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NEWS [UO.Com] 25th Anniversary Faire

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya unless you were very organized, you could not do everything. Not sure you could have done everything because of the lines. I did 4 things. Was lots of fun!
Impossible to do everything. The first group of 16 got into Ludo then took the entire 2 hours. Many people were stuck in the second group of 16 just to miss the entire faire.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What did you get for coupons? I saved mine as souvenir decor for my bars
There were some Ribs and other meat food rehued and named. I got a Goblin Knee.

Some got jars of Peach moonshine.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I stood in line for Ludo for an hour...just missed the 16 people cut-off and had no idea it would take that long.

Finally I got out of line and went to the archery contest and won! YAY!


I didn't get the goblin knees, I think I would have rather had that!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I stood in line for Ludo for an hour...just missed the 16 people cut-off and had no idea it would take that long.

Finally I got out of line and went to the archery contest and won! YAY!

I didn't get the goblin knees, I think I would have rather had that!
Ill trade you the knees for one of the jars of moonshine since you have 2.

Spider at Luna Bank Stairs.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Damn sorry I missed you! If you're still around tomorrow let me know I'll trade you.


Seasoned Veteran
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I experienced the faire in the ludo line. Oh well. Had a nice time chatting with the other people in line.


Stratics Veteran
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The event was a lot of fun! I got to try the Horse Race, Trivia Contest, Teleport Maze, and Fortune Teller. The Tavern and Grill were sold out before I could use my ticket.
I was really curious if I missed something at the fortune teller booth. The Grey Seer told me that I "have at least 5-7 alternative personalities, but I need to remember that the one I consider my main personality must always remain in charge"

Someone through the event was spamming about wanting to get the 25th Anniversary Crystal Ball. Was there actually one given out?


Seasoned Veteran
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I managed to play ludo, but that was pretty much it. We didn't even finish the first game


UO Forum Moderator
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Did they announce a fix for the people whose books were already broken by the Page 12/13 snafu?

Having two copies of 12/13 from one EM isn't a fix.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I personally thought it was pretty neat of the Dev team to bring back the lag from 1997 at the event, made the whole thing very nostalgic for me.
Really though, I did enjoy the fair.
I was surprised how fast the 2 hours went by.
I was pretty shocked when they all of a sudden said, all done!
I guess I hadn't thought it would be over that fast.
think i did 4 or 5 of the events, would have liked to try a few more, but really when you think about it there was what... 15-20 EMs there helping and a couple of the bosses, compared to the couple hundred players.
each event could only run through 4-8 at a time.
was bound to happen the way it did looking at it now.
but, it was fun. would have been nice to sit around and talk with some more people about the old days, hell I drank like 100 drinks in that drinking game and won so I was good and sloshed and ready to sing some more!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
i didnt see any pics of the following so ill share, drinking contest winner trophy, purple lollipop for kissing the troll, home made booze from the drink ticket from the EM working the bar.

2022 25 anv fair.jpg


Grand Poobah
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I"m glad the children had fun. And before anyone gets insulted or their panties twisted, yes, I play the same game as you. Yes, I still get somewhat excited about one or two things that still interest me about this game. But.....sigh...I can't even put it into words the way I want because it will get deleted..lol. But I really am glad ya'll had fun...
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I wasn't able to check out the faire since I had real life obligations yday but seems like people had fun. I did log on to Origin this morning to see what the reward thing was and clicked on one to see it was a page for a book of lore.... but they removed most of the statues so I only got 2 pages of lore and the silver steed.

I'm not sure why all the page reward statues woudn;t all be removed at the same time (or have the same timer) or weren't left up through the weekend. Little bit of a head scratcher but I'm thinking it's due to different EMs placing different statues at different times?

I don't want to sound like a negative Nancy (especially since I wasn't there) but it's kind of crazy to me that the EMs and Devs ran out of stuff to give; you would think that they would have had the ability to create more things (almost like have a statue in their pack to generate more goblin legs or whatever they ran out of).

Did they stick to the 2-3hour time limit or did they allow it to run a lot longer?


The Enchanter
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Overall, had a good time at the event. My primary gripe is that it was such a short period that you really didn't have an opportunity to do everything in the faire. There were a few games in particular that only turned over a few times over the course of the two hours and really didn't allow for too many people to get involved. My assumption here is that the EMs were overwhelmed by the volume of players that showed up. Most of the games seemed fun.

I can repeat what others have already said and note there was a bit of a debacle with the page 12/13 statues, but I think it's been covered in sufficient detail. Coming back to the issue on timing, this whole scenario wasted time during what was already a short event. I regret spending too much time looking for pages and not trying to get in another game or two. Never the less, the messages within the books from the EMs were actually really nice. It's probably my favorite Lore Book since all of these starting coming out the past couple of years.

In terms of what I walked away with... I won a trophy in the horse race and dance contest, got a few different colored ducks, made about eight full 15-page books, grabbed a bunch of the silver steeds. I had kind of wished the Silver Steed would be ridable, but unfortunately it isn't.

I am always surprised by what they can still come up with to keep it fresh in this 25 year old world of ours. It would be great if there was some type of faire more regularly... have it travel to different shards... maybe give opportunity to get Governor's involved or something... do it every 6-months or year... almost like a traveling circus of sorts, but I digress. It was a good time overall and I hope there was enough positive vibes that they would consider something like this again in the future.



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Dixie chessy/legends

Seasoned Veteran
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i dunno if anyone is trying to gather a list of prizes given out. ive seen a few posted. i have a couple though that i didnt see on here thought id give yall a screen shot and list Screenshot 2022-09-25 115031.jpg
L to R
25th anniversary teleporter relay race winner
25th anniversary crazy costume 1st place winner
25th anniversary storytelling contest champion
25th anniversary dance contest winner
25th anniversary archery competition winner
25th anniversary minty swirly troll sucker


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone through the event was spamming about wanting to get the 25th Anniversary Crystal Ball. Was there actually one given out?
A rehued snow globe/ask and answer. I'm sure they wanted one of the big ones.


Stratics Veteran
When i first arrived I really wasn’t impressed at all, not at all clear where I had to go, what to do etc, I must have spent a good 30-40 mins trying to work out what was going on. As the evening went on i really enjoyed it, only got round to playing two games, the drinking game, i had no idea what i was doing, and the archery. Managed to get all the pages with both my accounts, also able to claim food and drink. Overall it was pretty good, just a real shame it wasn't longer than two hours as it was no where near enough to sample everything.

Despite all the issues, moans and groans from people, myself included at the start, my biggest take-away was what a joy it was seeing so, so many players turn out, must have been hundreds, possibly thousands. I have often wondered just how large the UO community was these days and this was such a good way to gauge just how alive Britannia still is. I love this world, it goes beyond a game for me, nothing else like it in gaming nor do i think there ever will be. I really hope its around in another 25 years time, saying that i hope I AM around in 25 years time lol to even see it.

Maximus Neximus

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Stratics Legend
Hopefully next time they automate a lot of it. We didn't need a GM to swap tickets for food/drinks. Just set up an NPC to do that. Could have done similar with the ducks as well. Then the GMs could've been used to run a second Ludo game or whatever else had long lines.


Seasoned Veteran
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It's about 1:10 my time (Mountain) the first thing I did I stood in line for the marshmallow duckling thing not realizing it would take too long. After 45 minutes had gone by with sunk cost fallacy I figured I might as well wait longer as I was near closer to the front. Lot of folks just cutting while I'm still waiting in line, but I'm near the front still waiting for the EM to pick me.

After 1 hour 15 minutes there were only about 10 ppl in front of me, but many keep on cutting. With soo much time I put into waiting I didn't want to back out.

Lots of people cutting who only waited less than 5-10 minutes many times EM Rawiya was choosing them while I've waited over 1 hour 30 minutes at that point. As I've already waited there so long I wasn't going to leave at that point. It finally hits 3pm my time I'm still waiting and EM says it's over. I spent nearly 2 hours at the festival just waiting in line while many others who were there less than 7 minutes shouting at the EM to pick them were getting rewarded. After wasting nearly 2 hours of standing in line at this festival I decided to log out and not waste my time with this festival anymore.
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Slightly Crazed
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Yes there were glitches and time sucks, but that's part of UO, says someone who has played since beta :)

Thanks developers...wish it could have been longer but it was a hot mess of confusion and fun....just like UO at its best :)


Stratics Veteran
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I think it's pretty clear they didn't think that many people would show up and got quickly overwhelmed. Glad to see they had the event, hopefully, they do a post-mortem and can make improvements for the next time


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I arrived early and spoke to the EM running the Ludo game and he warned me to come back early because he was going to enforce a strict queue for the first game. I got in the queue at 2:30 and was number 10 of 16 players in the first and only Ludo game. I was in the Ludo game thus for 2-1/2 hours listening to peeps chatting about Pages and winning prizes elsewhere and was sorely tempted to leave my team mates in the lurch but glad I stayed, our team won 1st prize engraved silver dice. On my 2nd computer I was able to snag 1st place (engraved silver Halloween mask) in Costume Contest as well. Got my books filled after game and my silver steeds so I am quite happy with the event. A longer event would have been nice, of course, but it was still an awesome endeavor on the part of the Dark Lady and the EM's!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
man, if the GarthGrey Kissing... I mean Troll Kissing booth was overwhelmed and all you had to do there was walk up and kiss the troll how did they ever think that the Ludo event was ever gonna work?
2.5 hours for one game?
hahahaha, ok i think we can all agree that was the biggest failure of the event.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I arrived early and spoke to the EM running the Ludo game and he warned me to come back early because he was going to enforce a strict queue for the first game. I got in the queue at 2:30 and was number 10 of 16 players in the first and only Ludo game. I was in the Ludo game thus for 2-1/2 hours listening to peeps chatting about Pages and winning prizes elsewhere and was sorely tempted to leave my team mates in the lurch but glad I stayed, our team won 1st prize engraved silver dice. On my 2nd computer I was able to snag 1st place (engraved silver Halloween mask) in Costume Contest as well. Got my books filled after game and my silver steeds so I am quite happy with the event. A longer event would have been nice, of course, but it was still an awesome endeavor on the part of the Dark Lady and the EM's!
All 15 players in Ludo got 1st place.
(one on my team timed out, I'm betting now she wished she hadn't done that)
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
man, if the GarthGrey Kissing... I mean Troll Kissing booth was overwhelmed and all you had to do there was walk up and kiss the troll how did they ever think that the Ludo event was ever gonna work?
2.5 hours for one game?
hahahaha, ok i think we can all agree that was the biggest failure of the event.
I probably spent 10 mins waiting to get a kiss from the troll. The other lines were too long for me to try. Didn't get a lollipop.
Mesanna did not realize how many would attend. The EMs should have known it would be the same numbers as an EM event plus more.

Was nice to see the mass of accounts tho.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
man, if the GarthGrey Kissing... I mean Troll Kissing booth was overwhelmed and all you had to do there was walk up and kiss the troll how did they ever think that the Ludo event was ever gonna work?
2.5 hours for one game?
hahahaha, ok i think we can all agree that was the biggest failure of the event.
Hey I resemble..err resent that remark....


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Me and several other people tried yesterday and couldn't so you were lucky.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now we know some of the :devil: . I never thought about trying that.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The posts on the official page are trying to sell this as if it was a huge success and that there were many many people running all around enjoying themselves. I'll go out on a limb and say there were probably 10-15 "vocal" UO forum players there, and the rest were all multi clienters stocking up on crap to only put up for sale the next day. I would have much rather a "clicky" been put up, hell multiple ones even for the 25th anny. I probably wouldn't have gone to that either though lol.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll go out on a limb and say there were probably 10-15 "vocal" UO forum players there, and the rest were all multi clienters stocking up on crap to only put up for sale the next day.
UO is much bigger than you make it look. When I played actively, I certainly only met half a dozen people I knew from the forums while there were people without forum backgrounds around all day all week. I wouldn't even know of @Pawain's existance if it wasn't for him spamming every thread on every forum.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
anyone hear of any way for players without shard shields to get their party loot to their home shard? (i have a shield, but many people do not)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Players without shard shields either need to trust someone that has them to do the Xfer or buy their own xfer token. I've heard too many ppl get burned by the people transferring things for them to trust this but some people are still honest.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Players without shard shields either need to trust someone that has them to do the Xfer or buy their own xfer token. I've heard too many ppl get burned by the people transferring things for them to trust this but some people are still honest.
lame. thanks.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
anyone hear of any way for players without shard shields to get their party loot to their home shard? (i have a shield, but many people do not)
Ill make a thread when I am bringing things to Atlantic, if you post where you need yours, someone may help you.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The posts on the official page are trying to sell this as if it was a huge success and that there were many many people running all around enjoying themselves. I'll go out on a limb and say there were probably 10-15 "vocal" UO forum players there, and the rest were all multi clienters stocking up on crap to only put up for sale the next day. I would have much rather a "clicky" been put up, hell multiple ones even for the 25th anny. I probably wouldn't have gone to that either though lol.
You can tell if someone is using follow. A few were but they only had one or two in tow. Most toons were moving around. The stationary toons could have been other accounts. But there were at least 5 times more than go to EM events that were moving around. The area was huge and each screen had 50 to 100 moving around. I'm not a fire marshal so I did not count an exact number. When Mesanna put the horse clicky down the screen was instantly full of hundreds of players.

Funny how some people hate when others succeed.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Players without shard shields either need to trust someone that has them to do the Xfer or buy their own xfer token. I've heard too many ppl get burned by the people transferring things for them to trust this but some people are still honest.
Yeah this can be a snag for some players. I think maybe connecting with someone with an overall good reputation is the best bet for anyone without a contact. There are reputable people on the forums for example that I’d say you can trust. Also reputable people from reputable guilds could be an option.

There a definitely a good amount of scammers and stuff in UO but there are also a lot of really helpful people you can trust. If I had shard shields I would love to assist but I’m unable to.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
You can tell if someone is using follow. A few were but they only had one or two in tow. Most toons were moving around. The stationary toons could have been other accounts. But there were at least 5 times more than go to EM events that were moving around. The area was huge and each screen had 50 to 100 moving around. I'm not a fire marshal so I did not count an exact number. When Mesanna put the horse clicky down the screen was instantly full of hundreds of players.

Funny how some people hate when others succeed.
In typical fashion you insult someone who expressed an unpopular opinion. Many many people were there on multiple accounts 4 for me multiple for you i think merlin said 8 multiply that by the number of people there and what he suggested was correct...