequences are a 3.75 delay. Get Resist or adapt. Carry lesser explosion potions, there's plenty of ways to break a para, if you want the luxury of not having Resist.

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Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
If you remove omen/para it's simple. If you don't have Resist the consequences are a 3.75 delay. Get Resist or adapt. Carry lesser explosion potions, there's plenty of ways to break a para, if you want the luxury of not having Resist.

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You want to nerf a template just so we can adjust trapped boxes?

Most people run resists.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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I don't mind trapped boxes. But worst case scenario, we can always go back to the days of casting magic trap on small square bags in our pouch. Ahh the good ol days... :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You want to nerf a template just so we can adjust trapped boxes?

Most people run resists.
How am I trying to nerf a template? The game is full of bandaids. Fix it. Paralyze should have diminishing returns. A trapped box shouldn't be used as a non stop para breaker completely nullifying a spell with 0 skill investment. So..

- Trapped Boxes have a 3.75 delay(compromise at 2.75) as well as do less damage crafted at any level. 5-10 I'd even say insurable for 5,000gp
- Evil Omen and paralyze no longer work together
- Paralyze Spell gets diminishing returns if 120 Eval to 0 Resist the algorithm is (120/10) - (0/10) that's 12 seconds. So if paralyzed again within 5 seconds it's /2 so 12/6/3/1.5
-Reduce trap pouch damage at 120mage, 120eval to 10-13dmg, as well as color them when trapped or not Red=Trapped Brown= Not

Balance..not nerf

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
How am I trying to nerf a template? The game is full of bandaids. Fix it. Paralyze should have diminishing returns. A trapped box shouldn't be used as a non stop para breaker completely nullifying a spell with 0 skill investment. So..

- Trapped Boxes have a 3.75 delay(compromise at 2.75) as well as do less damage crafted at any level. 5-10 I'd even say insurable for 5,000gp
- Evil Omen and paralyze no longer work together
- Paralyze Spell gets diminishing returns if 120 Eval to 0 Resist the algorithm is (120/10) - (0/10) that's 12 seconds. So if paralyzed again within 5 seconds it's /2 so 12/6/3/1.5
-Reduce trap pouch damage at 120mage, 120eval to 10-13dmg, as well as color them when trapped or not Red=Trapped Brown= Not

Balance..not nerf

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I don't know man, I'd stay away from diminishing returns.

Really i think we agree to disagree.

I do not think either of them should be touched, because frankly there's no reason to.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How am I trying to nerf a template? The game is full of bandaids. Fix it. Paralyze should have diminishing returns. A trapped box shouldn't be used as a non stop para breaker completely nullifying a spell with 0 skill investment. So..

- Trapped Boxes have a 3.75 delay(compromise at 2.75) as well as do less damage crafted at any level. 5-10 I'd even say insurable for 5,000gp
- Evil Omen and paralyze no longer work together
- Paralyze Spell gets diminishing returns if 120 Eval to 0 Resist the algorithm is (120/10) - (0/10) that's 12 seconds. So if paralyzed again within 5 seconds it's /2 so 12/6/3/1.5
-Reduce trap pouch damage at 120mage, 120eval to 10-13dmg, as well as color them when trapped or not Red=Trapped Brown= Not

Balance..not nerf

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No. Just no. Change the way evil omen works because you don't like it?

Why should paralyze get diminishing returns? It only works on people with no resist. Another bad idea.

Something I could get on board with would be to UP the damage of trapped box. No one wants to waste valuable space and items on trapped pouches like they used to.

A trapped box is fine, but there should be some sort of penalty for spamming it. Now, what would be an acceptable solution? Up the ticks to 18-20 damage a tick? maybe. Or maybe increase the ticks if they are used within a 3 second window. First tick 12, second tick 18, third tick 25, etc. That would punish people with no resist for sure.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know man, I'd stay away from diminishing returns.

Really i think we agree to disagree.

I do not think either of them should be touched, because frankly there's no reason to.
Well the only reason I'd say it to touch is because we'd end up with 15 second timed boxes and bugged everything else

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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No. Just no. Change the way evil omen works because you don't like it?

Why should paralyze get diminishing returns? It only works on people with no resist. Another bad idea.

Something I could get on board with would be to UP the damage of trapped box. No one wants to waste valuable space and items on trapped pouches like they used to.

A trapped box is fine, but there should be some sort of penalty for spamming it. Now, what would be an acceptable solution? Up the ticks to 18-20 damage a tick? maybe. Or maybe increase the ticks if they are used within a 3 second window. First tick 12, second tick 18, third tick 25, etc. That would punish people with no resist for sure.
Well I'm not suggesting penalizing anyone. I personally wouldn't have an issue dealing with omen para. Even without a box if that was the way things were. You can't omen para faster than an average pvper can elude it. That I agree with. I wasn't proposing changes necessarily, I was just showing ways things could be further balanced to not force people to have Resist like the old days, and still promote template diversity with consequences.

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Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I've stated that I would be fine with any type of option being added to trap boxes such as a delay, set number of charges, a cooldown and possibly higher damage done.
Also in my first post I addressed the VvV potion by requesting it be made into a craftable.
Again @Bleak and @Mesanna added that potion into the game for the specific purpose of breaking paralyze so obviously they did not realize how exploited trap boxes are. I am just bringing it to their attention because no one has successfully argued how a trapped box in it's current state is not broken.

The only thing I will give you is that Evil Omen + Paralyze is strong and maybe that alone should be looked into instead of having one item completely nullify people's invested skill points endlessly at a click of a button. This includes the Paralyze spell and special moves. Not even getting into the other things using a box breaks as stated by some random guy in this very thread.
Why does it need all that Mages have no timer hardly on paralyze.... they have no set number of casts on a spell per day, they have no such things... why should my defense? You do realize that a Trap Box HURTS... it does damage... you can't endlessly open it without healing yourself and you are also getting hit by the para mage... so WHY does the Trap Box give you such a problem... Oh I know... because you can't deal with your target moving.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You do realize that a Trap Box HURTS... it does damage... you can't endlessly open it without healing yourself and you are also getting hit by the para mage... so WHY does the Trap Box give you such a problem... Oh I know... because you can't deal with your target moving.
A trap box does so little damage it is not even funny. And even if you para them and start casting a spell... they can easily box and run before you drop it on them. Bad argument for trap boxes ya have there.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why does it need all that Mages have no timer hardly on paralyze.... they have no set number of casts on a spell per day, they have no such things... why should my defense? You do realize that a Trap Box HURTS... it does damage... you can't endlessly open it without healing yourself and you are also getting hit by the para mage... so WHY does the Trap Box give you such a problem... Oh I know... because you can't deal with your target moving.
The trap boxes that people use barely do any damage. Maybe 5-7 range. Question: have you ever seen someone that's para-bait not even STOP moving because of the box script?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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A trap box does so little damage it is not even funny. And even if you para them and start casting a spell... they can easily box and run before you drop it on them. Bad argument for trap boxes ya have there.
No it isn't... the trap box does as much damage as a poison does... tick each and every time... Most dexers are limited in heals by how many bandages and potions they can carry... archers like myself are limited by the number of arrows and bandages and potions that we can carry which are FAR less than most other dexers... but a mage is only limited by mana which anymore isn't a limit at all..... nor is reagents since everyone has 100% LRC... making a mage able to outlast any dexer with heals and everything else... there is no other defense we can have against them... not to mention the fact that Mages don't "miss" as dexers and archers do... so again.... leave the trap box alone and quit relying on a gimp playstyle that should have died ages ago.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
No it isn't... the trap box does as much damage as a poison does... tick each and every time... Most dexers are limited in heals by how many bandages and potions they can carry... archers like myself are limited by the number of arrows and bandages and potions that we can carry which are FAR less than most other dexers... but a mage is only limited by mana which anymore isn't a limit at all..... nor is reagents since everyone has 100% LRC... making a mage able to outlast any dexer with heals and everything else... there is no other defense we can have against them... not to mention the fact that Mages don't "miss" as dexers and archers do... so again.... leave the trap box alone and quit relying on a gimp playstyle that should have died ages ago.
You have no leg to stand on in this. Limited amount of bandages? Are you kidding? Those are one of the lightest things in game. How many times do you think you could set a box off while healing and you would heal to full? A mage even attempting to chain para will get maybe two paras off if they are lucky. The dexer will take what 15-18 damage and then be free to run away? lol.

Yes, there is a defense against para: RESIST.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Why should paralyze get diminishing returns? It only works on people with no resist. Another bad idea.

Something I could get on board with would be to UP the damage of trapped box. No one wants to waste valuable space and items on trapped pouches like they used to.

A trapped box is fine, but there should be some sort of penalty for spamming it. Now, what would be an acceptable solution? Up the ticks to 18-20 damage a tick?
Absolutely. This is what I would suggest. (I said 20 damage when I did), but it's basically the same thing. no cooldown, no charge limit just an increase in damage from the use of it., it would just be a risk worth taking if you know you're going to get killed if you don't box the paralyze.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Absolutely. This is what I would suggest. (I said 20 damage when I did), but it's basically the same thing. no cooldown, no charge limit just an increase in damage from the use of it., it would just be a risk worth taking if you know you're going to get killed if you don't box the paralyze.
That's only a small bandaid. I suggest actually fixing the root of the problem. You can make the damage 50 it still doesn't change the fact. Pvp should be far more skill based in all aspects. Ever wonder why the heavy pvpers back from late ren early AOS era have always been at the top of the food chain. Basically what I'm saying is putting in effort to be good or semi good where i rank myself, considering understand the game mechanics is having to adapt and learn game mechanics. There is no game mechanic to a trapped box it's a dope button. If you die in para fields or by paralyze you're literally a dink and either are misinformed or d/c. Why everything has to be catering and easy just boggles my mind. I myself use boxes. It's easy, a baby can learn. The reason there's so much fight back is because you can ignore Resist completely and not even really be at a disadvantage. Call it a crutch to modern PvPers, especially when it comes to a field fight. Take my stealther for example. You can try to chain para me all you want. You can sleep me all you want, you can Mana Vamp me all you want. I'll never die from it cause I literally can hold a button and not even worry. Take into fact that the suits are sooooo ridiculous mana is never an issue anymore. Eat a cookie with one hand (I love cookies ️) and pvp with another. That's UO today!

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's only a small bandaid. I suggest actually fixing the root of the problem. You can make the damage 50 it still doesn't change the fact. Pvp should be far more skill based in all aspects. Ever wonder why the heavy pvpers back from late ren early AOS era have always been at the top of the food chain. Basically what I'm saying is putting in effort to be good or semi good where i rank myself, considering understand the game mechanics is having to adapt and learn game mechanics. There is no game mechanic to a trapped box it's a dope button. If you die in para fields or by paralyze you're literally a dink and either are misinformed or d/c. Why everything has to be catering and easy just boggles my mind. I myself use boxes. It's easy, a baby can learn. The reason there's so much fight back is because you can ignore Resist completely and not even really be at a disadvantage. Call it a crutch to modern PvPers, especially when it comes to a field fight. Take my stealther for example. You can try to chain para me all you want. You can sleep me all you want, you can Mana Vamp me all you want. I'll never die from it cause I literally can hold a button and not even worry. Take into fact that the suits are sooooo ridiculous mana is never an issue anymore. Eat a cookie with one hand (I love cookies ️) and pvp with another. That's UO today!

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I agree, but you wouldn't be able to just hold the button (trap-box) if it did 20, you'd have to think about it. that's the point.


Stratics Veteran
I like how war shak and his even worse pvp friend keep coming up with ideas to ruin pvp in which they don't even partake in. They only pvped when they had a huge zerg on LS.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like how war shak and his even worse pvp friend keep coming up with ideas to ruin pvp in which they don't even partake in. They only pvped when they had a huge zerg on LS.
a huge zerg that averaged what, 7 people? We went over that maybe twice over several months of fighting, and that was when EVERYONE was on, which was mostly not the case.