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I'm going to take down the NEW2 Guild


Queen of The Outlaws
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Status right now is, we get less than 5 new players a month, who join the guild. That's to little to keep the guild going.
I believe there are several reasons for that.

1) Mythic Character Token
2) Second house on Siege
3) Less PK's
4) Less players
5) I have less playtime, than I had in the past

I believe the guilds on Siege easy can help the few new players who need help, at least TDO* will try to help the ones we run into.

I will changes the New Mag house, and try to add the crafting add on New Mag need, like soulforge, cooking tools. The New Mag house will work as a Hub.
The Cove Mining house will be public again, free for miners to use
I may clean up the friends list a little but users of the house can still be friended.

The ones in NEW2 will stay until they are a month old, and house will stay private until then.
The storages in the houses will still be used to help new players.

I'm sorry, I have to make that choice but it seem like there is very little need for NEW2
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Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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I understand your decision, and agree. if you leave the House public with all the add-ons, then folks can help them as they come. and then the guilds can pick them up.I hate to see it happen, but I could see it coming with the low population. Thank you for everything you accomplished with the NEW2 guild Freja, and let me know if you need help with anything.


Old and in the way
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I support your decision. This will allow you to have more time for yourself, your Guild and the community of Safe Haven.


Igg A Pie

Slightly Crazed
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its to bad but totally understandable. it was a huge undertaking and you have done a fabulous job!! thank you for all your time and effort you have already put into NEW2. I, as well as many players on siege I am sure, will do what we can to make a new players transition to the shard as easy as it can be to welcome new players aboard. thx again!


Babbling Loonie
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Thank you and your assistants for doing a great job in the past! I don't think you can be replaced but I totally understand and support your decision!

Thanks Again!


Queen of The Outlaws
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Thanks for the nice words. I will try to make some newbie guides in books, placed at the New Mag house, about the community, about the hubs and teles and about how to make stuff like bandages and how to make money from selling to the community vendors.
We may need an update to the sticky thread here too. I do believe we can still help the new player and I hope/believe our reds still will go easy on the ones they can see are new to the shard.

Sir Morder

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Thanks for everything you've done for Siege Freja. You've been here a very very long time and have only had the best interest for Siege. Siege will continue to be Siege as long as we have players like you Siege will carry on.


Siege... Where the fun begins.
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All I can say is that if it weren't for Freja and NEW2 I probably would not have stayed on Siege.
All of us on Siege owe you a debt of gratitude for all the help you've given so freely to so many - for all these years. No one has put more work into promoting SP than you. But the population is low and I understand your decision, and I'm sure it didn't come easy. Glad you're staying around with us 'tho ....

I salute you FrejaSP !



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It's been an honor to serve under you as an emissary for New2. Recruits really have dropped off steadily, and I personally know the amount of storage, resources, etc etc etc that you have on hand all the time for newbies that hardly show up anymore. You've done a great job, and deserve the retirement :)


Seasoned Veteran
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I agree...
Thanks for all of your time, energy and effort!
Everyone understands your decision.
Hope you get to have more time for yourself.
Best wishes....


Seasoned Veteran
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Thank you Freja, you've done an Amazing job! Now ya have time to come hunt with me :gee:. Hope ya get to do what ya want when ya want now, time to play the game again.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Yes I will focus more on Safe Haven, TDO and Tina Tinks vendors but I won't forget new Siege players, I will just use Safe Haven, New Mag Young Travelers Inn and TDO as base for the support.
I hope I will feel less splitted, when all my chars will be back in TDO.

I also hope to get Freja's red color back, but that may not happen as long other games and player runned shards keep stealing our players. I also fear Freja are getting old and to soft :)

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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It must have been a difficult decision to make Freja. You've done good things for the shard in general and more importantly your helpfulness has touched many, many of us new folk to Siege. Without NEW2 Siege would be a lot quieter without all the work you've(and others) have done to get us safely started. Even though it's been relatively quiet and your efforts have gone toward maybe 5 people a month it's still a win and a gain. Can you clone yourself? :p

Thank you.
*raises a glass* To Freja!


Old and in the way
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I will step up my individual efforts to help out where I can. Even if it is just answering questions in chat.



Queen of The Outlaws
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Yes the global chat is a great help for young Siege players too, I just wish Devs would allow Trial accounts on Siege to use Gen Chat. I know that could give some annoying spam, but it may also help new and returning players on Trial account to find the Siege Community.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks for taking the time to run New2. I'm sure it was a difficult decision, but now you might have time to play with all of us on Siege. Your efforts are appreciated.


Stratics Veteran
I'm sorry I haven't been able to help.. I'm sad about seeing New2 go. but I understand why. Thank you for all the help you have given to this shard. I am most certain the shard as a whole will cooperate and help out just as if it was when we have had New2.


Queen of The Outlaws
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*waits for NEW3 to open*...la
That could happen and if someone have the energy and time, I will wish them luck and support it. Now it may not be as easy as it sound, when it comes the value of the tag, it depend a lot of the respect the guild and the lead get. If the leader can't find a neutral balance between the blue and the red community and get respect from both sides, some will make drama around the guild and find an excuse for killing NEW3.

I believe it is better, that guilds on Siege pick the new Siege players who fit their guild and give them the title, NEW and dato for their start on Siege. Sure, they PK may not see the title before it's to late, but then he can rez them again and not loot.
Yes I know, some may try to abuse that, but here the guild leaders reputation will give value to the title.


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No worries Freja. While I was never a huge fan of the premise of the NEW guilds, I never openly targeted members of those guilds. While it's great for new members of the shard to get information from the guild, I thought that the NEW guilds gave too much to new players.

There is no sue way to determine the longevity of NEW versus non NEW players but I always felt that by playing and learning on your own was a great way to get used to Siege...la


Queen of The Outlaws
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I believe the one who brought the NEW members to me, often gave them far more than I did, sometimes the one who found them both dressed them in very nice gear and gave them gold too. Sometimes the one who brought them to me, was the red who just killed them.
I believe the value of the NEW guild was, they got friends, advices, a place to hang out and players could see they was new to the shard and not just a new char trying to get goodies and free protection.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I believe this will be a positive change for the shard overall, and question the real usefulness and benefit of NEW2.

I mean, what kind of "starter guild" kicks players out after a month or two??? This shard takes 1-2 years to truly get started. And 99.9% of new players won't stay around.

There are a lot more useful things for siege players to do, and also much better ways to recruit players to the shard and keep them here.

Barefoot Scribe

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Well as sad as I am to see it go, I understand why you have made this decision Freja. When Branwyn, Delores and Sara Dale et al came to Siege in early 2008 it was NEW guild that encuoraged us to put down roots here. That mostly because of the companionship of others starting up here, and the advice from the leaders. We were long time vets of UO from another shard though; it was more difficult for thos learning the game from scratch.
Interestingly, as Freja noted, it was Righty, a red pk, who was the first to observe that I was a noob here. He gave me an awesome spell book and gold. Then he called a NEW emmy.
Thank you for your dedicated service and we silver-haired ones will try our best to help out folks who are newcomers.


Old and in the way
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Perhaps we should rethink NEW. If any of ya were to "reinvent" a way to assist new folk to the shard... what would do or not do?

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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I say we kill them, take everything they have, and then put cookies on their corpse


Old and in the way
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I can not do that Tina Small. No player can.


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Perhaps we should rethink NEW. If any of ya were to "reinvent" a way to assist new folk to the shard... what would do or not do?
Just brainstorming.... take a page from Mugen and flood the market with inexpensive newbie goods? Maybe set-up a Siege sticky (Crafter's Union Page for New Player Gear?) with basic supplies and recommended prices? Not sure how they do it over there, but I give them credit they always seem to be selling items cheaper than it takes to make them. Granted general chat works, but sometimes new players just want to get on with basic gear and building their character.


Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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I usually give new players that ask for it things like basic suits/weapons, spellbooks, i will stop short on giving them things like Gold or Houses though. Giving them too much ruins the experience in my opinion. if they do not at least earn that they tend to not last. I am willing to help whenever possible.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Get rid of VvV on Siege.
I don't think VvV is a problem, we could advice new players to start in New Magincia, Vesper or one of the other non VvV towns.
Also advice them to use Gen Chat if they can. Sadly Trial can't, I would like Mesanna to allow Trial accounts in Gen chat on Siege even when we will get some annoying spawn too.

We need a new "New on Siege Guide" here and on UOGuide, when we have a plan for how to handle new Siege players as a community. The good with UOGuide.com is all guilds can help keeping it updated.
Now what do we need there?

  • Siege ruleset, special rules for vendors, skill training etc.
  • Basis rules for surviving, how to make bolt of clothes for bandages or for sale, info about New Mag Community vendors etc.
  • A little about dying to an other player and what to do and not to do, never carry more than you can afford losing and being polite, no trash talk.
  • Info about what towns, that are safe for VvV
  • Info about traveling, public Hubs and Crystal portals
  • Info about prices for resources and newbie gear
I tend to make a mess, when I try to make a guide, but maybe someone can make the basis template for a guide on UOGuide, so it is easy for guilds and others, to add info about their public hubs, their way to help newbies, that be hunt, accepting newbies in their guild, friending them for a month to a house with shared newbie stuff or something else. Some may look for crafters, some for young PvP'ers, some for good or evil roleplayers.

To help someone to make it on Siege, we need to give them a "family" so they feel as a part of the community and have a reason to login on Siege.
Siege had always been able to help newbies, we can still do that, if we accept, enemy guilds may have young players, who need to stay out of the wars to get peace to train. Here the rules from NEW and NEW2 about newbies being neutral can help. If a guild, good or evil, add newbies in their rank and give them the title Newborn on Siege, they can't use them as spies, allow them to loot guild or others kill, allow them to take part in the wars going on.
If a guild break that rule, punish the guild but not the young players in the guild as it may be a misunderstanding.

I'm sure we can make this work and it will be much more flexible when all guilds, who want it can take part in the newbie support in a way, that fit their guild.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Just brainstorming.... take a page from Mugen and flood the market with inexpensive newbie goods? Maybe set-up a Siege sticky (Crafter's Union Page for New Player Gear?) with basic supplies and recommended prices? Not sure how they do it over there, but I give them credit they always seem to be selling items cheaper than it takes to make them. Granted general chat works, but sometimes new players just want to get on with basic gear and building their character.
I see one problem here, if you sell to cheap, it's hard for young crafters to make a living here. It's not really that hard to make money to a LRC suit. I had seen new players make enough gold from sheeps and animals to place a house after only 7 days on Siege without trading gold from other shards or selling gifts/rewards.

Now a plain suit with 100 LRC may cost around 10k to make if you buy all the resources, so that price is fine and if you farm your gems and resources, you may still make a little gold. A new tailor/imbues can make and sell this suits. Resist may be lower but they will get to train skills without losing gold on resources.

We may need to look at, what newbies will need and what will be the right price for it but also remember to advice newbies about what they can get/make and sell to help them earn their own money.

I would also like to hear from the young Siege players, what they feel are hardest with starting here and what make them feel like giving up.
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Stratics Veteran
I believe this will be a positive change for the shard overall, and question the real usefulness and benefit of NEW2.

I mean, what kind of "starter guild" kicks players out after a month or two??? This shard takes 1-2 years to truly get started. And 99.9% of new players won't stay around.

There are a lot more useful things for siege players to do, and also much better ways to recruit players to the shard and keep them here.
*whacks him upside the head with a frying pan* Im sure if I was to ask anyone on this board that was in New2 they would all agree that is changes their life extremely. Yes its a month deal, but in that month everyone is going to be aware that you are in fact new, most active players would know that you were new which also means that they would most likely be there to help, or become your friend. Freja has done a lot over the years I don't even have to be on siege for two years to know that. Not sure why you keep bashing her for the guild but maybe you need to come to realize that Freja is an awesome person, and so are you. If both of you could just get a long... but let me go back to the whole point of me saying this, New2 provided protection, armor, craft items for crafters, basic weapons, arrows, little bit of furniture, things that when you are just getting started on a shard is a big deal. The New2 tag provided protection from most people, to be able to do that you have to have a whole lotta respect for you. As always for the saying, respect isn't given it is earned.


Grand Poobah
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Personally I think city Governors should be responsible for newly arriving players. Players should be required to speak up in GC when they arrive, and state their favorite city, and then put in touch with the Governor of that city (or a known representative of the Gov, because we all know they're not always logged in to this shard :p). Or new players can log in, get to their city of choice and then ask for the governor of that city. I'll stop here before I get too critical. :)
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Tina Small

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I don't think VvV is a problem, we could advice new players to start in New Magincia, Vesper or one of the other non VvV towns.
This is not possible for Siege. When you make a new character on Siege, Britain is the only city that shows up on the map, at least for humans. For gargoyles, you probably see the Royal City. (Didn't get to try it because I accidentally made a new character and won't be able to delete it for a week now.)

new char starting location on siege.jpg

On Mugen, you get a lot more choices for where to start your new character. Starting out a new human character, I could choose from a number of cities in the Trammel facet OR choose the Royal City in Ter Mur, none of which are periodically cycled into active VvV towns. If you go with the default on Mugen (for human characters at least), you end up in New Haven and can easily do the newbie escort quests to make a little bit of gold and there are usually some visible players hanging around.

new char trammel starting location choices on mugen.jpg

new char ter mur starting location choice on mugen.jpg
I just made those screen shots within the last half hour, so this is CURRENT information.

I'm sorry you don't think VvV is a problem for Siege. I've talked to a number of people who want nothing to do with Siege because of it and it sure threw a huge wet blanket on my desire to play there.

I used to enjoy playing on Siege and helping newcomers. But now VvV and how it affects everyone on the shard, even those who want nothing to do with it, and seeing so many people show up and then trade for gold from other shards or sell tokens from the Origin store and then buy castles, keeps, expensive power scrolls, SoTs, etc. all while running around with the protection of a guild tag meant to help give poor and unskilled characters a good start really soured me on the whole idea of playing there. It's one thing to actually go out of your way to help someone who truly appreciates your assistance and is thankful for it and something else entirely to find out you wasted time and resources trying to do something helpful for someone who is probably sitting at their computer laughing at how dumb/naive you are because you try to play by the rules and in the spirit of what you think Siege was meant to be.


Grand Poobah
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Once again, Freja doesn't speak for the entire shard. There are many of us that don't think VvV is good for Siege.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
Garth had an interesting idea. Bo certainly gave me good advice and even helped me get citizenship so I could use the trade deal. I don't know about the other governors though, but in my case this was definitely a thing.


Queen of The Outlaws
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This is not possible for Siege. When you make a new character on Siege, Britain is the only city that shows up on the map, at least for humans.
Damn that is bad, then we need Devs to help us. I see 2 ways, changes it so Britain is not a VvV town or changes it so new chars can choose Vesper.

I'm sorry you don't think VvV is a problem for Siege. I've talked to a number of people who want nothing to do with Siege because of it and it sure threw a huge wet blanket on my desire to play there.
I see it is a problem, when it comes to Britain but we do have a lot non VvV town, and some of them are great towns.
I do believe VvV is good for Siege, it gives players a way to PvP without going red and it do help find fights. Maybe there are a few issues with VvV, that need a fix. I did not see any of my guildmembers complain about VvV.

If VvV make less players play Siege, we should have a debate about it but I don't think that's the case. I do believe a lot refuse to logon Siege to trade gifts but they do not play here anyway, so no big deal.


Stratics Legend
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I'm sorry you don't think VvV is a problem for Siege. I've talked to a number of people who want nothing to do with Siege because of it and it sure threw a huge wet blanket on my desire to play there.
Why do they want nothing to do with Siege because of VvV? Not sure I understand that thinking. Help me out.

So they hate Siege because they only want to play or make home base Britain?
Because they've been killed while orange?

Not sure how that really makes a difference with people. If they know about the Siege ruleset and VvV ruleset are they really that new? Why not create the character in Britain and leave? Go to Luna, go to Cove, operate out of other cities? It's not like it's tough, especially for players who know UO.

If it's because of new players to UO being shocked at our ruleset...how would they know the difference they've never played Trammel. Then again, an easy fix would be to not allow new accounts to log into Siege like it used to be. If you create a new account, you have to renounce your new status to even get Siege to populate into your shard list...la

Bo Bo

Lore Keeper
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are you not asked to be teleported to the moongate?
VvV sucks it could have been better, most people wont fight, and there is nothing to fight over. Whats the point of holding a town? There is no reason for it.

Tina Small

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Why do they want nothing to do with Siege because of VvV? Not sure I understand that thinking. Help me out.

So they hate Siege because they only want to play or make home base Britain?
Because they've been killed while orange?

Not sure how that really makes a difference with people. If they know about the Siege ruleset and VvV ruleset are they really that new? Why not create the character in Britain and leave? Go to Luna, go to Cove, operate out of other cities? It's not like it's tough, especially for players who know UO.

If it's because of new players to UO being shocked at our ruleset...how would they know the difference they've never played Trammel. Then again, an easy fix would be to not allow new accounts to log into Siege like it used to be. If you create a new account, you have to renounce your new status to even get Siege to populate into your shard list...la

I won't waste anyone else's time belaboring the point. Said my piece about it months ago.


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I won't waste anyone else's time belaboring the point. Said my piece about it months ago.
Wow is all I can say. It surprises me that those items would keep you or anyone else from playing Siege, but to each their own. VvV is a 15 minute block of time. Big deal.

I suppose if you didn't get the auto escape message when in town I would think differently.

I'm a bit surprised to hear that from you...I thought you had a thicker skin...la


Queen of The Outlaws
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I won't waste anyone else's time belaboring the point. Said my piece about it months ago.
I know I made that post 3 months ago, and I do know some did leave Siege, but I do believe most of us learned to live with it.
A few fix would be Nice. We need to be able to know, if we are orange and I do still believe 10-20 min as orange should be enough.
Also a way to get info for what town is in battle, like say "tell battle town" and you would get town name, also if not in VvV

But anyway, this thread is not really about VvV but about new Siege players and how we as player can help them.


Seasoned Veteran
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*whacks him upside the head with a frying pan* Im sure if I was to ask anyone on this board that was in New2 they would all agree that is changes their life extremely. Yes its a month deal, but in that month everyone is going to be aware that you are in fact new, most active players would know that you were new which also means that they would most likely be there to help, or become your friend. Freja has done a lot over the years I don't even have to be on siege for two years to know that. Not sure why you keep bashing her for the guild but maybe you need to come to realize that Freja is an awesome person, and so are you. If both of you could just get a long... but let me go back to the whole point of me saying this, New2 provided protection, armor, craft items for crafters, basic weapons, arrows, little bit of furniture, things that when you are just getting started on a shard is a big deal. The New2 tag provided protection from most people, to be able to do that you have to have a whole lotta respect for you. As always for the saying, respect isn't given it is earned.
*Takes off cracked motorcycle helmet and rubs head*

NEW2 was poorly managed and led, there's a difference between a guild surviving and a guild thriving. We don't need to hold back on the truth here. Freja tried, but failed. One of the huge failures of NEW2 was the "kick out of guild after 1 month" policy. That was just dumb. To really last on Siege, a new player needs a full year or two. They're not going to get a real taste of things around here, after only a month.

Plus, as everybody knows by now, I have absolutely no faith in the Veteran players with regard to new players. I don't see the Vets "helping" new players one bit. I think that new players are the best support for other new players. I only see Veterans keeping new players down, and furthermore, excluding them from the shard. I bet that if it were up to the Vet players, then they'd let this shard sink, rather than choose to swim.

*Puts helmet back on*


Babbling Loonie
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*Takes off cracked motorcycle helmet and rubs head*

... Plus, as everybody knows by now, I have absolutely no faith in the Veteran players with regard to new players. I don't see the Vets "helping" new players one bit. I think that new players are the best support for other new players. I only see Veterans keeping new players down, and furthermore, excluding them from the shard. I bet that if it were up to the Vet players, then they'd let this shard sink, rather than choose to swim.

*Puts helmet back on*
Who treated you so badly that you dislike all the veteran players on the shard?