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New: Where can I find people?



Hello all,

My name is Kaydin and I am considering returning to Ultima Online after about 7 years of inactivity. I started out by creating a trial account and making a character on Siege Perilous. So far, I'm finding the game to be much more enjoyable than the crap MMO's that have come out recently as I remember it and I am very close to buying a new account (I can't remember the info for my old one).

Anyway, the problem I'm having is that I can't justify buying the game if I'm going to see less people than the amount of days I have played. So far it has been about 5 days or so and I've seen 4 or 5 people. I have interacted with 3 by talking to them.

I know there's this "NEW" guild and all that, but I really just enjoy stumbling into other people and either a) defending my life courageously or b) making a friend if even temporarily.

It seems on the other shards, people like to hang out in Luna? When I use to play several years ago people congregated at Britain Bank. I don't see anyone in either of these places in Siege. I know people don't like to hang around AFK on this server but there's got to be people somewhere.

So anyway, what I really want to know before I join the Siege community is whether or not there is a Siege community to join. I am looking forward to adventures and mishaps with random people I encounter throughout the worlds of Sosaria, but I am starting to think there isn't enough people playing. Am I just not looking in the right places? Are there lots of people hanging around throughout the world that I am just not seeing? Please, help.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah were here . you just dont see most of us.

matter of fact you just missed a harbinger . its one of the old halloween monsters . you got these gold crystals and you can spawn it anywhere . so someone spawned one in a player town called iantown ... there was much mayhem to be had . we killed it in about an hour and a half . and yeah there was 15 20 people out there . most ammusing . :stretcher:

dont worry we have more crystals . :gee:

death robes for all . come on down


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
seriously tho join NEW . even if you dont think you need the help. NEW is a great place to learn about the community and the customs of this strange land .


Welcome to Siege!

There are people around, but they are usually out and about doing things, though admittedly the population is low. Just ask around in general chat, that's probably the best place. If you seek NEW, just shoot me an icq, 4842047.


I take frequent breaks, sometimes years, sometimes months.

Population spikes and lulls comes in waves, sometimes with release of new expansions, sometimes with the seasons.

Thieves actually have a purpose besides collecting doom/abyss arties here, so it generally isn’t wise to bank sit Siege. But, even on non Siege shards, you don’t wanna bank sit and talk to people there anyway, they are usually the bad weirdo’s and scammers. The best way to find people (aka good weirdo’s) is at your favorite hunting spots, community run events/taverns or lurk stratics or guild message boards and make yourself known.

The recent addition of global chat is a good way to learn names of who to avoid and who to get to know. Or just BS with people who are as bored as you, hehe

Sadly, while Siege has the best game mechanics, it is probably the lowest in overall population (I could be wrong, flame away) but in my short time here I have stumbled across several groups, and random individuals who make it well worth playing an mmo.

UO is one of my few addictions I wanna keep, you don’t have to be a play every day, miss work, skip school, ditch family/friends whackjob to enjoy and make friends prosper here. There will always be plenty of those around anyway, but the casual player is something we need more of.

Now you can play a watered down overly item based version where you have to try really hard to add an element of danger and risk to your UO life. Or you could play on Siege, where you don’t have to be good at pvp, just don’t be afraid of it. And trust me, I spend far less replacing lost items then I ever did on insurance. And most people don’t dry loot you anyway...just be smart about what you are willing to lose and where you go with what you are not.

With a bit of skill, tact, ability to swallow pride and thick skin you will enjoy yourself very much here, and I hope you give it a serious try.

I do recommend checking out NEW, most will go out of their way to help you out and get you started. Most will take it easy on you, but some will target you specifically just to see if you have what it takes to stick around. A few of my now guild mates killed me a couple times with the NEW tag over my head, rez'd me, said have a nice day and ran off.

...Find that on prodo...I dare ya


Thanks for all the replies.

Since I'm on a trial account, I can't go into any dungeons just yet and I'm not even sure what the "hot spots" are any longer because last time I played UO there was only Trammel, Felucca and the Lost Lands. I have a lot of personally unexplored lands to venture out into.

I guess I'll look into NEW if it will help me connect with the community.

Thanks again, all.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well it sounds like you're gonna have a hell of a time exploring all the new lands. Should be fun.

Some of the "Hot Spots" are Luna bank (obviously), Despise champion spawn, T2A champion spawn areas, Abyss (New expansion lands). I would say that the Abyss is the hottest place right now. Its where all the new items are dropping and materials gathered to make uber items. Also, you can check out Blighted Grove (south of shame dungeon), Fire Temple, and Hythloth dungeon (South of Fire Temple)

I would say that is a pretty complete list of the hottest places around UO currently. Also, if you're into role playing you can always check out Iantown (west of Umbra), Bartertown (North of Minoc) and other player run towns.

Good luck! If you need anything give a shout for Astynax in the global channel. I'll help ya if I can.


Definitely join a guild. Most guild communication occurs via Ventrilo, so if you are wanting to get a group together for a spawn or peerless or something, you'll need it.

Most people on siege who you might "run into" are either pk's or they run hiding/stealth or both.

If you don't believe me, go farm in Blighted grove for a few hours. You are guaranteed to find someone. Don't take anything you can't afford to lose.

Use the global chat system. Sometimes, some posters are very annoying, but you can use the filter system in the options menu to ignore them. Many of the posters are quite friendly and helpful.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I also highly recommend NEW. I struggled for a few months on Siege by myself before joining them. I was really able to take off in my training and getting to know people at that point. I've made some really great friends because of NEW, and they will help you find a guild you fit into as well.


Yes, NEW is very helpful, and most Siege players respect NEW members and don't attack them (outside of obvious pvp areas like despise and IDOCs and events).

I started in NEW. It's a good guild and gives you a chance to meet lots of players.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes indeed join NEW even if for no other reason than the tag. People see it and will usualy take a moment or even hours to get to know you and offer help...or if they are like me, go grab them a blue bug and make them a slave for the day.
Global chat is also a good thing to find out what is going on where.


Thanks, again, for all the replies.

I do have one more question though. I type in global chat several times whenever I am playing but I never get a response from anyone. The one time I saw somebody else talk in global all they said was "hack" (not in response to me, just randomly). Am I doing something wrong or is it just empty when I'm on?

I play between 6-10 pm -8 GMT (PST).

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Go into your options and make sure you are in the correct chat, General seem sot be the busy one.

Plenty of people around, stick it out and you will see that Siege is the place to be!

If your looking long term you may want to contact my guild TNT, we are very active and do everything from peerless to PVP. We have Guild members from the west coast and Europe so vent usually has a few people in it at all times.

Find Kat on these boards and PM her for more info.

Welcome to Siege!