- Awards
- 4
Have empty vendors turn off. Change color. Something. Anything. It's very frustrating for those folks who are not self sufficient (for whatever reasons) to run around looking for basic stuff and open pack after pack after box after crate and find lots and lots of absolutely NOTHING but AIR. Where are all the stocked vendors?!
Now this would do nothing to anyone, but help. You don't even have to have them *poof*...just code them so their names change color, for example (so that instead of yellow we'd see a grey name). Because I personally am getting repetitive stress injuries from doubling clicking hundreds of packs and packs within packs in my search for recall and mark scrolls. Phew. /rant
Thank you for a great game, I can imagine it would be a real challenge to keep all us demanding folk happy!
Now this would do nothing to anyone, but help. You don't even have to have them *poof*...just code them so their names change color, for example (so that instead of yellow we'd see a grey name). Because I personally am getting repetitive stress injuries from doubling clicking hundreds of packs and packs within packs in my search for recall and mark scrolls. Phew. /rant
Thank you for a great game, I can imagine it would be a real challenge to keep all us demanding folk happy!