Okay. Before anyone gets excited I dont want to make a church. I am wondering why a person can have llamas strategically placed all over luna with comm crystals in packs so that when he talks in his church (on north side of Luna), it can be heard outside of the building? Personally it bugs me a bit, but not enough to persay page on the guy. I have had some guildmates say it bugs them, along with friends. Who at EA can I talk too about the legality of this? I dont personaly care if he does the "Preaching" in his house, where if I dont wanna see if I dont go in, but when pack animals placed all over luna are stating everything that he says whether I want to hear it or not, its kind of agitating. It also could be offensive to someone else as well if christianity was not there religion. Who can I email or do I just need to page on the guy next time I see him doing it in game?
PS...I am a christian...doesn't offend me persay, but if I wanted to hear someone preach I would go to church!?!
PS...I am a christian...doesn't offend me persay, but if I wanted to hear someone preach I would go to church!?!