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Is it just me or is it odd that a dreadmare can cast flame strike on you a screen and a half away.......


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the dreadmare started its fire breathe animation and you are still in its line of sight... you WILL be hit by a fire breathe no matter how far you are you WILL get hit.


What's a dreadmare? Dread warhorse? And are they still spawning? :spider:


Is it just me or is it odd that a dreadmare can cast flame strike on you a screen and a half away.......
Also...a long time ago, they gave spell casting mobs the ability to cast from farther away than you can, in order to "level the playing field".

Rune's cousin

yea your right

whack whack whack bandaid whack etc
ev ev ebolt ebolt
is much harder and takes eons of skill LOL

btw not bashing any class..would be silly cause i used to play em all :)


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yea your right

whack whack whack bandaid whack etc
ev ev ebolt ebolt
is much harder and takes eons of skill LOL

btw not bashing any class..would be silly cause i used to play em all :)
You comeing back to Great Lakes?

Rune's cousin

hmm i dont recall having chrs on great lakes..if you have seen Rune or Rune's cousin there it isnt me

i used to play drach :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Using your own texts.

whack whack whack bandaid whack etc (2 keystrokes 1 macro)

ev ev ebolt ebolt (4 keystrokes 2 macros)

all kill (1 keystroke 1 macro)

Yes all kill still seem to be much easier. Thanks for proving my point. Glad we agreed on something.

Lord Drakelord

What's a dreadmare? Dread warhorse? And are they still spawning? :spider:
I am assuming that they mean the the dread war horse. And no they not spawning, only when the Vanguard return will we see them again.

Rune's cousin

we prolly cant agree on something else but ill keep that for myself :)


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Using your own texts.

whack whack whack bandaid whack etc (2 keystrokes 1 macro)

ev ev ebolt ebolt (4 keystrokes 2 macros)

all kill (1 keystroke 1 macro)

Yes all kill still seem to be much easier. Thanks for proving my point. Glad we agreed on something.
Let's be fair...to actually use all kill with a Dread Warhorse or equally high end tame it's:

Buy advanced token
Tame, tame, tame ad nauseum...
buy or tame a no longer spawning monster
all kill

let's not get into equipping all out to use the skills because there are tons more mage items for that than taming


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
You don't as a dexer necessarily have to click anything but the bandaide macro.

Your character auto defends when hit it will hit back and all you have to decide is let me see you have 2 choices on which weapon move to use.... you have how many choices depending on if you use bushido, chivy, necro, or whatever to compliment your l33t skillz.... and you can change weapons on the fly with a push of a button......

Hum..... Now lets see the tamer has a dread warhorse maybe is riding a regular mare..... he has two pets.... You can quickly kill his mount if he sends that to battle you..... dreadwarhorse if you want it to pause in attacking you here's a secret..... They can't stand anyone to be in their "space" so stand on it and hit it.... he'll eventually get annoyed your standing in his spot and move.... giving you a second break as he looks for a new place to stand.... I know it's harder in fel with push through but it does work.... Anyway after the tamers pets are dead what does he have? Magery? Not hardly and defense not hardly...... kill him... Besides if you can't outrun his pets there is your problem.... your too slow.


ROFLMAO let me know what kind of a character you use to just stand there and fight a warhorse and its master.

You also must not get out much becase most tamers are no longer mages. They are dexers/archers who still have all the abilities and a overpowered pet.

So please let me know which character you use to stand there and killed his warhorse and him.

As for the other person who said advanced token tame tame tame. Its more like advanced token skill jewels call it good.

Old Man of UO

Let's be fair...to actually use all kill with a Dread Warhorse or equally high end tame it's:

Buy advanced token
Tame, tame, tame ad nauseum...
buy or tame a no longer spawning monster
all kill

let's not get into equipping all out to use the skills because there are tons more mage items for that than taming
That is just silly nonsense to single out tamers that way. You can do exactly the same thing with almost any other PvM/PvP skill.

Buy advanced token, skill scrolls and golem...
Hit/shoot golem ad nauseum...
auto-target to kill

Mages take more skill because you have to keep tapping a macro key to cast-target, cast-next target, etc.

Sure, as a tamer you can stand back and turn your pet loose, but without healing/vet it won't last long against higher end monsters or knowledgeable players.

There are shortcuts to every skill in UO. But taking short cuts won't build the player's knowledge on how to use those skills. There are jewelry and tokens to bypass some amount of skill gain for almost any skill. Every skill looks like easy-mode to players who don't have them or end up staring at a gray screen because they didn't know how to defend themselves.

NERF Tamers!
NERF Archers!
NERF Mages!
NERF! NERF! NERF! Such utter nonsense.

Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I made all my tamers the hard way starting from 50.

I enjoy just playing. That why I pay monthly subscription. Once you start to buy advance char tokens and bunches of items w/RL money when in game gold is soo easy to come buy; then you apparently are taking your gaming to seriously or are just lazy.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ROFLMAO let me know what kind of a character you use to just stand there and fight a warhorse and its master.

You also must not get out much becase most tamers are no longer mages. They are dexers/archers who still have all the abilities and a overpowered pet.

So please let me know which character you use to stand there and killed his warhorse and him.

As for the other person who said advanced token tame tame tame. Its more like advanced token skill jewels call it good.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ROFLMAO let me know what kind of a character you use to just stand there and fight a warhorse and its master.

You also must not get out much becase most tamers are no longer mages. They are dexers/archers who still have all the abilities and a overpowered pet.

So please let me know which character you use to stand there and killed his warhorse and him.

As for the other person who said advanced token tame tame tame. Its more like advanced token skill jewels call it good.

If any tamer knowing at least how to use their pet right especially for those new bloom of gimplet archer tamers with just a dread warhorse should be able to kill anyone 1v1. The dreads has around 600hp with no slayer against them, if a tamer with 125hp with a dread thats capable of fire breathe for 50+ and melee hit for 35+ against straight 70s is getting owned by you 1v1 then congrates you probably met the world's worst tamer or maybe he has 1000ping and/or dc'ed.


all you losers with your key strokes and not voice actiated skills :\ oh wait shh i said nothing!@!


wth. are people really whining about how many keys they 'tap'?

you all need to be lined up and slapped.