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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 85 to Test Center 1

UO News

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Stratics Legend
2013 Nov 14 18:29 GMT
Castle Blackthorn Dungeon

The dungeon of Castle Blackthorn is open for exploration!
  • The dungeon is accessible from Castle Blackthorn in Trammel and Felucca.
  • The Invasions within the Loyalty Cities have been magically sealed inside the dungeon.
  • Minax artifacts can be found by destroying Minax’s beacons and her minions within Castle Blackthorn Dungeon and also engaging other creatures within.
  • Blackthorn Artifacts are available from Agents of the Crown and will accept Minax Artifacts for turn in.
  • Agents of the Crown can be found in Castle Blackthorn in Trammel and within the loyalty cities in Felucca.
City Election Changes

  • Each account may now only vote once per shard.
  • In order to cast a vote a character must be at least respected within a city.
Holiday Gifts will begin December 1 at 12:01 AM and will continue until January 1, 2014 12:01 AM.

· A holiday candle tray available in a variety of colors
  • A lobster dinner
· A Scroll of Alacrity book (holds 300 scrolls and must be locked down in a home to add scrolls to the book)
  • A Deed to a claw foot tub
Please visit the Reward givers in New Haven on TC1 to check out these items.
16th Anniversary Veteran Rewards

House Add-on Lighthouse – 5 year reward, recovers any ship except rowboats that are linked to the lighthouse.
  • All weapons will be saved
  • House add-ons that currently allow you to dry dock your ship will be saved
  • All other items will be destroyed
  • The ship model can be found in the house moving crate
House add-on Gadgetry Table 8 year reward which provides owner an advanced tinkered golem
  • Takes 3 slots
  • Only control one at a time
  • Having the Tinker skill will assist making the golem more powerful
  • Starts with capped skills no training necessary
  • No tinkering is required
  • Can claim one every 24 hours
Ethereal Tiger Mount 15 year reward
Runic Reforging Changes

Enable tinker crafted weapons and tinker created gargish armor to be reforged by runic blacksmith, carpentry, and masonry tools.
  • Smith Hammer
  • Sledge Hammer
  • Pick Axe
  • Pitchfork
  • Butcher Knife
  • Cleaver
  • Skinning Knife
  • Hatchet
  • Gargish Necklace
  • Gargish Glasses
  • Gargish Amulet
  • Gargish Earrings
  • Nunchaku
  • Gargish Stone Amulet
Bug Fixes

Enhanced Client Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected issue where occasionally the SA client sees other player’s avatars as naked and/or dismounted even though they are in fact mounted and clothed.
  • Removed dirt from lightning effect.

Classic client 7.0.34
  • Snow added to the client
  • Cliloc Changes
Enhanced Client 4.0.34
  • Snow added to the client
  • Cliloc Changes

Continue reading...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So the first question that comes to mind is: Will the captains be toned down in difficulty once this enters the dungeon and becomes older content? They are insane right now and eventually when the number of people doing this event drops no one will want to even touch them.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so no 16th year reward or is this a typo? " Ethereal Tiger Mount 15 year reward "

looks ok. please no bugs / exploits.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bug Fixes

Enhanced Client Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected issue where occasionally the SA client sees other player’s avatars as naked and/or dismounted even though they are in fact mounted and clothed.
  • Removed dirt from lightning effect.

What a joke, how many pages of bugs do we have? and THIS is what gets fixed.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so no 16th year reward or is this a typo? " Ethereal Tiger Mount 15 year reward "
I was thinking the same. Maybe it means its new for 16th year but you only need to be 15 years to claim it maybe?


Always Present
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Sent from Tapatalk 2 and your local Flutter's Fancy Fone

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's going to be hard to test the new dungeon on TC 1 when there's a wall and bookcase blocking the doorway to get to what is presumably the entrance room for the new dungeon and when your pets are automatically sent to the stable.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lighthouse vet reward,reforging tinker based items, sounds promising


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we get a vegetarian option for those of us that don't eat lobsters? Thank you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Lighthouse Reward IS a bug fix too, and a pretty vital one; Ships were disappearing long before their decay time, and for something that would cost you £10 in the store, and would have paint you'd need to pay to replace too, that was an extremely nasty bug indeed. I lost a Tokuno ship with the black and red paint after 5 days a while back, so I'm extremely happy to see it in game.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
· A Scroll of Alacrity book (holds 300 scrolls and must be locked down in a home to add scrolls to the book)
Is there a new way to obtain these? They are not on the city turn in list anymore


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
2013 Nov 14 18:29 GMT

Bug Fixes

Enhanced Client Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected issue where occasionally the SA client sees other player’s avatars as naked and/or dismounted even though they are in fact mounted and clothed.
  • Removed dirt from lightning effect.
Odd I just saw someone naked speeding past me on TC1


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
· A Scroll of Alacrity book (holds 300 scrolls and must be locked down in a home to add scrolls to the book)
Is there a new way to obtain these? They are not on the city turn in list anymore
Alacrities can still be obtained through treasure hunting.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
· A Scroll of Alacrity book (holds 300 scrolls and must be locked down in a home to add scrolls to the book)
Is there a new way to obtain these? They are not on the city turn in list anymore
They have been in treasure chests for years.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
· A Scroll of Alacrity book (holds 300 scrolls and must be locked down in a home to add scrolls to the book)
Is there a new way to obtain these? They are not on the city turn in list anymore
Alacrity Scrolls are a random drop from Treasure Map Chests. I have more of the damn things than I can count. Thank god for these books being added.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Social Media Liaison
Campaign Supporter
It's going to be hard to test the new dungeon on TC 1 when there's a wall and bookcase blocking the doorway to get to what is presumably the entrance room for the new dungeon and when your pets are automatically sent to the stable.

Patch your client


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have begun Testings!

--- Candle tray: they flicker way too fast making the flames look fake

(thats as far as ive gotten so far)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
City Election Changes

  • Each account may now only vote once per shard.
  • In order to cast a vote a character must be at least respected within a city.
I can see the need for something to change in voting, since it was open to a lot of abuse - but I'm not happy at this method, it's another case of clever programming and not developing the game world we are meant to be playing in....

My characters are different people. some have different loyalties to different towns. Now, because you make this 'account wide' change, they can't vote, no matter how involved in a town, if 'someone else' on that account votes. Please stop conflating and confusing the player with the characters, by all means have a minimum requirement of city loyalty if you need it, but don't put yet another 'gap' between the character and the player - remember what the RP bit is in the MMORPG and let the characters be different, no matter who the player is running them.... or is it to be just another game where you steer a set of statistics around in a battle against a spreadsheet, and we ignore the 'character' idea completely... :(


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guess I should make a T Hunter lol
It's worth it but prepare, to have a VERY cramped and terrible at combat template lol. I run a tamer mainly cause my greater dragon is my "muscle" on an otherwise useless character because don't have room for battle skills.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Damn, no vet reward: Forged Metal of Artifacts? bah, going to be hard to top them xfer shields.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's worth it but prepare, to have a VERY cramped and terrible at combat template lol. I run a tamer mainly cause my greater dragon is my "muscle" on an otherwise useless character because don't have room for battle skills.
My thunter has 120 provo/magery. Can provo anything that pops up and can cast EV's easily enough.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How do we claim new vet rewards on TC?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the good: bathtub is cool, you can turn it on and off, plus you can sit in it, dungeon entrance is across bridge,go left, then three more lefts through double doors. i like the sign posted "cant get in? try patching". i like the doom style setup of the new dungeon.gadget table has great animations.light house is awesome deco, but i prolly wont need the ship affect when i can get a rune from harbor master
the bad: ethy tiger is too small and when you use the ethy tool on it, its a pinkish orange color,yuck. golem doesnt appear to be anything special,24 hour timer is pointless.
the ugly:can only claim one xmas box per acct or is this just on test?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And why no 16th vet reward? :(
Hopefully it's just not listed *Dreams* and it's a rechargeable: Forged Metal of Artifacts, even if it makes items enhanced with it become account bound!

Monthly Sub- should be enough not to have pay-to-win be a part of UO.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The ethereal tiger had promise of looking good as a statue... but looks small and funny when riding it. I think it would look better if it were slightly bigger, and colored instead of ethereal.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have to say that I'm intrigued by the new dungeon and am anxious to find out whether the various monsters spawning in the non-town half of it are going to level up, as at champ spawns, or basically stay as they are now (i.e., too easy for most folks to mess with). Unfortunately, I don't have much time these days to mess with much in UO and the lag on any shard I try is just horrendous anymore.

It's a nice touch having an animal trainer just inside the entrance to the dungeon. However, I'm not terribly keen on the non-teleporting nature of the dungeon and Blackthorn's castle. I think it will tend to discourage people from using the dungeon if they only have a short amount of time to play or think there's a good chance they might get called away from their computer on short notice. It also will make it a bit more difficult for groups to form up, as there's no way to cast gate spell in the dungeon or the castle to help get other people there a little quicker.

I didn't really notice any self-rezzing options as I ran around, although there might be some and I just didn't grasp what they were. Therefore, it might be a good idea to include some kind of npc healer somewhere close by. Running all the way out of that huge dungeon and to the healer in Britain is a mighty long run, if you happen to play on a quieter shard and there's no one else around to offer a rez.

Edited to add: Also, it's kind of a pain to not be able to rez someone back upstairs in the castle because you can't cast spells in the castle. A real jerk could pull a whole lot of junk into the room at the bottom of the steps so it wouldn't be usable as a rezzing station.

Edited to add: It would probably also be good for people to determine if they will be expelled from the dungeon and/or castle if they are disconnected for any length of time.
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The ethereal tiger had promise of looking good as a statue... but looks small and funny when riding it. I think it would look better if it were slightly bigger, and colored instead of ethereal.
Did you happen to try an Ethereal Retouching Tool to see if you can change the appearance of it from Ethy to colored?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is is possible to give minax turnin points on test similar to how you give cleanup points on test?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
This' a decent solution for the minax arties. I like it.
Although, I'd have gone a bit overboard with the Fel side and add a semi-rare drop of a random artie that can only be obtained in Trammel right now to one of the beacon top attackers.
That way ornies and slithers, among others, would be obtainable in Fel, which would make our red player base happy. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gift boxes again! Thank you!
I don't understand how you tell the color of the candles, they all look the same to me. Maybe striped?
We used ethy tool on the tiger and it looks tiger colored to me. Never could figure out how to pet it's tummy.

Lighthouse is awesome freaking awesome awesome awesome.... did I mention awesome! So is table!
Ems, Gms & devs can cook! Or is a plot to poison all of us...
Bathtub is very nice. Crazy blue book is also.

Thank you all!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The ethereal tiger had promise of looking good as a statue... but looks small and funny when riding it. I think it would look better if it were slightly bigger, and colored instead of ethereal.
Tiger needs to adjusted, it's a house cat not a tiger.... I don't think I would pass up on shard shields for a house cat

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just tested stuff out.

I like the graphics for the lighthouse and table. While I don't see me using either, I can see how they would be useable by others. Please consider making walls in the same design as the lighthouse. I really like the look, but not sure how much it will clash with existing wall/home choices.

Tiger mount. Too small and wimpy. Needs to be bigger and the colored version needs to look less washed out. I really like the running motion, but the walking animation is really really odd.

Candle plate. Please allow the tray to be dyed. I personally don't enjoy the gold tint and it would improve the usefulness of the item in decoration. I think the reason why the anniversary tray was a huge flop was because it was one color, unable to be dyed and couldn't be turned. I would have used the item more in my decorating if I had been able to vary the look. I like the candles, but really like the tray to be dyed.

Tub - Again... please please let us dye the gold color. I love the tub, but being gold it wouldn't go with my home. I love that it can be used and sat in... good job.

Lobster - Cute graphic. I won't use it in my house, but nice for players to have something other than a card.

Book - looks alright to me.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll say one more thing on the tub and candle tray. I don't mean to sound as if it should be changed because I don't like it. I'm not that important - Hehe.

I'm just saying I think it would be more prized to the whole community if it could be dyed to fit into homes better and support their current color design. I think if you made it so it could be dyed, you'd find folks who would go out of their way to give their homes bathrooms around that tub.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
more testing on dungeon, cant teleport around ,intended? bagballs a no go for this now that its in a dungeon? either way im cool with it. sampire capt. isnt all that bad, he likes to spam spirit speak. some parts of deungeon have rez ankhs,but they dont work or is it just deco?