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8/10/15 Dev Meet And Greet On Atlantic Transcript (incomplete)


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Riyana submitted a new Article:

8/10/15 Dev Meet And Greet On Atlantic Transcript (incomplete)

This is a transcript of the Atlantic Dev Meet and Greet that took place on 8/10/15. The dev statements are color coded for easy reference.

***This is only a PARTIAL transcript. If anyone has a full transcript and/or a screenshot from this Meet and Greet that you wouldn't mind me using, please PM it to me and I will add/update with appropriate credit.***

*****Still no hot air balloons.

Mesanna says: hi Duane did you have a question?

Lord Duane says: Hows it going>?
Mesanna says: good and yourself?
Lord Duane says: Yes I keep hearing that duped gold will...
Read more about this article here...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Wow... I just .... wow where to respond first.....

First off as far as the buff thing goes ..... making us (*the governors) chose a single buff for "everyone" does NOT bring folk together. First epic fail with that would be that NO ONE bothers to tell you what they would like even if you put up a ballot because well lets face it there isn't any reason to go to the town or to the town stone..... as 98% of the people playing now could care less about the entire system... I have ONE person on my stone who cares what the buff is and if it's active... ONE... Most towns no one cares no one says anything and no one offeres a suggestion... Probably because there isn't any good way to communicate what one might one.... no one even knows there is a buff as most folk don't even read stratics let alone keep up with the Governor system they don't care about. There is no reason for people to go to the towns or care about a town anymore since they don't need to "defend" their town anymore or anything else. Unless your odd like me and you have a special place in your heart for the city you lived in and around when you first started.... most folk don't care. There is no reason to care and no reason to go to any town but one. I still say that each town ought to have special recipes and such that town crafters can get from being LOYAL to their town.

Secondly talking about Multiclienting is an epic FAIL. Obviously NO ONE on the team gets the problem... no matter how you spell it out..... and congrats to Alt for epically failing to explain the question... IT's not if multiclienting is legal as it IS. She's said that 100 times. Yes you can run as many accounts as you like... THE MAJOR question is "Is it legal to run 10 accounts as ONE on ONE keyboard all doing exactly the same thing all at the same time?" (FYI DEV team this is what MULTIBOXING IS!) THAT is the question. NO one gives a rats bunghole if I am RPing 5 characters at some stupid meeting.... NO one cares if I fill half the room with people at an auction to make the room look "fuller" or whatever. Now if I was running 5 accounts and training up my own skills by discording or whatever macroing I'm doing to gain skills it's likely that not many would care at all... But if I attend at EM event and use 5+ accounts as one (As in I'm using some 3rd party macro system to control all the accounts from ONE keyboard all at the same time) all doing the same thing from the same keyboard and I get 4 of 10 drops you can bet that there are going to be at LEAST 50 people caring about what I'm doing. And THAT @Mesanna is what people want STOPPED! THAT is what folk are pissed about and THAT is what everyone is getting angry about. Ignoring the REAL issue will NOT make it go away. You can not bury your head in the sand over this issue.

Finally even putting the new expansion on TC1 Will NOT test transferring gold from shard to shard. Until this goes live HOW are we going to test the safe transfer of gold from one shard to another???


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I've said it before and I'll say it again: the current trade buff arrangement does NOT make people who use it loyal to a city. It makes them loyal to the trade association that has their favorite buff. Each election cycle I hear people in chat asking which city gives what buff, and they declare for whatever city has the buff they want. People interested in the buffs just follow the buff and in many cases don't participate in the system beyond that. It's not encouraging city participation. It's encouraging a transient population. Kinda makes you wish for a gypsy wagon.

Even a choice of three, selectable by the governor, would be a vast improvement.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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We will be able to transfer gold across shards?
Yes it's been said a 1,001 times. You will be able to transfer gold WITH YOU when you transfer.... No you can't just send gold to another shard.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Well, that's what I thought, just making sure, even though it's been said 1,001 times

Lord Frodo

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Secondly talking about Multiclienting is an epic FAIL. Obviously NO ONE on the team gets the problem... no matter how you spell it out..... and congrats to Alt for epically failing to explain the question... IT's not if multiclienting is legal as it IS. She's said that 100 times. Yes you can run as many accounts as you like... THE MAJOR question is "Is it legal to run 10 accounts as ONE on ONE keyboard all doing exactly the same thing all at the same time?" (FYI DEV team this is what MULTIBOXING IS!) THAT is the question. NO one gives a rats bunghole if I am RPing 5 characters at some stupid meeting.... NO one cares if I fill half the room with people at an auction to make the room look "fuller" or whatever. Now if I was running 5 accounts and training up my own skills by discording or whatever macroing I'm doing to gain skills it's likely that not many would care at all... But if I attend at EM event and use 5+ accounts as one (As in I'm using some 3rd party macro system to control all the accounts from ONE keyboard all at the same time) all doing the same thing from the same keyboard and I get 4 of 10 drops you can bet that there are going to be at LEAST 50 people caring about what I'm doing. And THAT @Mesanna is what people want STOPPED! THAT is what folk are pissed about and THAT is what everyone is getting angry about. Ignoring the REAL issue will NOT make it go away. You can not bury your head in the sand over this issue.
She was very palin on her answer, YES IT IS OK TO MULTI CLIENT because you are controlling each client individually. Here is the hint she dropped (about multiboxing) if you would just open your eyes.
Mesanna says: BUT
Mesanna says: if you are doing this we can get you for macroing if you are not at your keyboard (You can not be at your keyboard for all accounts if you are multiboxing, think about it)
Mesanna says: everyone knows its easy to see who is doing what. (We know if you are multi clienting or multiboxing)
Mesanna says: ok
Mesanna says: make sure you are there with them then
Mesanna says: I am just saying that players that multi client
Mesanna says: if they are macroing (Using a 3rd party program to control more than one client at a time)
Mesanna says: they can and will be actioned
She basically told everybody that they already know who is doing what and look out because they may start cracking down. You need to learn how to read between the lines because she is not going to flatout say 100% about anything but will give hints.


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Yep that's how they've done it in the past...remember all the burned down houses with the effigies? They didn't say one word about it until the day it happened. You can't come out and say stuff cus then ppl will change their ways to not get caught.

Best thing ever :) More burning effigies!!!!

Though...what she said about *You cannot be at your computer for all accounts* is actually not true...if someone DOES use a program that links all 5..6...8 computers to one keyboard, and you have all 8 monitors sitting in front of you...then yeah...you can be at your computer for all accounts.....which is what I have a sneaking suspicion is what a few people do...unfortunately...:( how can you catch those people?

Lord Frodo

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Yep that's how they've done it in the past...remember all the burned down houses with the effigies? They didn't say one word about it until the day it happened. You can't come out and say stuff cus then ppl will change their ways to not get caught.

Best thing ever :) More burning effigies!!!!

Though...what she said about *You cannot be at your computer for all accounts* is actually not true...if someone DOES use a program that links all 5..6...8 computers to one keyboard, and you have all 8 monitors sitting in front of you...then yeah...you can be at your computer for all accounts.....which is what I have a sneaking suspicion is what a few people do...unfortunately...:( how can you catch those people?
If you are using one keyboard to control all accounts then how will you respond to a GM without all the accounts doing the samething? How fast can you unlink all those accounts and switch over to the account that is being questioned by a GM or two GMs show up and hit two different accounts at the same time, LOL BUSTED. And really if you think about it how often would 5,6,8 accounts do the exact same thing at the exact same time. They can look at your accounts and see what you are doing so they already have all the proof they need. Take your butt to jail just to inform you that all your accounts have been seized and to have a nice day before logging you off.


Stratics Veteran
If it is a program running that allows people to multibox and they are using windows, i imagine it would only take as long as it takes to "alt+tab" and click on the red "x"
If you are using one keyboard to control all accounts then how will you respond to a GM without all the accounts doing the samething? How fast can you unlink all those accounts and switch over to the account that is being questioned by a GM or two GMs show up and hit two different accounts at the same time, LOL BUSTED. And really if you think about it how often would 5,6,8 accounts do the exact same thing at the exact same time. They can look at your accounts and see what you are doing so they already have all the proof they need. Take your butt to jail just to inform you that all your accounts have been seized and to have a nice day before logging you off.
I think 4 people doing the exact thing at the same time would be obvious enough, they should be able to then check logs for evidence

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
So they're deleting duped checks.

That means everyone with duped checks has at least a month to launder them by cashing them and making a new check. Meanwhile some guy who transferred with his checks will probably find all his gold deleted.

King Greg

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It almost makes me laugh how people think that there are duped checks.Its a 17 year old game with a dwindling player base and almost no gold sinks other than vendor fees. And anyone with more than a billion knows you don't keep your gold in check form, way too cumbersome.

This must be the thought process for dupers who dupe 1 mill checks.
*I can replicate any item in the game, Hmm... Maybe a single item holding 300 other items that is worth up to 5 billion.... Nahhhhh, I know, an item only worth 1 million "Genius" *

Honestly Mesanna has done more to fix duping than any other developer. They figured out the fingerprint in the code for the duping method, tracked and took out one of the biggest dupers in the game. Try to give her a bit more credit on that subject :p


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Well... I honestly don't think that they can do enough to suit most folk. No matter what they do they will get grief for it. That's a given. Yes she has done more with less than most any other team... has it all been good for the game? Who's to say. What might be good in one person's opinion is not in 10 others... What I see though it that the game has gone from being about friends and guildmates and community to being about stuff, getting stuff, having stuff, and making more gold than anyone else... IMO that's a problem.

Once upon a time we created our own stories... we didn't rely on once in awhile EM's to provide things for us to do... we did them... it wasn't so much about what to hunt but who you did it with. It wasn't about drops and getting uber items... it was about having a good time with friends. I miss that.

Now if you don't give out billions in items and gold it's like pulling teeth to get anyone to attend anything. Years ago it was fun to hang out at the local tavern and see who was going to show up and maybe start something... now if you open a tavern and such almost no one comes. If you hold a poetry contest very few if any enter... Perhaps that has some to do with how few are left... but I have a feeling it has a lot more to do with the fact that most those who cared left because it wasn't fun anymore since everyone was so obsessed with "stuff".

There just seems to be no reason anymore to even join a guild... Why do you need others when you can solo most everything there is? Why join a guild? Unless you are new or just returned you pretty much know what there is.... and you can get it all yourself... Why declare yourself to a city when you can be doing the quests for all the cities and earn loyalty to all of them without being loyal to any of them... Why buy from other crafters what you can make on your own... Why build a character when you can use a token and a few pinks and blues and be done in under 15 min...

Why fight in VvV when you can multiclient when no one is on and get all the goodies for free yourself? Why bother mining or lumberjacking when there are 500 scripters all over to do that boring stuff for you and they sell it so cheaply...

Seems to me there are maybe a handful of folk who remember most of the stories behind UO.... they have played since the first Ultima... They know most the history... and a few EM's really work with that to bring more life to the game.... but again... it's only once in a while... if you are lucky once or twice a week... seems the game has left something big behind and I don't know how to go about getting it back... Soon there will be a new expansion with a few new things to get and a new area to explore.... but that might take all of a couple of weeks.... and then what? Maybe a couple months at best... Perhaps though the holidays... with Halloween to look forward to... but after that where will we be? Gathering more stuff? Or finding new friends?

And no it don't take much to notice someone playing 4 or more accounts simultaneously. My guess is that either the DEV's don't think that it's a "problem" they don't think its as "BIG" of a problem as the rest of us make it out to be... or they either don't care... or feel it's "ok". But then how would we know? If it's not ok then why have the same people been doing it over and over and over again week after week? That should speak volumes... it does to me.

Again there are ways to detect and find scripters... It isn't that hard. Don't tell me they can't tell how long an account has been running... anyone who's "online" more than 20 hours a day everyday is obviously up to something. Again... not rocket science to figure that out. Shouldn't take much to add something to the code to alert GM's or the DEV's of such activity... now if stopping them were a priority.... don't you think it would have been done already? Just saying.... all action or in-action by the devs should and does speak volumes to the players.

But like so many have said perhaps it's gone on so long that they just won't do anything about it anymore... Perhaps Draconi did look at things years ago like he said with his spread sheet and decide that indeed to ban all the offenders would kill the game. Who knows.

All I do know is this... there is nothing else like UO out there. Sure there are things that would like to think they are better than UO... but they come up short. Either they are pretty pictures with zero content and imagination... their PvP/RP is next to nothing... or they don't have the things that make UO great... that bit that is dying more and more every day.... COMMUNITY.

Some games claim to have RP... but they are limited in what you can do... they want you to follow their idea's on what your RP should be... you can't build your own town, you can't do your own auctions... or something. They limit housing, limit interaction with others... some games say they have RP and such and yes they have clans but you can't talk to or interact with people OUTSIDE your clan... how do you RP that?!?! Some have good PvP but only if you got in at ground level otherwise you are just another sheep to slaughter... I remember testing the Sims Online... spiffy concept... BAD implementation... The best thing about the sims was building and designing... but in the online version most folk never got to do those things. Only the uber popular got to do those things. They were the only ones with dozens of friends to help them get money to build. Everyone else just got the privilege to give them more money... or hang out with them. Making enough to buy anything more than a tiny hovel was extremely difficult. Many games are pretty to look at but lead you about by the nose and offer little to the imagination.. they run you through a series of quests until ultimately you run out of quests and finish until they do another expansion leaving you BORED.

UO was a sandbox. Now it seems to be more like a giant garage sale with a few trailerparks. It's like going to a going out of business sale and full of pushing, biting, hitting, hair pulling and name calling.... to get the junk left on the shelves from the 18 years of the ongoing going out of business sale.

It has forgotten that it is supposed to be a sandbox. With buckets, shovels, water, and sand for building... The buckets have become sieves and the shovels have become tiny spoons... most the water has dried so the sand no longer sticks together.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Making friends was encouraged ingame and by game mechanics at one time. Join a guild to learn and to train skills. Remember when guildmates could train by beating on each other? Everyone had a powerhour and we would all gather together and beat on each other? lol The absolute beauty of this system was that even if you just joined a guild for the help and training, you inevitably made some close friends, and stuck around. No need for that now, we have 100% poison weapons and golems.


Babbling Loonie
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I don't think Mesanna herself knows the damn difference between Multi-Client and Multi-Boxing. I truly feel Multi-Boxing will be the end game as it becomes more and more popular. Imagine pvp using 5 Greater Dragons and having to say "All Kill" on just 1 char to control all 5 of them.... oh the horror! LOL


It's My Birthday
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That transcript was painful and hilarious to read.

This is my favorite part:

Mesanna says: Greetings Elite
Elite says: Hello :)
Elite says: ihave one doubt
Elite says: which is..
Elite says: ALL KILL
Elite says: ALL KILL
Mesanna says: umm what?

Freakin' UO players and their macros. I laughed too hard at this.

Captn Norrington

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I don't think Mesanna herself knows the damn difference between Multi-Client and Multi-Boxing. I truly feel Multi-Boxing will be the end game as it becomes more and more popular. Imagine pvp using 5 Greater Dragons and having to say "All Kill" on just 1 char to control all 5 of them.... oh the horror! LOL
That already happens daily on Atlantic in pvp sadly....although most of the time the person uses two, sometimes 3, stealth archers. It's the most unfair pvp I have ever seen. Your just walking along like normal, and suddenly, BAM you get hit with 3 armor ignore shots from 3 stealthed characters who are clearly multiboxing. Instant kill 100% of the time and there is absolutely no way to defend against it.


Babbling Loonie
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Not that I know this, but playing on a 60" TV screen allows you to see all clients opened at one time or just one client. Like managing a camera operating system. Makes it easy to respond to any client being addressed by a gm. I personally play on a laptop, but I know people...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Not that I know this, but playing on a 60" TV screen allows you to see all clients opened at one time or just one client. Like managing a camera operating system. Makes it easy to respond to any client being addressed by a gm. I personally play on a laptop, but I know people...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I play on a 46" LED HDTV and I would love to split up my screen in such a way that I could have 4 running at the same time on the screen... I suppose I could do it if I went about resizing everything and such but it'd be such a pain.


Grand Inquisitor
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I can have 4 accounts open and respondable fine on a 27 inch monitor. Never played, outside of RP, more than two at once though. Typically my tamer or archer running with full UOA and my bard on the second with just basic CC. This is not multi boxing. Both need their own inputs to do anything.


Long Live The Players
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This was my typical set up when i was IDOCing. I now use the same set up when i go to an EM event. 3 computers 2 screens each 5 accounts and icq up at all times. This is how you multi client and see whats happening on each client.

Multiboxing would use one computer, several accounts, one mouse, one keyboard. You could easily put the accounts up on a huge tv to see all of them just in case a GM was asking you questions.
Mutilboxing is very easy to set up and takes a very minimal effort to run. The set up involves making similar toons on multiple accounts so your key strokes/macros can be the same through out each account. you click f1 to heal one toon, now all of your toons are healing.

There is a significant difference between the two. Mainly that I have to man each keyboard and mouse for each account, where as multiboxing doesnt. It is very easily detectable if the GMs would look at some very basic logs and find the exact same action being done at the exact same time across multiple accounts. When i multi client there is a delay between each of my accounts when im doing something, as im manually switching my hands across different accounts and keyboards. There is no delay (unless you set one up) when multiboxing. There is a challenge/skill set to multi clienting, to say the least its really hard to keep up with at times. There is no challenge or skill to multiboxing. It is plain and simple cheating. And it is plain and simple being ignored/dodged by Mesanna, The EMs, The GMs, the Devs and who ever else is in charge.

set up.PNG


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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This was my typical set up when i was IDOCing. I now use the same set up when i go to an EM event. 3 computers 2 screens each 5 accounts and icq up at all times. This is how you multi client and see whats happening on each client.
View attachment 34894
It doesn't count unless you're also playing Stones on that keyboard... :)


Grand Inquisitor
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Blitzkrieg says: hello
Bleak says: Hello
Blitzkrieg says: will you ever resign? I think its time for new management

I hope I'm not the only one who laughed at this...

Captn Norrington

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Blitzkrieg says: hello
Bleak says: Hello
Blitzkrieg says: will you ever resign? I think its time for new management

I hope I'm not the only one who laughed at this...
He continued to throw insults and was yelling saying the devs "can't silence him" for about 10 minutes in general chat after she threw him out lol.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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I missed this. Thanks for sharing. This kind of drama is what keeps me playing, lol


Grand Inquisitor
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Oh sure, he just gets the boot for insulting the team to their faces but I ask an innocent question about hot air balloons and get Mesanna's Kal Vas Insta-Death treatment! Jeez! :eyes:
She really must not like hot air balloons then. :fight:


The Enchanter
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People take themselves too seriously. Just play the game and shut up.

Angel of Sonoma

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Blitzkrieg says: hello
Bleak says: Hello
Blitzkrieg says: will you ever resign? I think its time for new management

I hope I'm not the only one who laughed at this...
i laughed. but i would've teleported him to somewhere in Fel with heavy spawn where you can't recall. hehe.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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i laughed. but i would've teleported him to somewhere in Fel with heavy spawn where you can't recall. hehe.
I might have teleported him into the Underworld onto the area you need the compass to safely navigate.... So each step is painful..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well... I honestly don't think that they can do enough to suit most folk. No matter what they do they will get grief for it. That's a given. Yes she has done more with less than most any other team... has it all been good for the game? Who's to say. What might be good in one person's opinion is not in 10 others... What I see though it that the game has gone from being about friends and guildmates and community to being about stuff, getting stuff, having stuff, and making more gold than anyone else... IMO that's a problem.

Once upon a time we created our own stories... we didn't rely on once in awhile EM's to provide things for us to do... we did them... it wasn't so much about what to hunt but who you did it with. It wasn't about drops and getting uber items... it was about having a good time with friends. I miss that.

Now if you don't give out billions in items and gold it's like pulling teeth to get anyone to attend anything. Years ago it was fun to hang out at the local tavern and see who was going to show up and maybe start something... now if you open a tavern and such almost no one comes. If you hold a poetry contest very few if any enter... Perhaps that has some to do with how few are left... but I have a feeling it has a lot more to do with the fact that most those who cared left because it wasn't fun anymore since everyone was so obsessed with "stuff".

There just seems to be no reason anymore to even join a guild... Why do you need others when you can solo most everything there is? Why join a guild? Unless you are new or just returned you pretty much know what there is.... and you can get it all yourself... Why declare yourself to a city when you can be doing the quests for all the cities and earn loyalty to all of them without being loyal to any of them... Why buy from other crafters what you can make on your own... Why build a character when you can use a token and a few pinks and blues and be done in under 15 min...

Why fight in VvV when you can multiclient when no one is on and get all the goodies for free yourself? Why bother mining or lumberjacking when there are 500 scripters all over to do that boring stuff for you and they sell it so cheaply...

Seems to me there are maybe a handful of folk who remember most of the stories behind UO.... they have played since the first Ultima... They know most the history... and a few EM's really work with that to bring more life to the game.... but again... it's only once in a while... if you are lucky once or twice a week... seems the game has left something big behind and I don't know how to go about getting it back... Soon there will be a new expansion with a few new things to get and a new area to explore.... but that might take all of a couple of weeks.... and then what? Maybe a couple months at best... Perhaps though the holidays... with Halloween to look forward to... but after that where will we be? Gathering more stuff? Or finding new friends?

And no it don't take much to notice someone playing 4 or more accounts simultaneously. My guess is that either the DEV's don't think that it's a "problem" they don't think its as "BIG" of a problem as the rest of us make it out to be... or they either don't care... or feel it's "ok". But then how would we know? If it's not ok then why have the same people been doing it over and over and over again week after week? That should speak volumes... it does to me.

Again there are ways to detect and find scripters... It isn't that hard. Don't tell me they can't tell how long an account has been running... anyone who's "online" more than 20 hours a day everyday is obviously up to something. Again... not rocket science to figure that out. Shouldn't take much to add something to the code to alert GM's or the DEV's of such activity... now if stopping them were a priority.... don't you think it would have been done already? Just saying.... all action or in-action by the devs should and does speak volumes to the players.

But like so many have said perhaps it's gone on so long that they just won't do anything about it anymore... Perhaps Draconi did look at things years ago like he said with his spread sheet and decide that indeed to ban all the offenders would kill the game. Who knows.

All I do know is this... there is nothing else like UO out there. Sure there are things that would like to think they are better than UO... but they come up short. Either they are pretty pictures with zero content and imagination... their PvP/RP is next to nothing... or they don't have the things that make UO great... that bit that is dying more and more every day.... COMMUNITY.

Some games claim to have RP... but they are limited in what you can do... they want you to follow their idea's on what your RP should be... you can't build your own town, you can't do your own auctions... or something. They limit housing, limit interaction with others... some games say they have RP and such and yes they have clans but you can't talk to or interact with people OUTSIDE your clan... how do you RP that?!?! Some have good PvP but only if you got in at ground level otherwise you are just another sheep to slaughter... I remember testing the Sims Online... spiffy concept... BAD implementation... The best thing about the sims was building and designing... but in the online version most folk never got to do those things. Only the uber popular got to do those things. They were the only ones with dozens of friends to help them get money to build. Everyone else just got the privilege to give them more money... or hang out with them. Making enough to buy anything more than a tiny hovel was extremely difficult. Many games are pretty to look at but lead you about by the nose and offer little to the imagination.. they run you through a series of quests until ultimately you run out of quests and finish until they do another expansion leaving you BORED.

UO was a sandbox. Now it seems to be more like a giant garage sale with a few trailerparks. It's like going to a going out of business sale and full of pushing, biting, hitting, hair pulling and name calling.... to get the junk left on the shelves from the 18 years of the ongoing going out of business sale.

It has forgotten that it is supposed to be a sandbox. With buckets, shovels, water, and sand for building... The buckets have become sieves and the shovels have become tiny spoons... most the water has dried so the sand no longer sticks together.
That's because main stream Theme Park MMOs (particularly WoW) destroyed the social aspect of MMOs, and have trained an entire generation of gamers to think that socializing in game is only to be used to get stuff. This here explains it really well. http://www.wolfsheadonline.com/the-destructive-legacy-of-blizzards-world-of-warcraft/


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Making friends was encouraged ingame and by game mechanics at one time. Join a guild to learn and to train skills. Remember when guildmates could train by beating on each other? Everyone had a powerhour and we would all gather together and beat on each other? lol The absolute beauty of this system was that even if you just joined a guild for the help and training, you inevitably made some close friends, and stuck around. No need for that now, we have 100% poison weapons and golems.
I remember "sparring" with guildies, Ur :)


Order | Chaos
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Let's follow his suggestions and use the governor\ king to request these changes. Let's not turn this thread into requests for individual towns within individual shards.



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Give that much of the confusion over these possibilities comes from people having no idea what has or has not been done on other shards, surely it would make sense to spilt the conversation about what people want into a seperate thread, but keep it going on UHall since that's the best 'common ground' we have for such things.......

Since the topic of adding to cities has generated so much interest, it clearly deserves its own dedicated thread! The posts on this topic have been moved to their own thread here.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
She was very palin on her answer, YES IT IS OK TO MULTI CLIENT because you are controlling each client individually. Here is the hint she dropped (about multiboxing) if you would just open your eyes.
Mesanna says: BUT
Mesanna says: if you are doing this we can get you for macroing if you are not at your keyboard (You can not be at your keyboard for all accounts if you are multiboxing, think about it)
Mesanna says: everyone knows its easy to see who is doing what. (We know if you are multi clienting or multiboxing)
Mesanna says: ok
Mesanna says: make sure you are there with them then
Mesanna says: I am just saying that players that multi client
Mesanna says: if they are macroing (Using a 3rd party program to control more than one client at a time)
Mesanna says: they can and will be actioned
She basically told everybody that they already know who is doing what and look out because they may start cracking down. You need to learn how to read between the lines because she is not going to flatout say 100% about anything but will give hints.
Um, If you have 100 client windows open on the same computer and select the window that the GM is addressing and respond, are you not at your keyboard?

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
I don't think Mesanna herself knows the damn difference between Multi-Client and Multi-Boxing. I truly feel Multi-Boxing will be the end game as it becomes more and more popular. Imagine pvp using 5 Greater Dragons and having to say "All Kill" on just 1 char to control all 5 of them.... oh the horror! LOL
It is already heavily abused in PvP. On LS there is a guild that utilizes it with archers using Magical Shortbows. They target the same person, cross heal and move in perfect synch with eachother.

Lord Frodo

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Stratics Legend
Um, If you have 100 client windows open on the same computer and select the window that the GM is addressing and respond, are you not at your keyboard?
:facepalm: UUMMMM and when all 100 of your clients answer the same I guess you will look stupid won't you.