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(Question) help with shard item x-fer :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
... so, very recently i have been in need of a certain 120 ps. Catskills never had one for sale, so i went shard hopping... and i found one on Baja for super cheap.... actually, the gold was even donated to me to buy the darn thing. (thank you Baja) ... now, i'm stuck with the delima of doing a shard transfer... i'm not completly opposed to making the leap myself, but i thought i would at least ask the stratics comunity if any of ya'll have an alt on Baja, or know of someone who does........... who might be willing to make the leap for me? ........ please let me know.

. . . . . and if not........ then in a few days, i will most likely be the one doing the transfer myself, so......... if anyone DOES have a Baja shard toon's items wanting to come over to Catskills, let me know.


thanks. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Did you ever find anyone to move this for you? Pretty sure I have Baja and can do a run over and back. I'll double check tonight when I get home.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I checked and I DO have Baja. However, I won't be able to transfer over until the publish goes live on all shards. Baja already has it and you cannot transfer between shards that have different publish states. As soon as it goes live, I'll head over and bring it back to Cats for you. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I checked and I DO have Baja. However, I won't be able to transfer over until the publish goes live on all shards. Baja already has it and you cannot transfer between shards that have different publish states. As soon as it goes live, I'll head over and bring it back to Cats for you. :)

yay! your awesome! thank you so much! :)