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Macroing in your house?


Stratics Veteran
I was told by many Advisors on Atlantic and other shards that it was now legal to macro in your house for skills but you cannot macro in public places like Luna or something. I got a one day ban for training magery on Siege ****** macro and I was doing it in my house. ROT prevents you from even gaining much past 70 and I was at 105.

So are they going back on their words and it is illegal?

Even sending out bans after I spent 40$ on mythic tokens for Siege is just stupid. This game is dying and I'm trying to get characters on every shard to spread Pvp everywhere.

Also, my guild, is hated in PVP and PVM just because we PVP and I have noticed many of my guild getting harrassed by GMs recently with random bans while I get called a N word in gen chat and the guy is on tomorrow.

Answers please? I just wanna play.

@Mesanna @Kyronix


Stratics Veteran
Also, my house that I was macroing one magery spell to repeat every 15 minutes is like super secluded and should not have been found easily. Just more reasons I think people have GM connections to harrass me and my guild.

But yes, let people script and dupe everywhere 100% unattended but I get a ban for training magery to try to make shards revived.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The official interpretation of the policy in question, hasn't changed since the beginning of uo: It has never and is not currently allowed to macro unattended anywhere, nor to use any none approved third party applications (only uo pro) to assist you in such.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
Well that is ironic since I have seen people macroing at luna on a production shard in the past two weeks. The difference here is Siege. I'd you didn't know, GIL checks every house, every week for IDOCs. They keep a list on their forums of afk macroers. While it sucks for you, you should be aware that this will be reported by them and you will be on their "naughty" list. I've come across folks afk macroing on Siege in the wild. While I could have killed them, I generally trapped them in food piles or some other silly thing. If you are hell bent on afk macroing, find a spot that doesn't have housing and the chances of someone coming by are very low. Unless you come back and find food piles around you, in which case I came by.....


Stratics Veteran
Well that is ironic since I have seen people macroing at luna on a production shard in the past two weeks. The difference here is Siege. I'd you didn't know, GIL checks every house, every week for IDOCs. They keep a list on their forums of afk macroers. While it sucks for you, you should be aware that this will be reported by them and you will be on their "naughty" list. I've come across folks afk macroing on Siege in the wild. While I could have killed them, I generally trapped them in food piles or some other silly thing. If you are hell bent on afk macroing, find a spot that doesn't have housing and the chances of someone coming by are very low. Unless you come back and find food piles around you, in which case I came by.....
I got my first warning on Atl for macroing in my house though.


Stratics Veteran
I am working on getting an email from an advisor straight from Mesanna saying that they can no longer pull people macroing from their house only people macroing in luna or open places because macroing in your house was okay to do now since how dead we are.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was told by many Advisors on Atlantic and other shards that it was now legal to macro in your house for skills but you cannot macro in public places like Luna or something. I got a one day ban for training magery on Siege uoloop macro and I was doing it in my house. ROT prevents you from even gaining much past 70 and I was at 105.

So are they going back on their words and it is illegal?

Even sending out bans after I spent 40$ on mythic tokens for Siege is just stupid. This game is dying and I'm trying to get characters on every shard to spread Pvp everywhere.

Also, my guild, is hated in PVP and PVM just because we PVP and I have noticed many of my guild getting harrassed by GMs recently with random bans while I get called a N word in gen chat and the guy is on tomorrow.

Answers please? I just wanna play.

@Mesanna @Kyronix
Macroing is not illegal never was you can macro til the cows come home. What is illegal is afk macroing with a 3rd party program so long as you are at your computer to answer a gm you should have no problems. macroing wasn't your problem ****** was


Stratics Veteran
Did not have a 3rd party program.
Was afk.

I will be posting emails from Mesanna to advisors that said they cannot punish people for afk macroing anymore IN THEIR HOUSE.


Stratics Veteran
So your reasoning is: This game is dead so it's ok to cheat?

No wonder the game is dying.
My reasoning is, you have 100 people scripting shame loot and duping who knows what and nothing is happening here.


Stratics Veteran
Then an email sent out to people who subscribe to UO emails or whatever said that if you emailed a certain email about a previously perma banned account that it could be reversed and you could play on it. BUT YES LET'S STILL BAN A GUY TRAINING MAGERY KK


Stratics Veteran
You´re welcome. :D

And no, it wasn´t magery. And no, it wasn´t your house. And no, the house is not "like super secluded".
*shakes head*

Now, stop whining and stop cheating...
Was in my house? Are you stupid? And yes it was I was casting earthquake???


Stratics Veteran
Was in my house? Are you stupid? And yes it was I was casting earthquake???
I don't need your trolls Tjalle. I just want an answer from Mesanna because I'm obtaining the emails right now. No more trolling, I will ask any moderator to ban anyone trying to troll me. I get enough harrassment from GMs right now.


Stratics Veteran
Did not know there was a "******" program. I meant ****** as uo macro and I place a hammer on the "space" key and let it run ahah :)

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My reasoning is, you have 100 people scripting shame loot and duping who knows what and nothing is happening here.
Some have been caught also had their houses burned down so crime doesnt pay evently the cheaters will be caught


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got called a "N" word by Zeb the other day, had 6 people page on him and he was on the next day.
You probably argued back, or otherwise made a stir in general chat about it. In which case GMs won't touch it.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
Look man, I get that you are peeved because there is a double standard here. Mesanna herself opened the box with the now infamous "any way you can" statement. And while macroing may be ok attended, there is no way the folks I've come across this week in blackthorns or at Luna mint were attended non stop throughout the day, esp when their own guildmates said the players were afk. So yeah, people do it and the punishment seems selective. But emailing Mesanna, or even posting here, isn't going to get you the solution you want. ROT on Siege is actually pretty great. You may be wanting to jump in immediately, but just playing naturally is going to raise a lot of skills way quicker than prodo (looking at you taming). And pinks are still a thing, and super cheap on Siege as well.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did not know there was a "******" program. I meant ****** as uo macro and I place a hammer on the "space" key and let it run ahah :)
you were still afk macroing so still a ban for you have to be at puter while marco is running.I macro on great lakes using uoassist with a paper clip .. I need to leave my puter I stop macroing til I get back. not worth losing me account over.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have a programmable keyboard, you can use that too (a friend confirmed as she asked to be sure a few years ago). But that doesn't change anything with the fact that unattended in any and all ways is ban reason.


Stratics Veteran
A ban in this game for these reasons is just ridiculous. I am still trying to get the email.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got called a "N" word by Zeb the other day, had 6 people page on him and he was on the next day.
you still can be banned for saying the N word but might not be a perma ban on first offence, No idea


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think, Zora got what she deserves. 6 months ban would have been far more appropriate. Not for macroing, but being herself. Worth every ban. But 6 months is a start for now... Lets keep the eyes on her.
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL your crew from atlantic have been bragging in GC about the various cheats you use then whine when you get smacked down. Suck it up buttercup you got busted and got a light suspension not a ban. One of your crew was asking people to report members of your guild for cheating, guess folks are just obliging that request :)


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
This is an interesting thread, as there is certainly some gray area about the original issue discussed and when in-game penalties will be applied. However, lets please keep trolling and mocking aside.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SO @Mesanna Lets get a straight answer how much cheating and unapproved 3rd party use is allowed? Why don't we clear this up right now and put the matter to rest once and for all :)

I have been seeing in GC half the day people saying the unmentionable programs on stratics are legal now, and the GMs and Devs said so. Please advise us, if so we can all get on a level playing field here.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
And people wonder why this game is circling the drain...

it becomes so vividly obvious...

So afk macroing is completely legal in game now... why don't they just make all shards like test and quit pretending there are rules at all.


Supreme Commander
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And people wonder why this game is circling the drain...

it becomes so vividly obvious...

So afk macroing is completely legal in game now... why don't they just make all shards like test and quit pretending there are rules at all.

WELL YEAH! The magical, yet to be seen, email says so!


Stratics Veteran
Accusing me and my guild of cheating is against Stratics ToS. This thread needs to be deleted and bans need to be awarded.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I actually got banned once for keeping my char afk for around 20-30mins in blackthorn dungeon (atl shard), hell hounds attacking me while im afk and my char striking them back - using 0 scripts, 0 third party programs.

Fair or unfair?



I came across a guy AFK macroing on a boat in the middle of the ocean. He was given a 24hr ban. ****** is not an approved program. UOAssist is though. But using the program that auto loops your macro for you is illegal. UNLESS of course you are not AFK. Then you can use the ****** program to auto loop your UOAssist macro. But as soon as you go AFK you need to turn off your auto loop program, then turn it back on when you return.

Sounds to me like you got caught and were raw because you got a ban. Damn shame, cheaters gona cheat. Glad ur not on my shard anymore. Enjoy Siege.

Btw here are the rules... You violated Rule #6

6. You may not leave an active character or pet in game while unattended. If your character is performing a skill, text or action, you must be able to respond to a Game Master when one attempts to speak to you.

Seems pretty straight right there.

Btw you agree to these rules and more everytime you install UO or sign up for a new account. To read the most current rules list. Look at your TOS you agreed to when you installed the game :)
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you really have to macro your skills and find it boring just set the game window up beside a movie on your monitor and let it run while your watching a flick. Your there if a GM comes by to say hi. It can save a lot of pain if your old and grey with grumpy joints like I am.