Hail Folks,
I am happy for all of you who are loving what has been demonstrated as coming. At $15 per account however, for me this will be a tough call.
I rarely use my GM Fisher now. So for me personally I doubt I will want to buy this "booster." If I do buy one copy, then my approach will be similar to SA. I put SA only on accounts where I deemed it necessary, which I think ended up being 3 accounts out of the 21 I was paying for. To pay for those 3 upgrades I closed 9 accounts.
I may end up closing a couple more to add one booster.
I know full well that EA runs a for profit business. However, it seems clear to me they have decided to milk more from existing Players rather than increasing revenue through MORE Players.
Hopefully this booster will result in MORE new or returning Players. Sadly I have my doubts.
In order to continue enjoying UO at all, I do not see myself being able to spend more for boosters, expansions, and ala carte items sold for RL cash.
If EA cant fund UO from our monthly subscription fees, I fear my UO future becomes more cloudy and in doubt. Hope Im wrong.
Regardless, I am happy for those of you who can afford and are excited by this future.
Be Well and Safe Journeys!