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[UO Herald] Massively Evil Event

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[FONT=times new roman,times,serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This weekend’s massively evil event will require that you be in the Shadowlords faction. Please remember if you are going to leave your current faction and join the Shadowlords it will take you 72 hours to leave. If you do not want to change factions or if you miss out on the time frame don’t worry, we will have another event for everyone else in the near future. Additional details regarding this event will be coming soon.[/FONT][/FONT]



Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
What?! Leave Minax?


[FONT=times new roman,times,serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This weekend’s massively evil event will require that you be in the Shadowlords faction. Please remember if you are going to leave your current faction and join the Shadowlords it will take you 72 hours to leave. If you do not want to change factions or if you miss out on the time frame don’t worry, we will have another event for everyone else in the near future. Additional details regarding this event will be coming soon.[/FONT][/FONT]

Sorry, thats just friggen lame..
In order to partake. I have to join a faction....
Talk about making an event only for some people...
What if the current Faction leaders won't take anyone.
They get to parttake in everything while the average joe gets to sit and watch..
Good thinking EA.....


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Can't wait to hear more information with at least a few details about it.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Easy folks... *narrows eyes*


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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*blinks*.... *wonders what account that faction tamer is on*..... I think I have one in that faction.... But my main would NEVER join shadowlords!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, thats just friggen lame..
In order to partake. I have to join a faction....
Talk about making an event only for some people...
What if the current Faction leaders won't take anyone.
They get to parttake in everything while the average joe gets to sit and watch..
Good thinking EA.....

Hey, can't deny that it would only make sense that the factions, particularly the Shadow Lord faction, would have to have some significant part to this whole event.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What a bunch of horse shot. I'm not taking my chars out of their current faction, but I guess I can participate by killing all those that come to sign up for Shadowlords.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What a bunch of horse shot. I'm not taking my chars out of their current faction, but I guess I can participate by killing all those that come to sign up for Shadowlords.

Yeah I guess if I were still in Factions this is exactly how I'd "participate." Camp the signup stone.

Makes sense.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
The Good Parts of This:

Factions is part of the game. Despite its participants'....oddness when it comes to anyone who hasn't been in it for years, it is part of the game and I have long-argued that it benefits when it's fully integrated into life in the game. Hence my not minding when the invasions were keyed to Factions in an unprecedented way.

Further, it makes sense that the event would focus on the Shadowlords Faction, for reasons that should be 100% obvious.

Also, sadly, players like evil and have long wanted evil events and evil content. To that end we've had Dread Mares, Nightmares, evil furniture, a champ spawn or two that caters to evil-ness, one of the must useful artifacts in the game is a Slayer for the only good-aligned creature type in the game, etc. Now, an evil event. I believe this is UO's first evil event that isn't player-run. I feel that people are sure to like it.

The Bad Parts of This:

Though it's rarely admitted, there's already a fair amount of evil content in the game. In addition to the above list, there's the glaring example of the Magincia Invasion, wherein players fighting to save the city were threatened with having GMs paged on them. Though a Vorpal Blade proved to be worth more than most pieces of rubble, there were some rubble pieces that were worth roughly 20 to 50 Vorpal Blades, and these rewards couldn't even be unlocked without doing something evil. Now we will doubtlessly have even more evil-only rewards.

Also, it's not like evil characters, or even specifically Shadowlords' characters, were prohibited from participating in the other events. Indeed, they were quite welcome despite how illogical that obviously is.

Fellies have shown little interest in events beyond griefing them. So, really, why an event that is oriented towards them? Hasn't EA learned its lessons with massively-grief EM events and the way the TB Faction on LS killed everyone who'd showed up to hear Casca's speech in Felucca?

Finally.....Evil without a chance to prevent it just feels REALLY wrong for UO; it doesn't at all feel like it's true to UO's model.

I'm sure there's more points on both sides but that's all I thought of at the moment.

Myself, I'm just going to ride things out and see what happens. I have enjoyed the events in this cycle, overall, and Draconi's earned himself a fair amount of good will with me. (And I'm sure that hearing that from one of the least-liked players on Stratics has absolutely made this all worth it to him. Yes, that was sarcastic.)

-Galen's player


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ori in Shadowlords??? Is you people nuts?? I may have a fencer I can take for reporting purposes. But still, The Shadowlords? *shakes head*

Lord Drakelord

[FONT=times new roman,times,serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This weekend’s massively evil event will require that you be in the Shadowlords faction. Please remember if you are going to leave your current faction and join the Shadowlords it will take you 72 hours to leave. If you do not want to change factions or if you miss out on the time frame don’t worry, we will have another event for everyone else in the near future. Additional details regarding this event will be coming soon.[/FONT][/FONT]


sorry that one event I will not be going to as I have no plans in joining factions regardless if its only for one day.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Don't forget that when a guild leader joins a faction, all eligible guild members also join the faction. (Certain characters can't join and should automatically be booted out of the guild when the guild leader joins a faction.) If a guild leader quits a faction, everyone else in the guild also automatically quits the faction.


What a bunch of horse shot. I'm not taking my chars out of their current faction, but I guess I can participate by killing all those that come to sign up for Shadowlords.

Yeah I guess if I were still in Factions this is exactly how I'd "participate." Camp the signup stone.

Makes sense.

-Galen's player

Now that's truly evil :love:. It made me laugh out loud. Thanks.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just have to say...


Seriously, events shouldn't just be limited to the goody two shoes of the world. The bad guys need some lovin' too!

Too bad I don't have anyone who would be a shadowlord. Could be fun. Oh well, next time.

Enjoy the event Shadowlords. Maybe I'll go visit on Drachs or Europa.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
are you #$%^&*( kidding me.

whoever thought this idea up.

I and ALOT of my guildmates have spent many hours working to be were we are.

If you want an event with a specific guild make a GM run guild with a stone anyone can join and work off that do not force anyone to join a specific faction that is just absurd.

this is a very LAME idea


If you do not want to change factions or if you miss out on the time frame don’t worry, we will have another event for everyone else in the near future.
PLEASE READ PEOPLE. Some of you are getting angry for nothing. Reds don't seem to complain when they can't do tram only events.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
If you do not want to change factions or if you miss out on the time frame don’t worry, we will have another event for everyone in the near future.
What's the fuss? Plainly stated, the rest of us are getting something too. Just not at this moment. Might be interesting to take my stealth/ghost over and watch some action :)

lol Swordblaze beat me to it :p


I thought factions could not have more then X% in each faction. for balance purposes. if that is true do they plan on turning that off for the event.

I think this is a very sad attempt for the devs/EM's to try and force PVP on people who do not wish it.


Most explosive UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought factions could not have more then X% in each faction. for balance purposes. if that is true do they plan on turning that off for the event.
This was actually removed several publishes ago along with other random restrictions to factions.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you do not want to change factions or if you miss out on the time frame don’t worry, we will have another event for everyone in the near future.
What's the fuss? Plainly stated, the rest of us are getting something too. Just not at this moment. Might be interesting to take my stealth/ghost over and watch some action :)

lol Swordblaze beat me to it :p
Indeed. People would be surprised what a little reading can do for you :p

If anything it's just a nice little gift for the PvPers.

Some need to take a little breather and read carefully.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
This weekend’s massively evil event will require that you be in the Shadowlords faction
I was wondering when this was going to happen. Twas only a matter or time.

Ahhh the stealthers that will be upon us soon :hahaha:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lame. Factions always get attention!

This one was a close second to most uneducated comment.

All factioners want is to have the bugs fixed. Not some shoddy event or new items...

The only good thing will be camping the sign up stone and killing the carebears.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I find this intriguing, but it begs the question: can this event be griefed by other factions who come to slaughter participating players? Would that even be considered griefing or would that be considered the other factions opposing one of their foes? Is this a moot point since the event might not even be held in Felucca but just require being a faction member to teleport to a story region?

Flora Green

Whew. And here I thought I'd have to put my whole real life on hold for something big.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Way to bork it up Uo team. Thanks tons!

* oh the event has not started? This post is for the disaster the event WILL be*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I find this intriguing, but it begs the question: can this event be griefed by other factions who come to slaughter participating players? Would that even be considered griefing or would that be considered the other factions opposing one of their foes? Is this a moot point since the event might not even be held in Felucca but just require being a faction member to teleport to a story region?
Check out this thread here:

A few details are being revealed by Draconi here


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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If this is an event which is all about the Shadowlords I don't see a problem with it being invite only. Who else would need to hear a speech from the Shadowlord commander except his own troops?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why are people getting upset about this? I don't get it. Big deal, so there is a factions based event. One of...one. In 11 years of UO history. It's no different than events to gather resources (geared towards harvesters) or events geared towards the pvm crowd. I really like that they are mixing it up. For gosh sakes people, we all have at least 5 character slots, and most of us have multiple accounts. You don't have to join with your main character if you are so scared of screwing up faction status on another character, or don't know how to pvp. And you don't have to participate if you feel like you are being forced to pvp (rofl).


Most explosive UO Legend
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Stratics Legend
If this is an event which is all about the Shadowlords I don't see a problem with it being invite only. Who else would need to hear a speech from the Shadowlord commander except his own troops?
Indeed, in fact, who else has a *right* to hear such a speech and rally?

Who else has a *right* to heed their command, and commit to their dark work?

Only they who have sacrificed to the shadows, and accepted their new lords.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
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Dread Lord
It's growing on me...


me no join factions just because it "should be so". also, my character alignments - even if I did Faction - would NOT be Shadowlords.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So let me get this straight. During the event SL is going to have a room no one else can get in and this is permanent?


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
So let me get this straight. During the event SL is going to have a room no one else can get in and this is permanent?

I am not sure I would want to plan a raid on the SL base when they are holding their pep rally...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not sure I would want to plan a raid on the SL base when they are holding their pep rally...
1. I would and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

2. That doesn't answer the question.


Ah ha.

So the other factions should mobilize to take as many Shadowlord holdings as they can, hm?


I'm glad they are finally breaking events up a bit, it makes it more interesting and less generic. I will wait for the next events that my characters can join, simple enough.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
1. I would and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

2. That doesn't answer the question.

I admire your boldness, but I have no answers. *nods*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Events aim to, logically, follow a certain story arc. This arc has had heavy content with the Shadowlords and, yet, the events have catered to most everyone (reds excluded, from some). Requiring a rather minor, and possibly temporary, task to be completed beforehand is rather trivial in comparison to finishing the story they've set out on completing. If you can't accept that fact, or feel it's asking "too much of you", then simply pay attention to the story elsewhere. It's not only a "take" situation, there must be some "give" on either end.

All in all, if you're one of those complaining about having to alter faction status, thank you in advance from abstaining from the event. This will certainly lessen the spammers present, further aiding the storyline.