This statement from MissEcho said it all for me and the quote frm Ovrkll always said it all. I agree with it completely (or mostly anyways
). I advise all to read it with no biased attitude. If you argue with this then you probably will so with insults and lack of intelligent thought. If you argue with it with respect then I will listen to you.
I am also from Oceania, and like a lot of other Oceania players don't bother to post on OUR forum any more. You can see by this thread why that would be so. Of the group I am in NONE will post on our forum they figure leave it to the kids, it is now at the point that they think they are the Majority and if they wish to think that who cares. The rest of us voted with our feet ages ago and stopped posting.
However, coming to this forum and bringing their childishness that they display on Oceania to here and then claiming they speak for ALL Oceanians is certainly not the case.
As it is the Forum Mod who closed down their pvp thread said and I quote:
To be perfectly honest about the PVP thread and everything that has been said.
1: Dont point the finger at Katlene for reporting posts in the PVP thread. Your so way off target that it makes me laugh. Its the PVPers themselves who complain the most about posts within the PVP thread, especially when there is a personal insult... why ? because they want to cause trouble for the players in the forum as well as in game.
2: I gave you guys time to chill out and come back to eath. There was way to much on the personal insults. Yes i did enjoy the PVP thread, but when it started to get flooded with the personal insults, it became a joke to let it stay open. And even with a break from the PVP thread, you guys have this thread and cant help yourself but point fingers at people and come out with the insults yet again. I have asked time and time again for you folk to show me that you are above this, and show me that if i re open the PVP thread that you will be in more control of yourselves and make it a fun thread to have again.
3: The PVP thread would have never existed if it wasnt for me, everyone wanted to shut it down before it even started, but i went against the lot of them and did it anyway because i believed you guys deserved to have your own place to rant and rave, I put the rules up and made sure they were enforced. But you guys still didnt learn. Show me im not wasting my time by defending the PVP thread....
You guys know the rules, if you seriously want the PVP thread back, then prove to me that you are all adults and know the difference between having fun and taking it too far. Go back and edit your posts within this thread and take out the things that you KNOW shouldnt be posted. Then PM me and tell me what you have done to clean it up.
Then i will make a decision if it comes back now.... or later....
and the whole thread this was taken from is http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=141568
As you can see by the level of intelligent posts in this thread, and the attitude this element displays to the rest of the players on our shard is it really any wonder why our shard has about 10-20% of it's player base left.
I have no doubt I will now be attacked by this 'crowd' for having the temerity to voice a different opinion, it is what happens on our board all the time and why most of the Trammel population don't really bother with that board anymore.
Go back to the Oceania board please. You don't need to embarrass the whole of our shard with this rot.
Siding with Para and pettles in THEIR ARGUEMENT STYLES is doing no one any favours. Taking the 'debate' (if thats what you call it!!) to the UO Hall and demostrating the type of 'debate' points that were expressed will certainly keep the pvp thread closed and will show the civilised world how uncivilised you really are. People in a public forum WILL respond to such insulting and lack of respect behaviour
Again I say, if you can not hear the words of Miss Echo's quote and or my own(or others from the wider community) then there is nothing more that can be done until you do and the PVP will never return.
If a person thinks that he/she can not show respect to others because that requires 'bowing down' to them then that in itself is the problem. Showing respect is not an obtion for that type of person,
Seriously, the other pvp forum, why did you guys leave their? Isn't that what you wanted? Or do you secretly want to be part of the community? If so, then, Show some RESPECT for the community
PS- Most boxers and fighters from any of the fight games do not 'banter' as you guys say. Most don't banter at all.And those that do are look down upon by 80% of all other fighters. Fighters more often then not ,show RESPECT to each other. If any sportsman trashed talked half what you guys do then, they'd be charged legally, suspended by the sports boards and fined.You could only imagine what the media would do to you.
I am also from Oceania, and like a lot of other Oceania players don't bother to post on OUR forum any more. You can see by this thread why that would be so. Of the group I am in NONE will post on our forum they figure leave it to the kids, it is now at the point that they think they are the Majority and if they wish to think that who cares. The rest of us voted with our feet ages ago and stopped posting.
However, coming to this forum and bringing their childishness that they display on Oceania to here and then claiming they speak for ALL Oceanians is certainly not the case.
As it is the Forum Mod who closed down their pvp thread said and I quote:
To be perfectly honest about the PVP thread and everything that has been said.
1: Dont point the finger at Katlene for reporting posts in the PVP thread. Your so way off target that it makes me laugh. Its the PVPers themselves who complain the most about posts within the PVP thread, especially when there is a personal insult... why ? because they want to cause trouble for the players in the forum as well as in game.
2: I gave you guys time to chill out and come back to eath. There was way to much on the personal insults. Yes i did enjoy the PVP thread, but when it started to get flooded with the personal insults, it became a joke to let it stay open. And even with a break from the PVP thread, you guys have this thread and cant help yourself but point fingers at people and come out with the insults yet again. I have asked time and time again for you folk to show me that you are above this, and show me that if i re open the PVP thread that you will be in more control of yourselves and make it a fun thread to have again.
3: The PVP thread would have never existed if it wasnt for me, everyone wanted to shut it down before it even started, but i went against the lot of them and did it anyway because i believed you guys deserved to have your own place to rant and rave, I put the rules up and made sure they were enforced. But you guys still didnt learn. Show me im not wasting my time by defending the PVP thread....
You guys know the rules, if you seriously want the PVP thread back, then prove to me that you are all adults and know the difference between having fun and taking it too far. Go back and edit your posts within this thread and take out the things that you KNOW shouldnt be posted. Then PM me and tell me what you have done to clean it up.
Then i will make a decision if it comes back now.... or later....
and the whole thread this was taken from is http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=141568
As you can see by the level of intelligent posts in this thread, and the attitude this element displays to the rest of the players on our shard is it really any wonder why our shard has about 10-20% of it's player base left.
I have no doubt I will now be attacked by this 'crowd' for having the temerity to voice a different opinion, it is what happens on our board all the time and why most of the Trammel population don't really bother with that board anymore.
Go back to the Oceania board please. You don't need to embarrass the whole of our shard with this rot.
Siding with Para and pettles in THEIR ARGUEMENT STYLES is doing no one any favours. Taking the 'debate' (if thats what you call it!!) to the UO Hall and demostrating the type of 'debate' points that were expressed will certainly keep the pvp thread closed and will show the civilised world how uncivilised you really are. People in a public forum WILL respond to such insulting and lack of respect behaviour
Again I say, if you can not hear the words of Miss Echo's quote and or my own(or others from the wider community) then there is nothing more that can be done until you do and the PVP will never return.
If a person thinks that he/she can not show respect to others because that requires 'bowing down' to them then that in itself is the problem. Showing respect is not an obtion for that type of person,
Seriously, the other pvp forum, why did you guys leave their? Isn't that what you wanted? Or do you secretly want to be part of the community? If so, then, Show some RESPECT for the community
PS- Most boxers and fighters from any of the fight games do not 'banter' as you guys say. Most don't banter at all.And those that do are look down upon by 80% of all other fighters. Fighters more often then not ,show RESPECT to each other. If any sportsman trashed talked half what you guys do then, they'd be charged legally, suspended by the sports boards and fined.You could only imagine what the media would do to you.