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[Auction] A Variety of Items, Part 2: Deco Edition!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone, welcome to auction number 2. Here are the rules.

1. All bidding must take place in the thread.
2. Any bids made in the last ten minutes will extend the bidding an additional ten minutes. The auction will end when ten minutes has passed without a bid. All bids in the last ten minutes and following must be in 10 million increments in order to count.
3. Items have starting bids for a purpose, lower offers will not be accepted.
4. All items are on Atlantic and must be purchased on Atlantic, the buyer is responsible for pick up.
5. The owner reserves the right to pull an item if they are not comfortable with the final bid.
6. The owner reserves the right to refuse any bid.

This Auction will end Wednesday, March 2 at 10pm Central time.

1. Icy Flame - Sonoma Season 5 (Animated flame) Starting Bid 150 mill 220 mill blue turtle

2. Terathan Egg Sac - Atlantic Season 3 (Animated), Starting Bid 125 mill 125 mill PoCove

3. Uggtocuctc's Hide - Sonoma Season 2, Starting Bid 125 mill 125 blue turtle

4. Tim Vit De Anlor - Pacific Season 5 (Black Hourglass, Animated), Starting Bid 400 mill Auvrea Corele 500 mill

5. Enchanted Valorite Ore - Napa Valley Season 4, Starting bid 300 mill 450 Ken of Napa


Happy Bidding!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Icy Flame-210m
4. Tim Vit De Anlor-410m
5. Enchanted Valorite Ore-310m

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
4. 500 please
I believe Auverea was bidding on #4 Tim Vit De Anlor

4. Tim Vit De Anlor - Pacific Season 5 (Black Hourglass, Animated), Starting Bid 400 mill 485 mill BigEv

5. Enchanted Valorite Ore - Napa Valley Season 4, Starting bid 300 mill 500 mill Auvrea Corele

So I should still have the top bid on 5. Enchanted Valorite Ore - Napa Valley Season 4 ?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe Auverea was bidding on #4 Tim Vit De Anlor

4. Tim Vit De Anlor - Pacific Season 5 (Black Hourglass, Animated), Starting Bid 400 mill 485 mill BigEv

5. Enchanted Valorite Ore - Napa Valley Season 4, Starting bid 300 mill 500 mill Auvrea Corele

So I should still have the top bid on 5. Enchanted Valorite Ore - Napa Valley Season 4 ?
Aye you are correct ken, a deleted bid threw me off.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alright folks, bidding is closed. Contact me to arrange for item pick up.


Auvrea Corele

Sorry for any confusion caused not very tech savy, iPhone gets the best of me sometimes.



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Grats to the winners, some nice items there. Anxiously awaits part 3. =)

Auvrea Corele

"Athelas I'll never mutter another bad things under my breath about you again!" Just kidding just kidding! Of course he was a courteous and prompt gentleman, money up front item next. Great trade hon, thank you so much. *scurries off back to Pac with her treasure*

Jossie Puddles


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Athelas I'll never mutter another bad things under my breath about you again!" Just kidding just kidding! Of course he was a courteous and prompt gentleman, money up front item next. Great trade hon, thank you so much. *scurries off back to Pac with her treasure*

Jossie Puddles
Aye a pleasure indeed, great trade. Thanks again!

Tim Vit De Anlor SOLD


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Uggtocuctc's Hide and Icy Flame SOLD

Thank you blueturtle!