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Do you ChaCha?


Lore Master
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Do you ChaCha?
My friend heard about this site on CNN so we decided to give it a whirl. Basically you can send in any question and a live human will send you back an answer with a source website where he/she found your info. The latest feature is SMS messaging and can be done free of charge from your cell phone (std text messaging fees do apply though.). The concept was kinda cool so I decided to apply to become a guide. You have to be accepted first and then you have to take a series of tests and then a simulation test where you are graded by a human to see if you have what it takes. So I took the test yesterday and received my acceptance letter this afternoon that I was approved to be an SMS guide! Needless to say I've been ChaCha'ing all night. The cool thing is, you get paid $.15 for every answer. I ended up answering about $9 worth of questions tonight in about a 2 hour period. That's almost minimum wage haha You can get paid instantly with a debit card or they will direct deposit every month when you've reached $100. I'm going to apply for the debit card so I can get paid whenever I want. It's not much, but it's definately an experience. I got questions from What is the phone number for a restaurant, the origin of the game of soccer?, how to get to Duluth,MN. The fun is trying to fit it all in a 160 character sms message to be sent back to the person asking the question. ChaCha is my new addiction..:thumbsup:


"try" more like totally harass me until I did, lol. Actually it sounds like fun so I signed up.


Lore Master
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It is a lot of fun! You get some very outrageous questions, but you gotta have an open mind and give them an answer. Friday/Saturday nights seem to be the busiest nights. Last night from 11pm-12:30am I did very well. Actually my balance as of right now is $40.15. That is almost one tank of gas for vacation..:danceb: Once you get the invite and start doing the testing, just make sure you read everything they provide. My one friend just got his denial email yesterday. He failed to follow directions and read the policies. The answers for the one test can be found online, I'll find the link for you then. It's not cheating as they encourage you to find them. Let me know if you need any help, as you only get one chance at it and can't retake the test. Although I heard they offer voice guide positions to people who fail, but that only pays like $.04 a messsage. Keep me updated Sara!


I've been reading up on it a little. You have to give a link to all of your answers which sounds a bit challenging since it has to be a legitimate link and you can't use wikipedia, about.com or yahoo answers. I'm sure there are some questions being asked that would be very hard to answer by finding a link but are easy enough to answer if you could only use yourself and your own knowledge/judgement as reference. Is there a time limit to answering questions? Are you allowed to use common sense as an answer if you can't find a weblink for an answer? (within reason of course)


Lore Master
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I've been reading up on it a little. You have to give a link to all of your answers which sounds a bit challenging since it has to be a legitimate link and you can't use wikipedia, about.com or yahoo answers. I'm sure there are some questions being asked that would be very hard to answer by finding a link but are easy enough to answer if you could only use yourself and your own knowledge/judgement as reference. Is there a time limit to answering questions? Are you allowed to use common sense as an answer if you can't find a weblink for an answer? (within reason of course)
As far as a time limit, no, but from what I've read under 6 minutes is your goal to get it send back. I've had a few over though, so hopefully you get a little bit of leadway. After 30 days and 1000 answers you get reviewed to see if you can get promoted to "Full Guide" which pays $.20 a question. They claim a 92% accuracy rating to get that. Even if you don't get that, you still can remain an apprentice. Here a few examples of tough questions:

Question: "How are You Today?
Answer: "Excellent, Can a ChaCha guide assist you with something today?"
Your Site: I've used Google.com for that a lot. If you want to get creative find a site about "moods" and use that. It is tough not being able to use Wiki, as it has all the answers.

Question: "How can I become a ChaCha guide?"
Answer: "Log onto ChaCha.com for more info on becoming a guide."
Your Site: ChaCha.com

They are pretty cool with letting you just be creative, so it's not as hard as it sounds. Now people will get a different guide everytime they send in a message. So you have to use the "History" from the person to see what they asked last just in case it's a multi-part questions". So sometimes you just get "Ok Thanks for answering my question." and then you just reply "Your Welcome, have a great day!" and link to ChaCha.com. You get paid $.15 even for silly stuff like that, which make up most of your answers.


Lore Master
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Oh and if anyone else signs up and you want to use me as a referral my email is [email protected]. ...:sleep2: I'm about ChaCha'd out, I have answered 368 questions for a final weekend balance of $55.20. My butt hurts from sitting all day, but I had nothing else to do on a Sunday. I'm curious to see if I'll get any replies from the Quality Control team come tomorrow. They say they read and check every question/answer and will let the guide know if they were wrong. I feel quite confident though. Off to the Toontown Sunday Events I go..:lick:


I just got the invite to take the test. We'll see how it goes. Mostly nervous about the simulation test but hopefully I'll be able to do it :)

princess kitty

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Stratics Legend
I'm sad I don't qualify. :(

Which makes receiving a link to the test strange.

I've been doing a cha-cha sort of service for family and friends. No time limit and obviously for free.

Too bad. It sounded like something I could really have fun with.


Passed the initial tests and think I'll hold off on the simulation test til tomorrow when I feel more refreshed and studied up :). It's funny how nerves play a big part when taking tests. I found the text I was going to have to type online and had tested it beforehand without any problems - but when doing it live I wasn't quite as effecient as during my pre-test run. I was glad I had read advice about not backspacing when editing my typing though since Cha Cha looks for how effeciently you edit your mistakes too. I had 100 % on the first 2 tests and 93% on the last test. One was a sports question and Hile had to step in and advice me on what the best answer for that one was, hehe.


Lore Master
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Woohoo Sara, I got an 86% on that last test, so you are definately good there. I think it should be a breeze for you since you've read up on everything. Just stay calm, take your time even if it takes longer to get an answer, a correct answer is always better than a quick false answer. Lately people have been getting an answer within a day, so you should find out fairly quick. Good luck! :thumbsup:

..Yeah it does stink it's only limited to US residents. Probably for tax reasons and just to make sure they have English speaking guides since it's only available to US cell phone carriers.

princess kitty

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I know it's sad. I'd do it for free if I could. Sounds like so much fun. Isn't knowledge of English tested throughout the whole process? You obviously can't do much if you don't understand the rules.

I agreed to the contract only to check if I could pass the tests. But then decided, falsifying might blacklist me and what would happen if they expanded to my side of the globe?


Yeah I think it's wise not to risk a blacklist just in case they do open a branch in your country.

I did my simulator test just now and I think I did ok on time. I did have a problem with the last question since I thought my computer was going to crash on me when it totally froze up when I was trying to edit my answer. Luckily though I was able to cancel out only that window and get back on track and deliver my answer. Phew! Now I can only wait and see if I'm good enough.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Sweet, I wish you best of luck. My friend has me checking his email all day waiting to see if he gets his approval. He ended up signing his fiance up so he could try again. I'm rooting for ya! :danceb:


Hey guys, I signed up, and I've taken the first three tests (100, 98, 100) and I'm reviewing all the material to take the simulator test. It seems like a fun/interesting way to make some gas money!! Thanks for the post - otherwise I would have never known about it. (I never watch the news anymore, it's too depressing....)


Lore Master
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Awesome! My friend got his approval yesterday afternoon, he was ChaChaing into the night last night and made like $10. So you should probably get an answer this afternoon Sara! I never heard of it either until my friend saw it on CNN and then we went and researched it. Good luck on the Sim Test! :thumbsup:


Well, I've done the simulator test...we'll see how it goes.


TY, TY, and now I'm off to play TT while I'm waiting on my approval (or denial...) email!


Yay! I just got the acceptance mail. I'll be all set to start answering questions tomorrow :). Don't think it's a good idea to get online and start right away considering I got a headache lol.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Woohoo! That's great, and Sally you should hear probably tomorrow, seems to be almost the afternoon the day after you take it, except on weekends. I recommend if you are going to apply for the debit card for payment, you do it right away. I was reading how the FIB (First Internet Bank of Indiana) is overwhelmed with ChaCha apps and it will take like 3-4 weeks to get the card. You can of course still make money and stockpile it in your account and then put it on the card whenever you get it. Hope your headache goes away fast Sara!

Sheriff Tricky

I just submitted to be a guide, will see what happens. This looks cool.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
It is cool, although I have to warn you all. Tonight I was on for about 3 Hours. Tuesday Nights don't seem to be too overly busy, unlike Thursday-Sunday's. But I still made $7. I don't know what it is with America's obsession with the male member, but they like to learn about it. I think I've gotten at least 4 questions on the average size, tonight I got one on the record for the biggest one, and then I got a question on how to make it bigger. It's like :coco: why do you need to ask me this? I mean I'm cool with it, I get paid either way, but move on with your life!


Maybe they're playing some sort of dirty minded trivia game?? :lol:


I sure hope all new guides have a few "Doh" moments when starting out. I've already had 2 of those after completing a question and wishing I could go back in time.


Lore Master
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You'll get the hang of it. I logged in over lunch and got 2 whole queries, luckily they weren't on the male meber..haha


I really like the conversational ones. They are so easy to answer so far :). Had a few adult ones too but they don't bother me luckily.


This sounds really cool ... my question is self directed so I apologize in advance. I am a home health aide with some morning and some evening hours & I can not be near my computer all the time ... is Cha Cha flexible as to when you can answer questions, say a 3 hour window in the middle of the day?


Yup, you can do it whenever you want, for however long you want. :thumbsup:


Awesome I will definetly check it out! Thank you for quick reply.


Well, I got my approval email...I'm officially an "apprentice" guide...Woot!


Yay, congrats. Oh don't forget to edit in some keywords (not the categories). I didn't get a single question for over an hour then started messing around with the keywords and boom questions started flying in.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh don't forget to edit in some keywords (not the categories). I didn't get a single question for over an hour then started messing around with the keywords and boom questions started flying in.
Hmm, wonder what ELGA'S keywords are, considering that post above........


LOL you would be surprised at my keywords too. I find some seem very hesitant to want to answer those so I figure I could get a lot of questions if I'm not to shy.

<--not so innocent always

Sheriff Tricky

Well after finally being able to log in and do the tests without the computer or website acting wonky, I got a no. Oh well.


I'm sorry too!! Well, I have answered a total of 2 whole questions so far....busy doing other stuff, but I think I'll log in this evening and play with it. As for the whole keyword thing, I have my 50 in there, but some of the categories don't even match up with those keywords.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I'm sorry too!! Well, I have answered a total of 2 whole questions so far....busy doing other stuff, but I think I'll log in this evening and play with it. As for the whole keyword thing, I have my 50 in there, but some of the categories don't even match up with those keywords.
Are you my referral?! I saw I had a new "team" member. I make 10% of what you make. I saw I had $.04 earned from my referral. Unfortunately I don't think you get anything off of what I earn? It would say so in your earnings report if so.


Yeah, I went ahead and used your email addy listed earlier in this thread. Figured you should get a little something since without ya I wouldn't have known about it anyway. :p
Oh yeah, and no, I don't get anything - but it's okay.


On my page, it shows you as my "sponsor"...haha...never had a sponsor before...


Lore Master
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I'm your biggest sponsor, you made me $1.44 so far...:lick:
I got my "Pay Me Now" button activated today, so as soon as I get my debit card in the mail I can finally start spending. I'm up to $74. My goal is to reach $100 by the end of the weekend.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Well I met my goal early..

AND My first week as a guide and I made the Over 250 Searches with 95%-100% Accuracy Top Guide List...

:danceb: Now if I can get me monies, I'll be happy. I called the FIB Bank last night and the guy was all like "Well it hasn't been setup yet if you haven't received the email". BUT ChaCha is ready to pay me the money, so methinks that guy just wanted to go home and could give a two logs about me. Tonight from 9pm to 3am they are giving away $10 every hour to random people who are answering questions if any of you ChaCha users are interested in some late night work. Now I should be able to try to do a Bossbot Golf Course tomorrow, again, we'll try..:lick:


Congratulations! I saw that name on the list and figured it was you!


Lore Master
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Oy, did you ChaCha'ers read the email they sent out this afternoon? I can't get in it now, as I think the server is overloaded, probably with upset peoples. Basically to earn $.20 a query, you have to complete 250 Per Week @ 95-100% (You would have to get on the Top Guide list.) If you do not do the 250 queries or do not meet the accurary rating, you will only be paid $.10 per query. They are developing more methods to see what your accuracy rating is as you go along. That's fine, but 250 queries in a week @ $.20 is $50 or $25 if you are below par. Ehh We'll see, guess I gotta be square on my answers now, even the silly ones..:bored:


Actually it's 300 queries they are upping the limit to get on Top Guides too. I'll see how it goes but if I don't get on the top guides list and get the 20 cents I don't think I'll be motivated to keep doing it though.

Unfortunately I think I'll have to skip out on the "ChaCha-magic" sprinkles if I have to think about how many questions I answer to make that goal. Bleh, they should make it so we could hit a little button and report a guides bad/awful answer so that people can't gamble the system instead.


Lore Master
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That stinks. It also takes way from the "Work whenever you want for however you want concept". 300 is a lot for one week. Average of say 3 Minutes a query, that's 15 hours a week you'd have to work to achieve top pay rate. IDK about you, but that sounds like a lot. Once I get the debit card and know that I can get money anytime I want from it though, I might change my mind. I can see a lot of the people who have been doing it for awhile and automatically making $.20 a query getting pretty ticked off by this.