There was no vote but someone in he rp community went after James.
Someone placed gm trapped crates all over New Haven... killing several new players.
We, the Tormtars, cleaned the area... and we GRI and our allies held a meeting... simultaneously we posted on the boards if anyone opposed that James would be the Deputy Mayor.
All was cool...
So time flew by... and we saw no interest in doing anything, no interaction... and we waited... 9 months.
When May 2010 arrived we decided to have a New Haven Census.
and we voted on a new deputy mayor...
There was rumour of foul play again... and the Uss Baat'leb won the elections... well, one of them did.
Then June 2010... usual meeting on the first Sunday of the Month.
We discuss everything that affects New Haven, polished the details about RBG and voted on a New Haven Deputy Mayor... with Dove Rianna earning our trust.
Of those present, neither Va'lis nor Rotep were allowed to vote because they are not part of the Township.
The first belongs to Wind... the second is a Child of the Empire.
(they have their own areas of jurisdiction)
The way I see it is, a town in UO "belongs" to whoever RP's as it's citizens or militia. As far as EM's and storylines are concerned of course. James rarely come to Haven, and all of us in the circle are there incessantly, either as RBG or as circle guilds.
It makes sense that someone else who is always in town would be chosen by it's citizens as someone better able to lead it, knowing the current mayor doesn't care for his constituents, and spends more time in the Empire than in haven itself. Even if it is a smelly former pirate...
So, to end my reply... we not only roleplayed it, but we also posted the information and proceed with the interaction among all of our members.
Usually I would not try to explain what we are doing to other players that have little to no interest in helping us... however Aedon has been guiding us so we dont step on anyones jurisdiction/toes...
We appreciate if this could be bilateral... and the inspiring elder rpers of the community lead by example.
We welcome everyone to interact... and we warmly share our playtime with everyone... if respect is mutual.
However, any attempt to disrupt our gameplay will be severly ignored.
On an activity chart... we are on a geometric growth... while the old rp veterans are facing extinction and leading guilds of 2-5 players... I have done my best to help and be at every event... promoting all guilds... and helping out...
That is all I can offer.