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Is it worth it ?


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Has anyone claimed the Vet fishing pole, and was it worth the pick ? I'm sickened by the fact that I have to use a Vet pick for something that should have been coded into the item mechanics. It makes no sense that I can tell my shovel I don't want stone, but I can't tell my fishing pole I don't want someones old nasty ass sandals...so did anyone pick it and fall in love with it ?

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Has anyone claimed the Vet fishing pole, and was it worth the pick ? I'm sickened by the fact that I have to use a Vet pick for something that should have been coded into the item mechanics. It makes no sense that I can tell my shovel I don't want stone, but I can't tell my fishing pole I don't want someones old nasty ass sandals...so did anyone pick it and fall in love with it ?
I got one and have been using it. hard to say right now since i do not have enough play time to give a large sample. i'd like to have SDI and a couple of other mods but that's just my preference.


Babbling Loonie
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I picked one dyed it used it worked as said locked it down (at least i thought i did) next day gone
If I pick another one it will be for deco only I have hungry crab to eat foot wear and a goat

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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I got one on Siege and for me it was worth using a vet reward. It's blessed and it's got an infinite amount of uses so I don't have to reset my macro every time the fishing pole runs out of uses or some cheesie lonely red wants to hit on an old fisher woman roaming the seas. Just wish I could whack em you know where with my pole.


Slightly Crazed
I got one on Siege and for me it was worth using a vet reward. It's blessed and it's got an infinite amount of uses so I don't have to reset my macro every time the fishing pole runs out of uses or some cheesie lonely red wants to hit on an old fisher woman roaming the seas. Just wish I could whack em you know where with my pole.
Is Xenrr fishing pole from Underworld quest blessed on Siege? The one that turns you into goblin.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I got one and have been using it. hard to say right now since i do not have enough play time to give a large sample. i'd like to have SDI and a couple of other mods but that's just my preference.
I reluctantly picked one, and while it performs the way it should, it wouldn't have been that much work to instead have made it a quest chain with an NPC that knows "the secret to catching fish without those annoying shoes"...etc...Unless these are going to have a high gold value which I doubt they ever will, making them a Vet Reward is a severe penalty for veteran accounts with 15th year rewards they can choose from, which still have huge gold values. A 2nd year account, sure I guess they could spend their pick on it, a 24yr old + account, it's a punishment, and it didn't have to be that way.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i wonder....

can you enhance the fishing pole with Frostwood to make it spell channeling?
if you use one of those no fail tools before you dont risk losing it and at least it will have SC on it.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
It already has SC, still not worth the burning of a pick...imo.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
So I put a bag over my head so no one could see me online as I downloaded Firefox just so I could make a post on the other forums about this fishing pole. I tried to keep it civil but I don't expect anything to come from opinions there, ever.....


Seasoned Veteran
So I put a bag over my head so no one could see me online as I downloaded Firefox just so I could make a post on the other forums about this fishing pole. I tried to keep it civil but I don't expect anything to come from opinions there, ever.....
Do you think they're working on a UO browser so people can access the forum with no problems and also manage their vendors and store purchases through it?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
just maybe...

a new way to fish will be introduced that would require no pole at all? the catfish noodler ! 100% of only catching fishes , since you know, there would be no pole or fishing line involved.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just maybe...

a new way to fish will be introduced that would require no pole at all? the catfish noodler ! 100% of only catching fishes , since you know, there would be no pole or fishing line involved.
Noodling would bring up stuff like license plates and toilet seats..


I Hate Skilling
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So it seems that catching shoes was not such a big problem as it seemed from all the whiney posts. I've never used anything but Xeners pole.

Players ask for stuff they get it, then complain.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I didn't ask for this to be a Vet Reward pick, show me the post where anyone did, not everyone is pleased with this game 100% the way you are.


I Hate Skilling
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I didn't ask for this to be a Vet Reward pick, show me the post where anyone did, not everyone is pleased with this game 100% the way you are.
I do not entertain myself with unpleasing things so that concept is foreign to me. I guess a bazillion other games is not enough.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How many days should it take to fix a forum?
You seem to be there every day just as I am. My updated computer chrome has no issues, logs in the first try every day. What exactly are they going to fix and what does this have to do with a fishing pole that YOU asked for.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
You seem to be there every day just as I am. My updated computer chrome has no issues, logs in the first try every day. What exactly are they going to fix and what does this have to do with a fishing pole that YOU asked for.
Garth pointed out it's still broken and i never asked for a fishing pole like this now many times I've explained that catching footwear or no names should be tied to skill and that we should be able to imbue and reforge our poles but you keep drinking the koolaid


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
My Chrome and my PC are fully up to date. This is a serious issue as it effects too high a percentage of forum users. Saying it's fine because it works for a few people is not an indication that everything is fine.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
My Chrome and my PC are fully up to date. This is a serious issue as it effects too high a percentage of forum users. Saying it's fine because it works for a few people is not an indication that everything is fine.
The fact that the developers say it's not fine is somehow lost on Pawain


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Back on topic :) Never thought I would say that anytime or any where! On Siege yep I think it is worth it. Any other shard I believe it is a total waste of a Vet pick.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Back on topic :) Never thought I would say that anytime or any where! On Siege yep I think it is worth it. Any other shard I believe it is a total waste of a Vet pick.
Oh give the Siege crowd a minute they will viciously protest it being blessed


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Back on topic :) Never thought I would say that anytime or any where! On Siege yep I think it is worth it. Any other shard I believe it is a total waste of a Vet pick.
That's where I claimed one...

Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
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The problem with Pawain is he has his head crammed up Mesanna's PANCAKES! If he'd pull it outta there he'd see what the rest of us see.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Oh give the Siege crowd a minute they will viciously protest it being blessed
I love Siege but there are a few that would cry about anything they can't loot. TG it is not a pair of blessed scissors the crying would be epic!
As a player who doesn't really do any content that doesn't involve other players, I can understand the mentality of being against anything that is blessed. There are a few players on Siege, like myself, who don't do PvM content and we don't have characters geared towards PvM content. Items that are blessed, we simply don't have access to them. If I didn't want access to most, if not all items, then there is no point to playing Siege and we may as well go to Trammel and insurance land.

However, this is a vet reward, I have equal access to it as anyone else. I also don't want it, because fishing is not content that I would ever do. There are plenty of things on Siege that players like myself have no access to. This is simply not one of them.