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Why are subscribers Sims in TC3 being greyed out???????



4 Paying players have approached me since the update that as subscribers they are now only allowed to have one sim in TC3? Is this new? I thought we were supposed to pick who we wanted as our main sim for purposes of receiving gifts etc. (which I still haven't figured out how to do... ) Now it seems they have lost full access to there other sims... Now how can this be? Has anyone heard of what is going on or is this another bug? Just wondering. I have full access so far from what I can see.. so I truly believe it might be a bug.. Just want to see if anyone else having same issue before reporting.. thanks

There are gonna be some very angry sims out there......



4 Paying players have approached me since the update that as subscribers they are now only allowed to have one sim in TC3? Is this new? I thought we were supposed to pick who we wanted as our main sim for purposes of receiving gifts etc. (which I still haven't figured out how to do... ) Now it seems they have lost full access to there other sims... Now how can this be? Has anyone heard of what is going on or is this another bug? Just wondering. I have full access so far from what I can see.. so I truly believe it might be a bug.. Just want to see if anyone else having same issue before reporting.. thanks

There are gonna be some very angry sims out there......

[/ QUOTE ]

The option to pick your main sim has not yet been implemented into the game. Its probably a bug, which the devs can reverse if those people report it on the tech. boards, to the dev's bug email or on the game wiki.


Not only TC3 but on one of my accounts my EA Land sims is grey too. So yes it seems like a few are having this problem. It says I have reached my avatar limit, but on that account I have 1 in TC3 and 2 in EA Land. On another accout I can't play my EA Land sim but I can play my TC3. All had been fine up until today.


Thanks guys.. Ill pass this on.. i logged into my accounts and all seem ok.. so far...lol so must be a bug...


This is getting ridiculous. I quit sims three years ago because of lag and error 23 happening all the time. so three years go by, i receive an email from ea telling me all is wonderful and fixed. what BS. for the last 24 hours i couldnt get on because of the fix, so did the problem get fixed. NOOOOOOO i cannot get in, i keep getting error messages and booted out of game, when i do get in game after trying for an hour, i try to go into a skill house and i get tremendous lag and then booted. Why are we paying 10 dollars a month for this, even worse now we are paying 20 dollars a shot for the atm spending a lot of money in game and the only one getting anything out of it is you EA. i am getting sick and tired of this. And i am not the only one. If second city can get it straight why cant you.

puss in boots

I try to log in and two of my sims are grey like ealand is down and the first sim on the account is fine but i dont want to play her shes not my main sim ... plz fix this yet another problem ..thanks


Ok Guys I called EA about this and they told me that I have to send emails to the dev team..which I already did yesterday. Still waiting on a reply. No use in calling since it dont get you anywhere!


I don't think they will reply if you send emails to the bug alert email, they will probably just get an alert and begin to fix it.



This is getting ridiculous. I quit sims three years ago because of lag and error 23 happening all the time. so three years go by, i receive an email from ea telling me all is wonderful and fixed. what BS. for the last 24 hours i couldnt get on because of the fix, so did the problem get fixed. NOOOOOOO i cannot get in, i keep getting error messages and booted out of game, when i do get in game after trying for an hour, i try to go into a skill house and i get tremendous lag and then booted. Why are we paying 10 dollars a month for this, even worse now we are paying 20 dollars a shot for the atm spending a lot of money in game and the only one getting anything out of it is you EA. i am getting sick and tired of this. And i am not the only one. If second city can get it straight why cant you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to point out the obvious, but if I didnt' feel like I was getting my $10 a month worth out of my money, that would make me *less* likely to plunk $20 into the ATM, not more so that just seems silly to do that and then turn around and blame EA for *not giving you your money's worth*. The people who are affected by this bug need to take responsibility to send an e-mail to the dev e-mail address, which I *think* is [email protected] but somebody correct me if I am wrong please. In that e-mail they need your account name, NOT password, and the sim that is affected by the bug, and as much detail of the bug as you can give. If nobody bothers to write that e-mail then the dev team might not be aware of it because reports here DON'T count. That's why they made that e-mail address.....they don't have time to check here constantly for bug reports, and do everything they need to do, so they rely on us to be pro-active in reporting things, not just reactive.



Ok Guys I called EA about this and they told me that I have to send emails to the dev team..which I already did yesterday. Still waiting on a reply. No use in calling since it dont get you anywhere!

[/ QUOTE ]

It's long been known that phone customer support these days is as useless as a hind pocket on a dog. The best way to get things accomplished is through e-mail. EVERYBODY affected should e-mail, not just rely on one person to report it, because the more reports come in the more they realize that it can't be player specific, it becomes a widespread issue.


i lost one of my sims in ea land, and have emailed [email protected] several times in the past 10 days, but have recieved only one response ( we are looking into it ) and have recieved no other responses since.... so good luck with emailing... i never had any....


I now have this problem after the city went down for update earlier. I submitted a bug report on the wiki. In the meantime, I guess I'll go see what my old sim is up to in TC3- haven't seen her in a while!


EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE thats been effected by the missing or grayed out sim syndrom should be contacting [email protected] and reporting it to them.... only if we stand together as group will they do anything... ive been sending them emails everyday asking what their progress is for sending GEORGE WARE III back to my avatar screen lmao


I have had greyed out sims also.

Only if I log another account on the same PC.

If I go to another PC and log in, the sims are fine.

Maybe some are getting this issue.