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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 87 TC!

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2014 Oct 10 20:34 GMT

Happy Friday Everyone,

Since we will be out of the office for Columbus Day on Monday we are publishing TC1 today. We hope you enjoy our little tricks and treats we have for you this year.


Halloween – Treasures of Doom

  • Visit the Research Camp located outside of the Dungeon Doom in Malas to learn about an archaeological investigation.

  • Slaying monsters inside Dungeon Doom gives a chance for an Artifact of Doom to drop in the players backpack. The more monsters a player kills, as well as a player’s luck influence the chance at getting and Artifact of Doom.

  • Artifacts of Doom can be turned into the NPC at the research camp in exchange for,

    • [Your Character’s Name]’s Lantern of Light

    • Tincture of Silver – can be applied to weapons, spellbooks, and certain instruments to give a slayer bonus against creatures within Doom, while becoming vulnerable to undead.

    • Antique Documents Kit – crafting ingredient required for the crating of “Prophetic Manuscripts”

    • Reward Title Deeds – Usable deed that will grant the users various titles

      • The Atoned

      • Defender of the Living

      • Preserver of the Faith

    • Crook of Humility – A Shepherd’s Crook

      • Veterinary +10

      • Wolf Slayer

      • Spell Channeling

      • Intelligence + 10

      • Damage Increase -20%

    • Scepter of Pride - Scepter

      • Demon Slayer

      • Undead Slayer

      • Hit Stamina Leech 70%

      • Hit Life Leech 70%

      • Hit Mana Leech 70%

      • Swing Speed Increase 30%

    • Cloak of Light – Cloak

      • Hit Point Regeneration 2

      • Night Sight

      • Hit Chance Increase 5%

    • Boots of Escaping

      • Dexterity Bonus 4

      • Stamina Regeneration 1

    • Sterling Silver Ring

      • Meditation +20

      • Hit Point Regeneration 3

      • Mana Regeneration 5

      • Damage Increase 75%

      • Additional +20 skill bonus applied by double clicking the ring and selecting from the available skills

  • Prophetic Manuscripts

    • Craftable via the Inscription menu under “Other”

    • Requires ancient parchments (10), wood pulp (10), antique documents kit (1), and beeswax (5).

    • Failure will only consume ancient parchments, wood pulp, and beeswax.

    • There are 5 different prophetic manuscript texts, randomly assigned when successfully crafted.

  • Treasures of Doom will be available for a limited time during the Halloween season, and recur with various tweaks in successive years.
Halloween – Trick or Treating

  • Three new monster skulls have been added to Trick or Treating! Trick or Treating will be available during the remainder of the month of October.
Enhanced Client Bug Fixes

  • Switching to legacy containers no longer makes the contents invisible
  • Fixed odd visible lines above the targeting window
  • Vendor Search Gump now functions properly
  • Container auto loot no longer breaks after you use it for awhile
  • Disabled icons no longer prevent users from using spells/skills/actions on hotbar
  • Advanced health bars are no longer locked by default
  • Bug report window once again closes when submitting issues
  • Advanced health bar properly changes hue based on health bar state
  • Borders can once again be placed on hotbar items
  • Buff/Debuff Icons now properly scale with bar
  • Buff/Debuff icons no longer display over all UI elements
  • Maneuvering the atlas around the world no longer will crash client
  • Fixed long pause when opening containers
  • Paperdoll window, target window, buff bars, and status bar can no longer go outside of the game window
  • Default UI Scale is now set to 1 from 0.85
  • Enable auto run is set on by default
  • Main menu action is now on the hotbar for newly created user profiles
Bug Fixes

  • All players who are currently flagged as Vice vs Virtue participants will have a one time reprieve and the flag will be removed.

  • Non Vice vs Virtue players that find themselves in a VvV battle city will have a new option on the warning gump to teleport them to the nearest moongate.

  • VvV participation flag for non-VvV players will now be removed after 2 hours, or the participant is killed by a VvV player, whichever comes first.

  • The “Unwieldy” (Items with higher than normal weights) will no longer have a chance to spawn in MIB chests.

  • The loot in MIB chests will now have a higher base budget for creating magic items.

  • Some situations where traps and locks were being applied to containers inside of City & Justice regions will no longer happen. ((existing trapped and locked containers will not be affected until their traps and/or locks have been removed)

  • Trade Quest crates will now be able to hold up to 550 stones and have 75% weight reduction.

  • Silver points are no longer awarded to VvV players when occupying a city.

  • VvV Cannon Turret cost has been reduced from 5000 to 3000 silver points.

  • VvV Trap cost has been reduced from 500 to 250 silver points.

  • VvV Mana Spike cost has been reduced from 2500 to 1000 points.

  • VvV Mana Spike effect duration has been increased from 20 to 60 seconds.

  • Trader Quest participants will no longer be able to sacred journey to a ship rune.

  • Trade orders should no longer have a chance to include items with duplicate names

  • Items inside a trade order crate will no longer be purchased by shop keepers.
  • Spellweaving summons no longer cause a player to flag as a criminal when they are attacked by a VvV player

Continue reading...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Bleak @Kyronix There are issues with the publish...

The artifact chance is either way too low, or non existent at the moment. If this is a limited time event, with a drop rate intended to be on par with Blackthorn's, it will need to be pretty much on continually, as it is definitely a grind. None of 50-artifact items are really worth that kind of effort. I suggest a drop rate 5X that of Blackthorn's if you intend to turn this off before New Year's.

BUG: When opening certain clay things, your pack weight increases dramatically for no apparent reason until it says you can no longer place things in it. However, you aren't actually overweight as you can still move and recall. The issue mostly goes away if you die, but you still have some phantom weight.

Tincture of Silver -
"Tincture of Silver – can be applied to weapons, spellbooks, and certain instruments to give a slayer bonus against creatures within Doom, while becoming vulnerable to undead."

So silver, which historically synonymous with undead slaying in UO, now makes one susceptible to undead? o_O This is especially puzzling when you consider that nearly a 3rd of the mobs in Doom are undead...

EC UI Stuff

Switching to legacy containers no longer makes the contents invisible

This is untrue, it actually happens far more often now. Packs will look empty until toggled between grid and list view. Also, sometimes items now take a while to show up in, or disappear from, one's pack.

Disabled icons no longer prevent users from using spells/skills/actions on hotbar

This is also untrue, the problem is MUCH WORSE now. I've had my backpack icon grey out for no apparent reason, as well as other random icons. DISABLE THIS "FEATURE" ENTIRELY.


Is the non-updating healthbar bug fixed?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Really the only thing I am interested in is the lantern and Mayne the manuscript simply because i dont know what it is or what it does.

Its cool to drop doom arties I guess but I am kind of confused how this ties into Halloween. Seems we are just recycling content into deco.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Really the only thing I am interested in is the lantern and Mayne the manuscript simply because i dont know what it is or what it does.
The 'Prophetic Manuscripts' are open books, probably with a story inside like the Trade Order book rewards.

Its cool to drop doom arties I guess but I am kind of confused how this ties into Halloween. Seems we are just recycling content into deco.
The "Doom artifacts" aren't the old gauntlet stuff, but more like the Minax artifacts...at least according to what the NPCs say, since I have yet to see one.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
The 'Prophetic Manuscripts' are open books, probably with a story inside like the Trade Order book rewards.

The "Doom artifacts" aren't the old gauntlet stuff, but more like the Minax artifacts...at least according to what the NPCs say, since I have yet to see one.
Well I hope that's not true, it was at least a cool thought at a chance at getting a gauntlet arty.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
    • Sterling Silver Ring

      • Meditation +20

      • Hit Point Regeneration 3

      • Mana Regeneration 5

      • Damage Increase 75%

      • Additional +20 skill bonus applied by double clicking the ring and selecting from the available skills
Waste of at least one property - 20 meditation or 75% DI. Who want meditation on warrior template wearing non medit armor? Who want weapon damage increase on non warrior template? Ok, there is 5% or less templates, who may use this ring. But without HCI and DCI?

I hope there was one word missed. Should be Spell Damage Increase 75%

PS: what are available skills and is it one time selection? Is it possible to change selection later?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Forgot one:

Vendor Search Gump now functions properly

No, it doesn't...half the time. It opens at least now, but most of the time when entering in an item name and hitting enter, nothing happens. Nothing is added to the search criteria, thus making a search impossible. I got it to work all of once. :(



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So silver, which historically synonymous with undead slaying in UO, now makes one susceptible to undead? o_O This is especially puzzling when you consider that nearly a 3rd of the mobs in Doom are undead...
I haven't looked into this mod too much--I assume it's like a Killer mod?--but a tincture assumes less than a whole, in that this tincture of silver gives a form of lesser slayer to the Silver proper (Undead) property. It is kinda confusing, but the word tincture makes it...accessible. Whether or not people will want a double-edged sword mod is another question; other than applying tincture to a weapon in order to farm for more tincture (and other items), it's doubtful anyone will really make use of these tinctured items thereafter...except, some of the monsters in Doom are found elsewhere, like in the Stygian Abyss mini-spawns...

I guess what I mean to say is, what on earth are we going to do with all our "Power," "Vanq," virtue...what were they called? justice? weapons...are these just going to be more of the same? ;P but they claim this event will cycle in the future...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PS--the Scepter of Pride is actually a nice weapon. Demon/Undead Slayer combo with 70% leech makes for a fairly useful Gauntlet companion.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't looked into this mod too much--I assume it's like a Killer mod?--but a tincture assumes less than a whole, in that this tincture of silver gives a form of lesser slayer to the Silver proper (Undead) property. It is kinda confusing, but the word tincture makes it...accessible. Whether or not people will want a double-edged sword mod is another question; other than applying tincture to a weapon in order to farm for more tincture (and other items), it's doubtful anyone will really make use of these tinctured items thereafter...except, some of the monsters in Doom are found elsewhere, like in the Stygian Abyss mini-spawns...

I guess what I mean to say is, what on earth are we going to do with all our "Power," "Vanq," virtue...what were they called? justice? weapons...are these just going to be more of the same? ;P but they claim this event will cycle in the future...
I was thinking they were using "tincture" in the heraldic sense of the word, meaning colors used to emblazon a coat of arms. Sort of like we were painting on protection. In the medicinal sense, tincture of silver would be colloidal silver, which is used as an antibiotic...but that makes even less sense.

The notes say it will "give a slayer bonus against creatures within Doom," so it could be location based, but I'm doubting it.

Being good against demons and making you vulnerable to undead while in Doom is kind of silly.


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scepter of Pride and the Lanterns are nice. Droprate and narrow timeframes, however, will ruin the fun... I worked the spawn down there. The arties drop far too rarely... No fun this way :-(


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scepter of Pride and the Lanterns are nice. Droprate and narrow timeframes, however, will ruin the fun... I worked the spawn down there. The arties drop far too rarely... No fun this way :-(
You've actually gotten one? Could you post a pic of one showing the title and color please?


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dont have it anymore. It was greyish and designed like the Minax-Stuff... But only one in about 2h farming with luck.

Hell, no good idea offering such a limited event. As usual, the unemployed and people without families will make it. And hard-working middle-class with kids is watching it jealously from a distance...

I wrote Mesanna, she might think about offering this event for at least three months... I really hate that kinda grind and the feeling that I never have enough time to get my share ;-)


Stratics Veteran
Scepter of Pride and the Lanterns are nice. Droprate and narrow timeframes, however, will ruin the fun... I worked the spawn down there. The arties drop far too rarely... No fun this way :-(
I am pleased to finally read you are not defending them and loving every single bit they are giving us! :) Very refreshing! No offense meant. If even you are not happy, maybe we can persuade them to make it better. I hope they read this!

My concern is that this is just another pile of useless deco crap thrown at us. Not literally "thrown" - rather it's another hard case of endless grinding. Stop it! That's not fun! I want useful items, useful and meaningful legendary items. Stop it and concentrate on making the game more fun instead - I beg you.

Let me give you one example why I think ranting about bad stuff is actually GOOD:

>> VvV participation flag for non-VvV players will now be removed after 2 hours, or the participant is killed by a VvV player, whichever comes first.

This is a major change to what was initially working as intended (either Bleak or the other guy mentioned that it worked as intended here on Stratics). He was politely asked to change his intentions and obviously Broadsword listened to this complaint. Even though they deemed it to be a good thing at first. But it wasn't. They are changing it and I think this is a highly welcomed direction.

Please, listen to us us. Let me repeat: Stop throwing masses of useless decro crap at us. I want items that can be used and I don't want to spend 45 hours grinding for every single item. Please, concentrate on making the game more fun. More fun, more fun! I beg you. More fun ==> More customer satisfaction ==> More players ==> More profit ==> Fewer Stratics rants because people spend their time playing and enjoying their time.


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I am not THAT negative. I really like the idea of fighting in Doom. And I want Lanterns for all my chars, as well as a cloak, some boots, the sceptre. What I dont want to do is: Fight, fight, fight and getting NOTHING, because droprate is awful and timeframe is narrow.

I did 330 (!!!) tours to Slim the Fence. I like SoTs, but I am getting only crap-stuff besides these SoTs. The deco is EXACTLY the same stuff as other stuff (Statues in Blackthorns) - only different titles. Not worth the HOURS AND HOURS of mindless shipping...

But let me say, that I am happy about the rest: Loot-Revamp and so on. We are going in the right direction. Only the drops are questionable and the droprates are HORRIBLE!


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
[EC Client]
. Backpack item count and weight are not syncing correctly.
. Traders quest - quest wanted 'fresh ginger' and I used 'fill from backpack' - client added my ankh pendant instead of one of the fresh gingers


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EC UI issue:

The dye tub color gump is way too small. Hard to read/use. Cannot scale it up with the scale mode feature.

(My UI scale is 1.0)

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
At least some of you got a drop in Doom. I grinded there long enough to conclude it was not active on Test yet...just like I was unable to get "trick or treat" to work on test

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
At least some of you got a drop in Doom. I grinded there long enough to conclude it was not active on Test yet...just like I was unable to get "trick or treat" to work on test


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i spent about an hour killing random stuff in doom on my sampire whirlwinding the hell out of large mobs with zero luck and got a leather tunic of doom. havent tested in the gauntlet to see if maybe the droprate is higher in there


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Well I feel sorry for folk on larger shards like Great Lakes, Lake Superior, and I guess I should feel sorry for folk on Atl but I don't really...

Anyway did the dev's really think this through? Doom is a SMALL dungeon... stuff doesn't spawn in there nearly fast enough to support this at ALL NO ONE will be able to get much of anything because unless you farm it constantly 24/7 for the next while you'll NEVER get enough to turn in to do anything because EVERYONE and their dog will be down there killing things like crazy and Doom respawn rate SUCKS. So mostly folk will be standing about waiting around and 10 people will pounce on every 1 thing that spawns. I can wipe out 2/3 of the spawn in there all by myself... A sampire would be doing INSANE amounts of damage... and I think the shard will crash if you get more than 30 people in that demon room that spawns 2 for every 1 person and pet..... could you imagine 30 people in that room spawning 2 each? It would crash the shard likely...

Anyway not really that cool of an idea... Doom is one tiny dungeon..... should have put these in more than ONE dungeon. The congestion this will bring is going to be BAD.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Well I feel sorry for folk on larger shards like Great Lakes, Lake Superior, and I guess I should feel sorry for folk on Atl but I don't really...

Anyway did the dev's really think this through? Doom is a SMALL dungeon... stuff doesn't spawn in there nearly fast enough to support this at ALL NO ONE will be able to get much of anything because unless you farm it constantly 24/7 for the next while you'll NEVER get enough to turn in to do anything because EVERYONE and their dog will be down there killing things like crazy and Doom respawn rate SUCKS. So mostly folk will be standing about waiting around and 10 people will pounce on every 1 thing that spawns. I can wipe out 2/3 of the spawn in there all by myself... A sampire would be doing INSANE amounts of damage... and I think the shard will crash if you get more than 30 people in that demon room that spawns 2 for every 1 person and pet..... could you imagine 30 people in that room spawning 2 each? It would crash the shard likely...

Anyway not really that cool of an idea... Doom is one tiny dungeon..... should have put these in more than ONE dungeon. The congestion this will bring is going to be BAD.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Bleak @Kyronix There are issues with the publish...

Tincture of Silver -
"Tincture of Silver – can be applied to weapons, spellbooks, and certain instruments to give a slayer bonus against creatures within Doom, while becoming vulnerable to undead."
Agreed, this makes absolutely no sense. Plus, if it doesn't break the damage cap, it's pretty much useless as well.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also, on the books... I think the books are the key to opening that doorway/portal. If it can be opened.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also, on the books... I think the books are the key to opening that doorway/portal. If it can be opened.
Password for portal is not from 5 new books. Portal stuff is not finished. There is only one talking NPC at large room like church.

Ru TnT

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
"The “Unwieldy” (Items with higher than normal weights) will no longer have a chance to spawn in MIB chests."

Could we get this for paragon chests too? It used to be fun finding them, but now some of them weigh so much that I just want to leave them on the corpse. I found one that was 208 stones, and saw someone else mention getting one that was 348(iirc) stones.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like that there's something new to do, sad that it's so grindy, but hardly shocking. Mostly sad that it seems to have nothing to do with Halloween.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
  • VvV participation flag for non-VvV players will now be removed after 2 hours, or the participant is killed by a VvV player, whichever comes first.
This is not a good change. A VvV participant killed by a non-VvV participant can't report their killer for murder. Having that non-VvV participant flag orange until killed was the compromise, a good compromise. Now that has been taken away, they only flag orange for two whole hours? That is a pittance. Murder counts last for 40 hours but now when attacked and killed by a non-VvV participant they can go have a cup of coffee and come back with no consequence. I know there was an issues with people doing the trader's quest in Felucca and getting caught up in VvV battles. I think the teleporter option was a good compromise to this. Wasn't the trader's quest put in Felucca for a reason anyway? Two hours is nothing, if you want to put a time limit on it at least make it 24 hours.

  • Silver points are no longer awarded to VvV players when occupying a city.
This is a fantastic and fully supported change, thank you.


Stratics Veteran
Podolak, I wasn't aware that there were non-VvV hunting VvV-people. If that is an issue, how about giving them murder counts? Would be my first thought and I don't think murder counts would hurt anyone murdering VvV participants while not participating themselves.


Stratics Veteran
Podolak, I wasn't aware that there were non-VvV hunting VvV-people. If that is an issue, how about giving them murder counts? Would be my first thought and I don't think murder counts would hurt anyone murdering VvV participants while not participating themselves.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Podolak, I wasn't aware that there were non-VvV hunting VvV-people. If that is an issue, how about giving them murder counts? Would be my first thought and I don't think murder counts would hurt anyone murdering VvV participants while not participating themselves.
I would be good with that!


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyway did the dev's really think this through? Doom is a SMALL dungeon...
What? Doom is the largest dungeon in UO second to the Stygian Abyss.

After about 2 hours of killing stuff, I only managed to pull 2 artifacts. The drop rate should probably be raised a bit (think along the lines of the ToT droprate).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I feel sorry for folk on larger shards like Great Lakes, Lake Superior, and I guess I should feel sorry for folk on Atl but I don't really...

Anyway did the dev's really think this through? Doom is a SMALL dungeon... stuff doesn't spawn in there nearly fast enough to support this at ALL NO ONE will be able to get much of anything because unless you farm it constantly 24/7 for the next while you'll NEVER get enough to turn in to do anything because EVERYONE and their dog will be down there killing things like crazy and Doom respawn rate SUCKS. So mostly folk will be standing about waiting around and 10 people will pounce on every 1 thing that spawns. I can wipe out 2/3 of the spawn in there all by myself... A sampire would be doing INSANE amounts of damage... and I think the shard will crash if you get more than 30 people in that demon room that spawns 2 for every 1 person and pet..... could you imagine 30 people in that room spawning 2 each? It would crash the shard likely...

Anyway not really that cool of an idea... Doom is one tiny dungeon..... should have put these in more than ONE dungeon. The congestion this will bring is going to be BAD.

the respawn rate seems to have been increased drastically because of this (on test anyways). It is just like blackthorn dungeon, pretty much instant respawn at death. will still be a huge mess on larger shards, unless they drop in gauntlet and people just run the circles.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Conceptually this sounds quite fun and I'm looking forward to it. A lot.

Perhaps it might be better if it were Doom, Deceit, and a dungeon in Ilshenar. (Still limited locations but spread out a bit more.)

While I haven't tested this myself, I suck at testing things, anecdotally I hear that the drop rate of the artifacts is too low relative to the number required. Assuming these reports are accurate, and from these posts it sounds like they are, either the number required should be lowered or the drop rate should be raised.

There's a fine line between difficulty and frustration and I appreciate it's really difficult to walk for anyone who is developing content for this game. Remember though that from the description this is gonna be a very limited time thing, so presumably there already is a limit on how many of these rewards we're gonna end up with!

I'm a little disturbed by the sharp disparity in seeming usefulness of the Humility artifact and the Pride artifact. Perhaps if you take one leach off of the Pride artifact (not mana leach of course, then no one will use it) and/or sub in DI for one of the leaches it'd still be use-able but wouldn't be as....Much. Remember that it already has two slayers which go great together. The only other item in the game like that is The Redeemer sword artifact. And that's nowhere near as useful as this is gonna be.

Is the Cloak of Light in the cloak slot or is it in the robe slot (like the Cloaks of Death and Life and the other one)? If it's in the robe slot maybe have it as epaulettes too?

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Currently we have an enhanced client that has so many gamebreaking bugs it isnt funny anymore. And RtB is active. Should it not be a priority to fix the ec as fast as possible, latest patch did not seem to improve much, instead it also did add fps issues if you got to many open hotbars.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rock Dungeon for example...
I was thinking in particular of whatever it is you call the large and complex one under the Tower of Knowledge, on account of there's plenty of undead and demonic stuff in there.

Granted I don't know what the fiction of this event is and how easily modified it could be to fit multiple dungeons. (Or maybe there could be a teleporter temporarily put in Doom so that way the fiction would have to encompass only Doom but the evils were using the teleporter to go elsewhere?)

-Galen's player


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
This is not a good change. A VvV participant killed by a non-VvV participant can't report their killer for murder. Having that non-VvV participant flag orange until killed was the compromise, a good compromise. Now that has been taken away, they only flag orange for two whole hours? That is a pittance. Murder counts last for 40 hours but now when attacked and killed by a non-VvV participant they can go have a cup of coffee and come back with no consequence. I know there was an issues with people doing the trader's quest in Felucca and getting caught up in VvV battles. I think the teleporter option was a good compromise to this. Wasn't the trader's quest put in Felucca for a reason anyway? Two hours is nothing, if you want to put a time limit on it at least make it 24 hours.
I love the changes. People joining VvV do flag them self for PvP, so I don't see the problem it will only give them more fights and it will give new PvP'ers a chance to try out PvP without being in VvV for 3 days.
Murder counts are for protection of innocents. If someone are orange flaget, they are PvP flaged and not innocent.
At least for Siege I believe this will work great. 2 hours will still be very long time for a crafter but it is do able if he is to slow to get out of town.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Podolak, I wasn't aware that there were non-VvV hunting VvV-people. If that is an issue, how about giving them murder counts? Would be my first thought and I don't think murder counts would hurt anyone murdering VvV participants while not participating themselves.
That would be bad as it would nerf the whole system. 2 hours should be enough time to kill a trouble maker. Lets say a VvV are hunting with a non VvV and 2 VvV comes and attack the VvV. The system as it is now, will allow the non VvV to help his friend. That's one of the ways new PvP'ers get to PvP :)


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There shouldn't be any issues of having the content in just Doom. The respawn rates on TC are almost instant and the dungeon is big and spread out.

As for some changes:
1. Add a healer to the research camp
2. Gauntlet Bosses should be a 50%-100% drop chance for the new Doom Artifacts


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love the changes. People joining VvV do flag them self for PvP, so I don't see the problem it will only give them more fights and it will give new PvP'ers a chance to try out PvP without being in VvV for 3 days.
Murder counts are for protection of innocents. If someone are orange flaget, they are PvP flaged and not innocent.
At least for Siege I believe this will work great. 2 hours will still be very long time for a crafter but it is do able if he is to slow to get out of town.
So a blue ganks me and disappears for two hours and I have no retribution. If I attack them when they re-appear two hours later they are blue and I am the one who gets the murder count. I understand you are thinking in terms of Siege and maybe it should be different on Siege. On production this doesn't make as much sense. "innocents" will get the option to teleport out of town now, that seems enough to me.


Social Distancing Since '97
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Password for portal is not from 5 new books..
I wouldn't say that, as the books heavily give you hints on it.

Also want to say, the fiction is awesome. A nice tiein to everything happening currently.


Queen of The Outlaws
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So a blue ganks me and disappears for two hours and I have no retribution. If I attack them when they re-appear two hours later they are blue and I am the one who gets the murder count. I understand you are thinking in terms of Siege and maybe it should be different on Siege. On production this doesn't make as much sense. "innocents" will get the option to teleport out of town now, that seems enough to me.
What stop them from letting a VvV friend kill them and be blue 2 min later?


Crazed Zealot
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What stop them from letting a VvV friend kill them and be blue 2 min later?
Nothing but at least that takes any effort at all. Though if you want to remove that clause too I am all for it.