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Who Is the Richest Player of all Sosaria?



Who holds the most treasures?

After two years of playing UO so far my financial status in the game is as follows:

Number of Account Active: 1
Real Estate: a Castle
Loot/Hoarded Items/Rares: Below 30M GP
Gold in the Bank: Below 50M GP

In all intent purposes I am a happy yet very poor man in the game :D
Out of curiosity in order to set a ballpark bench mark on how much one should normally be having in terms of wealth in the game. May we be graciously shown a goal we can all hope to achieve as well?

In this regard can some of the 3-5 year veterans up give us a peek on just how much one should be worth after the number of years played more or less?

For Instance:

2 years of play (My example)
3 years of play (Millionaires Club)
4 years of play (Billionaires Club)
5 years of play (Super King Solomon's Tribe)

No problem for fella's like me but how do the Filthy Rich manage their resources? More so in terms of distribution,storage,number of accounts,etc.
Legitimate means only please hehe.

In a former shard I was playing I saw folks who have invested in numerous accounts to build homes and castles.

Anyways I don't have a clue hope you could share your experience (ballpark calculations ok) TIA!

Oh and if you haven't earned that much gold even after playing after so long (over 5 years) it would also be nice to share your stature.


Phaen Grey

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I fail at UO, 9 years, 6 accounts, and a grand total of about 10 million gold


That's ok I see no failure as long as we hope you are a happy player. Thanks for sharing.



Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Like Phaen, I'm a complete failure at collecting.

6 years, flat broke after 4 (I had quit and given away all my belongings)... so after 2 years of earning gold, I just broke 10 mil on my archer, I have about 3 on my tamer and the rest have less than 1 million each.

I have a small house (not even max storage) in a roleplayer village.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait, you own a castle and have below 50mil in the bank and consider yourself poor in-game???

After like 7 years I currently have around 12 mil and own an 18x18.


What, exactly, qualifies as wealthy in game? I have always wondered this.

Whatever it is, I'm certain I'm not it. 5 years in-game, one 18x18, about 12mil across all accounts, likely 20 mil if I reopened my vendor house and moved some rares inventory.

My other two accounts each hold a small house for storage, and their combined bank balance is probably about the same as my bank acount in RL; in other words, not alot.

My financial goals are tyically based on what items I want in-game that I don't feel like fighting for. Currently, I want a 120 magery scroll and a crimson cincture. And since I play atlantic, those are gonna take awhile, lol.

GREAT discussion topic tho=)


Gee to think I always thought I had no new shoes..till I saw people who had no feet! Thanks for sharing folks.




About 10 years on uo, though i do take long breaks have about 10 mill in gold and 2 houses, not particuly rich.

like the previous poster a magery +20 and a crimson cinture would be nice also :)

Barracoon The Piper

My armor is more than my bank .... my best account: about 10kk -.-

I love shopping :danceb:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I made 86 million just in 15 days by selling Cloaks of Corruption/Life/Death/Power, Mempo of Fortunes and a Zento 18x18 :)


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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On Atlantic, the list would probably include Soran, Wizzax, Lion and/or SupSoc.

wee papa smurf

I keep about 20m on each of my 7 chars, i dont own a house and i dont own alot of fancy stuff, i have my bows and mage's outfit and im quite happy :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got about 300k between 5 chars and a large tower by the beach in Fel.


Number of Account Active: 1 (4 1/2 yrs old)
Real Estate: Zento 18x18 directly outside gate
Loot/Hoarded Items/Rares: 1b+
Gold in the Bank: 450m+

Every bit obtained via legal means.


Got about 300k between 5 chars and a large tower by the beach in Fel.
I feel you are in total bliss congrats, btw you didn't say how long you have been in the game tia.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I stopped playing UO and suddenly I feel richer than when I could move my mouse over my precious virtual belongings.

It's not because of the extra $$$ in my pocket..... It's because I no longer feel I'm being milked, to put it as politely as possible. And that is a rich feeling I hadn't felt for years.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have played for roughly 10 years, give or take here and there.

Last time i "appraised" my account, i had about 300mil in items, but right now i'd say i have closer to 350 mil in items, mostly in pvp gear for several different chars and templates. A little of it is rares and the like. In gold, i have about 40mil spread throughout my account, and if i ever need some for a big purchase, i have plenty of things i can sell that i will never use again, from rares to resources. Most of what i have i dunno what to even do with, all i ever do is login to pvp, so about all i buy is occasionally new gear or regs for potions.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have been playing since the beginning but I am not what I consider rich. I am a hoarder so I rarely sell any of my items.
I do own one of the castles in Malas which if I sold would make me a very rich person. I also have a few other 18 x 18's around the lands.
When I started with 100 gold I would never dream of having anything over 10 million in gold. I felt rich if I owned a few small houses and could help others buy houses.
Things have sure changed in all the years that I have been playing.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Heh, I thought that what I had wasn't very impressive, but after reading this post, who knows.

Anyway, Been playing non-stop since Sept 1997..I have 6 accounts;
1 Keep, 2 Towers, 2 18x18's, in Fel and an old Marble in Tram.

Minimum 100 Mill Gold per account.

Item value just doesn't count anymore now that Styg Abyss is comming out and items and weapons will be worthless. But if you want to include them, I have 6 fully built PvP suits that each cost at least 300 Mill to build about 4 years ago. Countless 120 powerscrolls and other items like a blessed Fortified Surpassingly Accurate Katana of Vanquishing from clean up Britania, which is now complete dog doo.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My friends i got thanks to UO. They worth more then all the gold on all shards and in the world. :)


My friends i got thanks to UO. They worth more then all the gold on all shards and in the world. :)
I was thinking the same thing... weird that it only came from another Drachenfels player so far. *chuckles*


Heh, I thought that what I had wasn't very impressive, but after reading this post, who knows.

Anyway, Been playing non-stop since Sept 1997..I have 6 accounts;
1 Keep, 2 Towers, 2 18x18's, in Fel and an old Marble in Tram.

Minimum 100 Mill Gold per account.

Item value just doesn't count anymore now that Styg Abyss is comming out and items and weapons will be worthless. But if you want to include them, I have 6 fully built PvP suits that each cost at least 300 Mill to build about 4 years ago. Countless 120 powerscrolls and other items like a blessed Fortified Surpassingly Accurate Katana of Vanquishing from clean up Britania, which is now complete dog doo.
I feel my mouth is beginning to drooool..the the scrolls alone must be a goldmine even if you undersold them.

Not bad for a Pioneer! :thumbsup:



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I made 86 million just in 15 days by selling Cloaks of Corruption/Life/Death/Power, Mempo of Fortunes and a Zento 18x18 :)
The armor on our 27 chars is worth billions on this market...

I honestly don't think our worth could be accurately calculated.

However, I would imagine there are people that have 5 times as much as we have.

Sometimes I'll make a bow that would sell for over 100 million, but I keep it. I only had one vendor in over 11 years, and I never sold anything of value. We have 1 keep, & 3 max storage houses.

I mean when you start talking about what are singing balls worth?

What are complete sets of necro regs worth?

What are complete sets of the bells and statues with all the rare ones worth?

On and On

Just from this event we have 20 cloaks & 1409 arties so far, 7 mempos.

We never even used UOA. For uo purists that don't macro unattended or cheat, we have so much stuff here there is no way to calculate it.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On Atlantic, the list would probably include Soran, Wizzax, Lion and/or SupSoc.
Yes, I so agree the vendor guys have the most gold.

But real value is more than gold.

My wife is always telling me I should have a bunch of vendors, but I just basically won't pay the insane vendor fees to UO.

Plus, and here's the most important thing. In the old days 2 valorite hammers would drop per shard, per year. Something like that.

Now, there is over 1000 pieces of valorite armor in Luna alone, and many 1000s on characters.

You just KNOW they are cheating. I mean how in the world could you acquire that many val hammers legit, they only make 15 items per hammer. It's pretty easy to spot them too, isn't it? Their names are on the stuff they make.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My friends i got thanks to UO. They worth more then all the gold on all shards and in the world. :)
Clearly we have a shard of great people -- dont tell all they will all want to move here, lets just keep it our secret, oops cat's out of the bag


Yes, I so agree the vendor guys have the most gold.

But real value is more than gold.

My wife is always telling me I should have a bunch of vendors, but I just basically won't pay the insane vendor fees to UO.

Plus, and here's the most important thing. In the old days 2 valorite hammers would drop per shard, per year. Something like that.

Now, there is over 1000 pieces of valorite armor in Luna alone, and many 1000s on characters.

You just KNOW they are cheating. I mean how in the world could you acquire that many val hammers legit, they only make 15 items per hammer. It's pretty easy to spot them too, isn't it? Their names are on the stuff they make.
You do know that a "Valorite ..." item is crafted with valorite ingots (or enhanced with them), and not necessarily crafted with a valorite runic hammer, right? ;)


Clearly we have a shard of great people -- dont tell all they will all want to move here, lets just keep it our secret, oops cat's out of the bag
I moved to Drachenfels already recently ...... and yes, I fully agree, it is the richest shard , at least if it comes to number of nice people you meet there ;)


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I think it used to be Hemisphere... *shakes head*


Value of the friends I made and the fun I had... Priceless.

For all the rest I use Visa.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would say that I'm one of the richest players in UO. I only have 2 accounts, but after almost 12 years in this game... I have things that you just can't obtain anymore unless you had been here from the start.

I have fully developed characters on both Siege and Atlantic. Multiple houses on both shards. I actually have the ability to set up shop with my 2nd account on any shard I want. *shrugs* I've just never wanted to. Between my 2 accounts, I have every playable character type you can think of on Atlantic. There isn't much in this game that I can't (or haven't) already done. I have a few rares of sentimental value, but really... that kind of stuff is worthless.

Having the ability to experience anything and everything this game could offer me is what really holds value to me. This is a great game and when I log in... I log in to play it.

Anyone out there who has what I have is in my opinion as rich as you can get.



Why will items be obsolete after SA?

Do they revert everyones account and remove all of their items?

unless they do that items and armor will still be worth somethin..

but if they make us have to play in 3d i dont care cuz im not playing anyway


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Clearly we have a shard of great people -- dont tell all they will all want to move here, lets just keep it our secret, oops cat's out of the bag
I wish one of these great folk would cast a gate between each Shadowlord location.


Why will items be obsolete after SA?

Do they revert everyones account and remove all of their items?

unless they do that items and armor will still be worth somethin..

but if they make us have to play in 3d i dont care cuz im not playing anyway
Pretty sure the thinking behind this sentiment is something to the effect of: imbuing will let us create "custom" items; custom items will be superior to pre-imbuing items since we can pick the mods we want on them; old items will lose their value. I'm not in the SA beta, so I don't know, but I'd guess that it probably won't be quite that straightforward.


My friends i got thanks to UO. They worth more then all the gold on all shards and in the world. :)
I was thinking the same thing... weird that it only came from another Drachenfels player so far. *chuckles*
What is it about Drach's, I have been playing about 6 years on Drachenfels and i think I had a million once, but I do have a nice big 18x18 hidden in the mountains :)


Begin in UO since 1998, have 6 or 7 accounts maybe. I have make a few billions, 5 or 6 and i bough 1B at Alcestis for my comeback...

So i have win alot of gold when i sold a few very important rare, Lt sash at ****** "the red one"+500m and a fire rubblei have bough on ebay for 500usd resell for 1200usd "just the Lt", and the vine coord sandals bough on ebay for 200usd resell for 700usd at ******** .

I have made maybe, 4000 or 5000usd profit when is legal on ebay, and spend 1500 euros to items, accounts and gold...
Same thing for Anarchy-online on RK1, 3000 euros of profit, but now Funcom is a killer of ebayer ;)

Just for say, you can win alot of money if you have the time. Now for me, i have a good job in the archeology of the human préhistoria -600000 at -140000 years bc "**** erectus.

Now i play just for my pleasure ;) Is not a false story, just my little story...

ps : i don't have the shame of this "Je suis comme je suis" Arnaud de Kerak templar of Jérusalem.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Been playing off and on since '97 on my 1 account. The most I've ever had at once was about 12 million, mostly though stuff scavenged from IDOCs, and maybe 30-40 million in items/resources. I ended up spending almost all of my gold on a 120 magery and a 120 fencing scrolls. I managed to get a couple of those luck mempos from the Shadowlord event so if I am able sell one for a few million, I will probably spend it right away on some other 120 scroll(s). That's all I really look for nowadays anyway.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Just under 6 year vet, Total amount of money in bank on all 5 of my chars? Less than 1 million.

Worth of items horded? There's a lot of stuff... I never went around and valued it but probably not too much in today's economy, Maybe it is, maybe I have an amazing rare hidden somewhere in my house, found a guild deed in a random bag once... didn't even know I had one. My house is like Mary Poppen's hand bag. You never know what's inside.

Home? A castle :]. Still not decorated, got it a year ago, still haven't actually unpacked... :]

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Does anyone else ever become a bit concerned when they see threads like this that ask people to talk about all their UO "valuables"? Every time I see a thread like this, I have to wonder who is taking advantage of it to try to identify someone new to try to hack for access to gold, rares, valuable house locations, etc.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The richest people in UO were/are the dupers. Then the brokers. But are they really considered "players"? Depends.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does anyone else ever become a bit concerned when they see threads like this that ask people to talk about all their UO "valuables"? Every time I see a thread like this, I have to wonder who is taking advantage of it to try to identify someone new to try to hack for access to gold, rares, valuable house locations, etc.
No, not really.
This just seems like a fun topic to discuss.

From a paranoid perspective I can see how people would be concerned though.


Does anyone else ever become a bit concerned when they see threads like this that ask people to talk about all their UO "valuables"? Every time I see a thread like this, I have to wonder who is taking advantage of it to try to identify someone new to try to hack for access to gold, rares, valuable house locations, etc.

+1, should supply someone with some new targets.


Does anyone else ever become a bit concerned when they see threads like this that ask people to talk about all their UO "valuables"? Every time I see a thread like this, I have to wonder who is taking advantage of it to try to identify someone new to try to hack for access to gold, rares, valuable house locations, etc.
It does raise questions, but I think most people are paranoid enough to not open themselves up to getting hacked. For example, there is only one person in the whole of UO *wink* that knows more of my personal information than just my first name, and that info wouldn't help them to do anything regarding my account, or any other secure website. I think people that get hacked gave out some piece of information or clicked a link to something, whether knowingly or not, that enabled someone to figure out or obtain what they needed to know.