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[EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced

As was announced at the Spring Faire, the Guard, and its Captain, intends to relinquish their hold on Britannia, and end martial law, upon the formation of a New Britannian Government.

Last night, the formation process - dubbed the Jenkins Plan - was revealed. The details are as follows.

There will be 6 Seats on the New Britannian High Council. The Council will rule in the name of the Virtues, and Lord British, until his ...messianic return.

One seat is secured for the Captain of the Guard, Jenkins. Another will be granted to the Aristocracy.

Four will be selected via Election. Canidates who wish to run should petition the Guard. The four will serve a term of 6 months, must be Britannian Citizens, and must swear an oath to defend and preserve the realm. Criminals, and Citizens of Other Realms (i.e. the Orient, Ter Mur.) will be barred from election.

In addition, a seat will be reserved for all Sovereign Border Kingdoms - Shieba, Dawn, Avalon, Ter Mur, Heavens Forge and the Empire of the East - in good standing with Britannia. (While the Britannian Government doesn't have the power to enforce its claim on other territories, other Independents and Townships will not be granted a Seat at this time.)

No mention was made of the Signoria of Luna, the Necrarchs of Umbra, Papua, Delucia, or Ver Lor Reg, all independent of the Crown.

Some from the Isle of Magincia seemed to be ...displeased at the suggestion of their submission to Britannia, and declared their Independence. Captain Jenkins challenged this view, declaring that Britannia will not recognize a Magincian State.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

Hail Britainnians,

Opportunity! A Rare Opportunity is being presented to the People of Britainnia. The "Fates" have long held sway over our lives. Known by many names yet still shrouded in Mystery ...none know with certainty if they be "Minions of Mesanna, or Masters of Mesanna."

Regardless, these Fates favored Lord British and aided his Campaign to Unify our People while Defending His Kingdom against all that sought our Dominance or Destruction!

Many, Myself included, continue to Hope for the eventual Return of Lord British! For this reason we Defend and Protect His Throne, the Lands and People of His Realm, and The Virtues by which all sane and civil folk may live and prosper.

The same Fates that aided Lord British in unifying and protecting our Lands and People now present to the People a Rare Opportunity for Representation upon a "Council of Britainnia!"

Carry Word and NEWS of this unprecedented Opportunity to everyone you know. Discuss amongst your Family, Friends, Guilds, Towns, and local Community this Rare Opportunity. Identify and Encourage individuals you Admire, Respect, and Trust to step forward and Present Themselves as Candidates to Serve the People and the Realm. We have One Week to hold our deliberations. Please do so somberly and seriously ... in Hope of a Better and Brighter Future!

Lord Elladan of the Clan Faeryn
Legendary Paladin of Trinsic

Folks, please look upon UO more as a virtual world than merely a "game." Games are things played within Worlds and whether you call it UO, Sosaria, Britainnia or by some other name ...Our Virtual World is and ought to be much more than just "a game!"

Whether you embrace RolePlay and strive for its Mastery OR make no attempt at RolePlay, please approach this Rare Opportunity to have direct input into our Virtual World seriously.


Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

No candidate that abuses capitalisation so flagrantly is worthy of my vote. Capital letters are valuable and precious; they should be used sparingly and with great care. If that is how you treat our linguistic resources, how can we trust you with the treasury of Britannia?



Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

I am a proud and loyal subject of her royal highness the Empress of Zento and will not swear any allegiance to the Kingdom of Brit. My service in the guards, my blood shed on the battlefield and my constant response to Brit's plea for assistance should be enough!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

I think we'll just watch with amusement from over on this side. We're too big to be ignored, too dangerous to be invited.

Happy trails, all.


Stratics Veteran
Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

A vote for Fig the Ancient is a vote for Wisdom and Maturity on the Council..:bowdown:

Fern Goodfellow

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

Vote for Fern!

Fern Goodfellow

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

No, really, vote for Fern!

Fern Goodfellow

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

Oh..just see my flyer!

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Re: [EM News] Martial Law Ends. The New Britannian High Council is Announced.

"While the Britannian Government doesn't have the power to enforce its claim on other territories, other Independents and Townships will not be granted a Seat at this time."

Is it time for all others not recognized under the Jenkins plan to form their own council? The power of this council needs to be balanced by those that have been denied recognition.

I foresee troubled times ahead.

Lady Amber Witch
House of Berg
Skara Brae


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Stratics Legend
No lawful Britannian is denied recognition. Anyone who pledges loyalty to Britannia and is not a murderer can run for the seats up for election. Additionally, representatives of neighboring kingdoms who are in good standing with Britannia are invited to send their representatives to the council. They are the ones effectively barred from running for the elections, unless they want to merge with Britannia. You cannot be a citizen of another entity and run for elections, regardless of how good of a friend you are. But, as a show of good faith and recognition of their past aid, they will be allowed to have a voice at the council.

Having a township does not grant you an automatic right to the core council. Just because you are a mayor of some town does not mean you have an automatic seat waiting in the Senate. You are free to run for elections and try again in few months if you lose the first time!

It is quite simple!

Noble Beast

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Stratics Legend
After hearing that the Townships and other communities were being denied a seat on the Core Council of Britannia, the people of HearthFire decided to contact our allies, who live with in Britannian jurisdiction, to entreat them to run for a seat so that our voice would be heard through them. So far, all of the candidates are (or were once) friends of HearthFire. We find that working within the limits of a system are often more favorable, until one can get in, & change the boundaries- once a sympathetic seat is secured to assist a desired change.

Fern is a member of Golden Town. Though she is often preoccupied with sensual & aesthetic matters, her heart is in the right place.
Handolf has many friends & allies within the Independent States & Townships. He may seem nonchalant & goofy, at times; his intentions are pure, and his chosen friendships are for life.
We are doing our best to reach out to Fig. We knew of him, years ago, when our Village was comprised of Pak Members. We will do our best to heal the fissure created by an internal conflict between present Pak members & former members, who joined our Isles's Guild.
Valek is a welcomed addition to the community, and has served valiantly as a leader in another distant land.
Lord Elladan is a fellow Paladin, and we trust his dedication to the Light. We hope that his vow does not conflict with his loyalty to the Lunite Merchants Council & our beloved city.

Again, HearthFire is working within the limits to get an "in" to insure that our voice is present on that Council. Once we have secured allies there, then, we can attempt to refine the system. If we (Independent States & Townships) rally together then our will can be felt. HearthFire does not want instability to ruin Britannina's government, it is bad business, so we will do our best to support this new alteration.

Lady Claudia Drusilla, Regent & Novice Priestess of the Order of the Rose


Stratics Veteran
I am usually available in the evenings on or after 8:00 pm PST....And as far as a division btwn the guilds....to me there are only friends..Heartfire will be represented as well as I can....please feel free to contact me to further discuss this....

P.S. found a rune to the Haven house in Hearthfire, Claudia...would love to meet to discuss the healing..at your convience of course

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Wiki Moderator
ooooo an Election!!!!

I promise you many:pie: in the face of your enemies! and many memorable :scholar: to go along with those memorable moments! :sleep2: is frowned upon!

1. All Girl Scout Troops shall be forced to pay the 98.7% cookie sales tax

2. All Mods & Reporters shall have breakfast cooked for them daily

3. All guild/town leaders shall have their tabs comped at any tavern!

4. Hidden Agenda---

5. Sara shall be crowned the Queen of Malas
-Jinx shall be her Jester

6. The Yattering shall be put in the Moonglow Zoo where "it" belongs

7. WildStar shall be be put in the cage next to him for my amusement

These things shall be done or my name isn't Bilbojanstrut!


But seriously I cant wait to see what you all do because I am sure it will be great and hope to hear all about it!



Vote for Lindae!

No, I am not running for Council - but please, vote for me anyway.

Please please please I just want to be loved *bursts into tears and runs out*

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Dunno who ya be but *Votes for Lindae*

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
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Wiki Moderator
What? Define "murderer".

No lawful Britannian is denied recognition. Anyone who pledges loyalty to Britannia and is not "SuperKen" can run for the seats up for election.
I dunno if it is wise to tell a Murderer they cannot be on the council do you? (playing) hehehe You could always make an election poster saying

"You know what I'm capable of"

then a picture of you tossing a dagger into the air over and over with a small house in the background. Have the sign say (Your house) then below the picture write this.

"Who did you say you were voting for?"

War Wizard

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Stratics Legend
I will be running on the Feluccan Party ticket, representing the original face of the shard of the Gem of Immortality. As the nominee of the Feluccan National Committee(FNC) also known as the "Old School Party", OSP, I will make sure ALL persons have a voice in the Council, no matter of your reputation, race, or color. Those of high fame, low karma, or what have you; will always have me at their side.
So, Vote Sir Astro the Feluccan's Feluccan:cheerleader: