The point is, those of you who clearly defend scripting, or engage in it yourselves, habitually depict the issue as "the only real troublemakers here are the people paging a GM when they see unattended scripting. Those players are the true problem."
This attempt to reverse-whitewash the issue of unattended macroing, which has clearly and repeatedly been condemned as acceptable gameplay strategy by all entities which ever managed UO or issues its various terms of service over the years, is really the core of every argument you guys make to defend scripting.
You don't really have a leg to stand on. Why not just call a duck a duck? A lot of players use it because it's the easy, lazy way to level up skills that does not require you to spend hours upon hours doing repetitive things in order to raise the skill yourself, manually, in game. You get the same rewards faster, with little or no effort. This is why you do it and why it will never stop, especially since EA cannot, or will not, enforce its TOS. That's really all the more complicated the matter need get. "I did it, I benefit from it, it gets me more with less effort, and I never got banned. And everyone else I know does it, so it's okay." That's the argument in essence. Fine. It's one of those "it helps me so I'm for it even if it directly or indirectly hurts others, is illegal, or breaks rules I agreed to abide by" things that some people will always be able to morally justify. However, progressing from that into attack-- that players who find this behavior to destroy and upend the spirit of fair competition in the game for resources and items and wealth and progress, and force everyone to basically cheat the same way or else be less capable of competing in a closed online environment are the problem, that they are whiners and troublemakers and ruining the game with frivolous GM calls-- that's where you guys really overload and overstretch yourselves.