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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EDIT: For those new to the thread read this first!
The reason for this thread was to address the market and find ways to fix it. Cheaters simulated a rich large-community driven market that we no longer have. Cheating is not the correct way to fix the market, which was a bad suggestion by me, but there are other ways to fix it!

Being back only a week or two, I can see a huge change in the market.

2 years ago, there were lucrative armor/weapon/jewelry pieces popping up on the forum every day, now you maybe once a week and when it does pop up it's usually not as good.

We have a decent size community of players, but only a small % of which is farming end-game content and a smaller % are doing it with luck suits - factor that in with another % of those players who don't want to sell their items and you end up with a smaller market.

What I'm saying is, where'd all the good loot go? All the richest players bought it all up and aren't selling. All the old pvm multi-boxers (whose names I won't mention) are not farming for this stuff anymore.

I really don't see the harm in having someone multi-boxing PVM content (as long as it's not an EM event.) They're providing top-end pieces for the community that's imo starved atm.

I'm talking about non-afk PVM multi-boxing at non-em events.

The type of stuff I'm talking about is like this:

OK so let's look at another view. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the items are there and they're all on safes that we can't search for. If that's a thing, it should be looked at imo.
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Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
Being back only a week or two, I can see a huge change in the market.

2 years ago, there were lucrative armor/weapon/jewelry pieces popping up on the forum every day, now you maybe once a week and when it does pop up it's usually not as good.

We have a decent size community of players, but only a small % of which is farming end-game content and a smaller % are doing it with luck suits - factor that in with another % of those players who don't want to sell their items and you end up with a smaller market.

What I'm saying is, where'd all the good loot go? All the richest players bought it all up and aren't selling. All the old pvm multi-boxers (whose names I won't mention) are not farming for this stuff anymore.

I really don't see the harm in having someone multi-boxing PVM content (as long as it's not an EM event.) They're providing top-end pieces for the community that's imo starved atm.

I'm talking about non-afk PVM multi-boxing at non-em events.

The type of stuff I'm talking about is like this:

OK so let's look at another view. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the items are there and they're all on safes that we can't search for. If that's a thing, it should be looked at imo.
So at first it crashed the armor/weapon/jewelry market (pieces worth a few plat were selling under 500m) and now that prices should be going back up because of the crack down on cheating you want the cheaters to come back to keep farming again?



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So at first it crashed the armor/weapon/jewelry market (pieces worth a few plat were selling under 500m) and now that prices should be going back up because of the crack down on cheating you want the cheaters to come back to keep farming again?
lol what pieces? I've yet to see anything pop up being worth 500m+

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You do understand that you are free to go do those spawns to get your own gear, you do not need multiboxers to do it for you.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You do understand that you are free to go do those spawns to get your own gear, you do not need multiboxers to do it for you.
Oh, already am, I've been forced to by the trash market we now have.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
By chance did it ever occure to you that those pieces were not suppose to be as prevalent as they are? Also I hope you realize that because they became so common it made crafted gear even less sought after. The consequences of something is not always readily noticable or seen. I think this is the case here.


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
lol what pieces? I've yet to see anything pop up being worth 500m+
It's referenced a bit here [Discussion] - I think we've finally reached it..., obviously there's other factors but the multiboxing farmers pretty much killed the armor/weapon/jewelry back in early 2016... rare pieces selling for a few plat back then could barely get 500m today because of the market being over saturated. Now that Mesanna has started to ban these multiboxers, they seem to be hiding and either holding or no longer getting those rare pieces... hence your dilemma


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a market. It's just not as readily available as it once was.
I mean just by comparing what it was and what it is, "not as readily available" is an understatement imo but I understand what you're getting at.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I mean just by comparing what it was and what it is, "not as readily available" is an understatement imo but I understand what you're getting at.
The big problem for all this unfortunatly lies heavily on the dev team. It should have been noticed and taken care of long before now.


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
To be honest maybe a simple change to auction safes could make a huge difference, like making them "vendor searchable"
This has been mentioned more than once and I think the dev's are considering it, just not sure if it's possible or if it is when it would be implemented


UO Pacific News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
Aren't we players just hilarious...first the complaint is...they never ban cheaters. Then they ban the cheaters. Then people whine, where's all the cheap farmed loot? So have these disciplinary measures lead to an improvement in anyone's game experience or did they just cost UO a bunch of paid accounts and cause an increase in the cost and scarcity of good loot? Even so, why not go get some of that loot for yourself and make a nice profit on it?

Lady CaT

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Being back only a week or two, I can see a huge change in the market.

2 years ago, there were lucrative armor/weapon/jewelry pieces popping up on the forum every day, now you maybe once a week and when it does pop up it's usually not as good.

We have a decent size community of players, but only a small % of which is farming end-game content and a smaller % are doing it with luck suits - factor that in with another % of those players who don't want to sell their items and you end up with a smaller market.

What I'm saying is, where'd all the good loot go? All the richest players bought it all up and aren't selling. All the old pvm multi-boxers (whose names I won't mention) are not farming for this stuff anymore.

I really don't see the harm in having someone multi-boxing PVM content (as long as it's not an EM event.) They're providing top-end pieces for the community that's imo starved atm.

I'm talking about non-afk PVM multi-boxing at non-em events.

The type of stuff I'm talking about is like this:

OK so let's look at another view. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the items are there and they're all on safes that we can't search for. If that's a thing, it should be looked at imo.
Its called supply and demand. If the supply gets restricted and prices go up then people will likely start hunting those pieces again to sell. Our guild takes brand new players to Shadowguard, Corgul, Pit, or countless other keyed bosses and spawns during the week. High end jewelry/equipment drops all the time. In fact, I often look at the loot that guild members and myself simply leave behind on corpses not bothering to loot at all. Lots of high end equipment pieces/gold are simply never even looted. Mostly because a lot of the veterans don't need or care to be bothered with selling it anymore.

Another possible explanation is maybe with all the new people returning with EJ a lot of that high end jewelry/equipment is actually being bought or given to them. And that is why you are seeing less of it in search?

But in either case. What ever the reason for you being unable to find less high end equipment on your shard. It is hardly an argument to allow multiboxing. Having players start using a computer to control the actions of multiple characters to gain an advantage over the game AI is just another form of unbalancing encounters. So in response would we like the developers to take possible multiboxing into account? Increase boss hitpoints even more so encounters take a lot longer even with several multiboxing players? Increase damage bosses do even more to help take out more multiboxed characters? Maybe start auto killing a percentage of all pets and players in an encounter to help counter the multiboxing? There will always be clever people looking for some sort of advantage over other players or the in game AI. But is that really the road we want to head down? Do you want to have to buy several computers just so you can control enough accounts and characters to possibly have a chance to survive in UO? I'm sure the developers can accommodate. Will your equipment/jewelry be high end enough then? This is all an exaggeration of course but I'm hoping you see my point.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I think its the opposite. 2 years ago when roof was newer, people were paying good gold for items that are considered "decent" by today's standards. I used to be able to unload a lot of my legendary rings/bracelets and any eater armor with LMC. Now, people only look for the highest end stuff because the market is flooded with decent items.

I'm doing roof runs everyday and its definitely much harder to make the same amount of gold than I used to.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even so, why not go get some of that loot for yourself and make a nice profit on it?
I used to be one of those multi-boxers and I'm also farming now.

EDIT: I have a problem with the whole differences between multi-clienting and multi-boxing. Exactly what I did was control multiple characters to kill a monster so that increased loot would drop. That is all, call it cheating if you want to idc.

I also had a thread containing a database of the gear I had so people could search through it and find what they need for their suit (Mixed Lot - ⚞ SiBbLe's Armory ⚟ (database of over 5000 items))

I just don't see any of the items popping up for sale anymore which is really the reason I posted to begin with. Granted, @Fridgster stated they do just not as much as they used to or as much as I'd like to see.

Or maybe people just don't want to sell their goodies anymore, who knows. The market has changed that's one thing that is for sure, whether it's a positive or a negative depends on the person who you talk to I guess.
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lots of high end equipment pieces/gold are simply never even looted. Mostly because a lot of the veterans don't need or care to be bothered with selling it anymore.
Wow really? I don't know how I feel about that I mean, I guess to each his/her own but by leaving that behind don't you think there's people in the community that could find those items useful and have the money to spend?

Another possible explanation is maybe with all the new people returning with EJ a lot of that high end jewelry/equipment is actually being bought or given to them. And that is why you are seeing less of it in search?
Yes I do think new people returning probably has something to do with it

But in either case. What ever the reason for you being unable to find less high end equipment on your shard. It is hardly an argument to allow multiboxing. Having players start using a computer to control the actions of multiple characters to gain an advantage over the game AI is just another form of unbalancing encounters.
Ya you've made good points I agree


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used to be able to unload a lot of my legendary rings/bracelets and any eater armor with LMC. Now, people only look for the highest end stuff because the market is flooded with decent items.
I can agree with this, because it's what I'm doing.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
I can somehow get sibble's Point .

The Market got completely trashed because the number of accounts used for a certain kind of farming went through the roof on one side which lowered the value of basically 90℅ of all legendaries in the range of 1-10m but also on the other side they messed with the content.

I was doing tmaps roof exodus on a bigger scale and I could see the amount of higher end legendaries went down hard also I could see that profit I made from selling those items is hardly worth the time.

Before now someone starts to bring up that "this is a game" and bla bla.
My profession in Uo is being a merchant .
I acquire buy and sell stuff. That is what makes me fun. And yes I also play when I hunt.

So as bad as it went after the the boxing exploded as bad as it will be now to get end game gear...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was doing tmaps roof exodus on a bigger scale and I could see the amount of higher end legendaries went down hard also I could see that profit I made from selling those items is hardly worth the time.
I do remember seeing a drop in the quality of loot


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya I think I went about this thread the wrong way, I had a point but reaching it was done incorrectly.

Let me put it this way...

One of the biggest suppliers two years ago was:
1) An Advisor
2) Multiboxing
3) Unattended Macroing
I'm not going to get into how I know this either but let me assure you they were no friend of mine and I had nothing to do with it. Getting rid of the advisor systems is one of the best things they did to this game, from all that I knew was going on there was probably so much more that I didn't know about.

Now hell no I don't agree with this actually it made me mad as hell... but he was feeding a market that ate it all up, those items went to sale and were bought with *probably mostly* legitimately earned gold.

Now that all these people who were multiboxing are no longer doing it, the market has changed drastically. Saying that multiboxing should be allowed because of it was a mistake on my part. There must be other ways to fix the market.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I don't understand the problem even on my Dead Origin there are lots of over priced arties for sale ??

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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This thread has been heavily cleaned up. Please keep future posts about the topic itself, not accusing people of trolling, being cheaters, whining etc.



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh boy, no more scripter's that sucks, guess i have to use some of the cheap ingots iv'e bought over the year (3m++ ingots in various colors), i hope i don't run out before scripting gets backs to normal..
What a sad day #mecry

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can somehow get sibble's Point .

The Market got completely trashed
Trashed or starting to return to what it should have been in the first place? Did it ever occur to you that the market was actually trashed because of scripting and multi-boxing? That the game is starting to move to where it should be on these markets? The OP's perspective on this is misplaced, as is yours.


Stratics Veteran
The funny part of all of this is when you find out that one of the biggest scripter and mutiboxer has become part of the EM team and top of that they sell all the best items on the auction safes at luna....
But I won't mention any names because they will recognize themselves .
Good job letting the scripters become EM

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
Trashed or starting to return to what it should have been in the first place? Did it ever occur to you that the market was actually trashed because of scripting and multi-boxing? That the game is starting to move to where it should be on these markets? The OP's perspective on this is misplaced, as is yours.
as much as i want to call you names now.... obviousely you got issues with reading.....

"The Market got completely trashed because the number of accounts used for a certain kind of farming went through the roof on one side which lowered the value of basically 90℅ of all legendaries in the range of 1-10m but also on the other side they messed with the content."

-> what i said is excactly what you try to lecture me now....
if you cant identify "number of accounts used for a certain kind of farming went through the roof" as scripting/boxing which caused "which lowered the value of basically 90℅ of all legendaries in the range of 1-10m" then you better get back to shame and kill some earth elementals and get your 1m legendaries....

i dont want to defend scripting, i only share 1 point with scribble. it will be very hard to get high end items as the drop rate of those was very small even WITH scripting, maybe 1 in a couple 100 or even less.

YES you are right the market will recover to a certain point. BUT what people like you dont understand is how big the actual damage is. those people you hate so much have 10s of thousands of items in the range between 5m and 1p they even throw out 1-5m pieces and let them decay because they are too much and not good enough.

guess what they will do now when the supply of end game gear is now going down? they will sell the remaining pieces for crazy amounts. you will not find thise stuff on VS or Safes. which will lead into more people buying gold or pay with cash.

in my opinion the size of the damage done is much more than you or 95% of the people even thought it can be.
but hey what that stupid german know right? well i know most of them good enough that i nearly joined their "adventures" on several occasions. but there is a good reason why i did not...

i also tell you one thing, script or bot farming and duping exists since someone found out how to do it.... the problem is the scale otherweise no one would give a **** or even recognize it as such.
i also tell you alone the fact that something can be done means it WILL be done it does makes a difference if its good or evil.

so dont lecture me again about that topic as compared to me you have no clue what is going on here. you just "sheep around" and follow the complain fraction and shout yeah ban the bag guys then all will be ok again...

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The fact that you want to call me names speaks volumes about you. Thats your issue not mine.

you said:

How exactly? His point was ...
Follow Sibble's link (post #19) where he admits to cheating and you will understand why he wants to multibox again. I also like you love how some people try to defend his actions even in the smallest degree. Sellers will sell their items for what ever the buyers are willing to pay is the reason the prices went through the roof.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
The fact that you want to call me names speaks volumes about you. Thats your issue not mine.

you said:

How exactly? His point was ...
his point is that he is worried about the market which definately will miss a lot of affordable items for everyone. not even thinking about actually good items...

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
The fact that you want to call me names speaks volumes about you. Thats your issue not mine.
the only thing it says is that people like you are too focused on on the "bad guy" but dont consider the the bigger picture. and thats the issue of us all.

the devs did not dealt with the issues in time which brought us into the situation and the fact that they are doing it now will hurt the market again and affects all players who dont have billions to spend for good armor.
in my opinion the best thing we could do is damage control and that you wont achieve with simply banning all people who did bad stuff in the past.

the better option would be to adjust events, spawns and regulate scripting with ground rules (so that it will not escalate like it did) and allow people to actually use some kind of automation to safe time. the world is changing everything is happening faster we are not in 2000 anymore where most of us were still in school which left us a lot of time to play. people dont have time to grind for hours for some materials or items.

seing everything black and white is a problem.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
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the only thing it says is that people like you are too focused on on the "bad guy" but dont consider the the bigger picture. and thats the issue of us all.

I'm a big picture guy.

Delete the bad system.

Trammel. :p

After that, none of this is an issue or even matters. I truthfully don't bother with this level of detail, or worrying about this area, because it is only 1 tiny symptom of the whole mess.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How exactly? His point was ...
That was my original point which has changed to something like "there's other ways to handle a broken market"

Which this market is indeed, broken.

Trashed or starting to return to what it should have been in the first place? Did it ever occur to you that the market was actually trashed because of scripting and multi-boxing?
The same could be said the other way around. Global loot was implemented, whose to say that it's right or wrong? Whose to say that the higher end items aren't dropping enough? Not 1 person complained about the market back then or the items or where the items were coming from - that was the market then... Now in this market, I'm complaining and I'm posting about it and I'm sure there are other people out there who don't like the current state of the market.

How about you, are you happy with the market? Didn't you say you're not even playing now? How is it possible that someone who doesn't play has an opinion on what the armor/weapon/jewelry market should/shouldn't be? If you're not even playing then you really have no idea where this is coming from.

The market got changed drastically from a rich, high-end "get what you need" market to now low end. So basically all the "good times" are done with, the rich got their armor (and they won't be selling it) and new/returning players will be running around trying to compete in PVP with people whose gear is virtually unobtainable.

The armor/weapon/jewelry market is player-driven - meaning the less people in your community the smaller your market is going to be.

We had cheaters simulate a rich market that would reflect a much larger community.

These items weren't hacked into the game, they were dropped by monsters killed by people who were multi-boxing. So what I'm getting at is maybe the high-end loot needs to drop more now.

Follow Sibble's link (post #19) where he admits to cheating and you will understand why he wants to multibox again.
Your problem is assumption buddy you think you got me figured out from a couple lines of text on a forum you must not know how the internet works. You don't know me and you have no idea what my motivation is. My number one reason for posting on this forum first and always will be to help the community.

The market for armor/weapons/jewelry is dead and that's not going to help anyone. I'll do what you do and assume.... maybe you don't care about it cause you don't leave Trammel or you sit at Luna Bank all day and have less of a need for high end loot because you don't have anyone to compete with. From an actual PVPers pov, I'm saying that because of the huge market change there's people running around with unobtainable gear which then causes things like an imbalance in PVP.

For the record I do PVP and I'm doing it across multiple shards.

Finley, he admitted to cheating, ultimately his point is that he wants cheating allowed in PvM so Uber items are available. this is wrong on a couple of levels, hopefully you can see this.
I said in one of my previous posts that cheating is no way to fix anything and that it was a bad idea. The point to this thread was to address the market and try to find a way to fix it. My original post kinda reflects that.
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Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Market is just fine, the pieces you are talking about shouldn't be readily available that's why they are top end. your post plainly says:
I really don't see the harm in having someone multi-boxing PVM content (as long as it's not an EM event.) They're providing top-end pieces for the community that's imo starved atm.
Which means you want the Devs to allow multiboxing to bring more high end pieces to the game. If you are retracting that and are now saying that you don't want them to allow Multiboxing in PvM content I would suggest starting a new thread altogether and start it out with something like:

"Looking for group of like minded individuals to form a guild on Shard X for the purpose of farming high end pieces while wearing luck suits. No hax or cheats allowed, PM me if interested" then maybe posters won't assume you want Multiboxing allowed for PvM.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Market is just fine, the pieces you are talking about shouldn't be readily available that's why they are top end. your post plainly says:
So you're basically going to copy/paste my original opinion (which has changed, and posted all over the thread, which you're ignoring.)

If you read my original post thoroughly you can clearly see that this thread is intended to address the market, and not so much the multi-boxing. The entire original post discusses the market and there's 1 opinion on how to fix it. That opinion has changed.

I'll go ahead and reiterate for you once again.

Cheating is not the way to fix anything. The market has changed and in my opinion it has changed for the worse. There are ways to fix this sort of thing.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So you're basically going to copy/paste my original opinion (which has changed, and posted all over the thread, which you're ignoring.)

If you read my original post thoroughly you can clearly see that this thread is intended to address the market, and not so much the multi-boxing. The entire original post discusses the market and there's 1 opinion on how to fix it. That opinion has changed.

I'll go ahead and reiterate for you once again.

Cheating is not the way to fix anything. The market has changed and in my opinion it has changed for the worse. There are ways to fix this sort of thing.
Not ignoring it, just pointing out that it was not the way to start out and that you should really find a better way to go at this.

If you read my original post thoroughly you can clearly see that this thread is intended to address the market,
and i addressed that point, the market does not need to be flooded with high end loot, it will make it the norm and people will stop having something to shoot for.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL who knew......I have been throwing any antique stuff like the picture the OP posted out every time. I still only keep clean Items with no negatives, occasionally a brittle piece but never prized antique or cursed or negative luck. How long does a antique item last on a highly active player?

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL who knew......I have been throwing any antique stuff like the picture the OP posted out every time. I still only keep clean Items with no negatives, occasionally a brittle piece but never prized antique or cursed or negative luck. How long does a antique item last on a highly active player?
quite a while actually, had a piece on Siege that was used constantly (Siege Blessed) that is still at half durability sfter 2 years


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A confessed cheat complaining that the law is now being enforced.
I don't believe what I was doing is cheating:
Bringing multiple characters to a monster so that loot would be increased.
That's all I was doing.

Being a member to the community makes my opinions relevant.